This comfortable smart shirt can measure your heart rate

  • Time:Mar 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Rice University researchers have developed flexible carbon nanotube fibers that are able to collect accurate EKG and heart rate readings when woven into fabric. The new material is soft as cotton, yet strong. It's also electrically conductive as a number of metals and may be the future of wearable devices.

These fibers can be worn and washed like normal clothing, and are less likely to break when the body is on the move. But how does it work?

The researchers reported that tests confirmed that the tissue of these fibers was better at collecting data than a standard chest strap monitor, and better than monitors that rely on electrodes at taking an electrocardiogram.

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The clothing consists of a conductive nanotube thread that is woven into ordinary clothing.

"The shirt has to be snug against the chest," Rice graduate student Lauren Taylor and lead author of the study said in a statement. ".

Carbon nanotube fibers were first developed by engineer Matteo Pasquale in the Rice University School of Engineering. His lab has since studied many applications for the fibers including their use to repair damaged heart tissue, as electrical interfaces with the brain, for use in cochlear implants, and for automotive and aerospace applications.

At first, the fibers were too thin for a sewing machine to handle, and Taylor, who initially tried to weave the thread by hand but struggled a lot, said, “We worked with someone who sells small machines designed to make ropes for ships to develop for us a medium-sized machine that does the thing. Same with these delicate fibers."

The fibers are sewn in a zigzag stitching pattern that allows the fabric to stretch without breaking. The fibers could run on many future applications such as automobiles, robotics, health monitoring devices or in military clothing.