The threat of the use of force and maneuvers of the Egyptian army to occupy the ports of Misurata and Sirte Keywords

  • Time:Apr 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Cairo - Al-Quds Al-Arabi: Despite the severe drop in temperatures and the Meteorological Authority's call for citizens to wear heavy clothes, and other waves of lower temperatures, severe winds and dust storms, the hottest events in the Arab region, Iran, America and Egypt overshadowed them, the newspapers were busy The Egyptian issued on Saturday and Sunday, January 4 and 5, stated that America assassinated the commander of the Quds Force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, General Qassem Soleimani, and the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Authority in Iraq, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, after their car left Baghdad International Airport, and US President Trump announced that There are others that America will target, and Iran threatens with military strikes inside it, if it takes any action against the Americans and their interests. At the same time, the Iranian leader, Khamenei, threatened America with a violent response.

Everyone is wondering about the size and location of the Iranian response, and will it be inside Iraq and against the Americans? Or by its arms in Yemen by the Houthis? Or Hezbollah in Lebanon against Israel? Or hit the oil refineries in the Arab Gulf countries? The important thing is that the newspapers were filled with general concern, fearing that Egypt would suffer repercussions of reactions, at least in slowing down the tourism movement, which is witnessing a great boom. As for Egypt, President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi raised the temperature with an indirect warning to Turkish President Erdogan, in response to the approval of Parliament Sending forces to Libya, to help the government of Fayez al-Sarraj in Tripoli, and the indirect response was of a very heavy kind, as the naval forces formed the inclusion of the Gamal Abdel Nasser helicopter carrier, a French Mitral type surrounded by the accompanying combat group of frigates and missile launchers, and a German submarine. Modern Type 209, anti-submarine launchers, and a wide range of air forces of bombers, fighters and helicopters, and carried out a sea landing operation to occupy bridgeheads on the coast, in preparation for the arrival of ground forces. The security forces and the army continued their plan to guard churches and public institutions so that the Christmas celebrations could pass today, Monday, for our Coptic Orthodox brothers in peace, and President Sisi is keen to attend the mass in the church, and the celebration will be in the New Administrative Capital Church. Increasing the amount allocated to granting loans to them to overcome cases of default, from fifty billion pounds to one hundred billion pounds. Others were interested in the Administrative Control Authority arresting the head of the Tax Authority, Abdel Azim Hussein Abdel Azim, red-handed for receiving bribes.. and to what we have..


The painter Amr Selim in “Al-Masry Al-Youm” told us that he saw a citizen who bought the calendar for the new year 2020 from a shop, but he returned it to him after he saw a person carrying a newspaper whose title warned of the atmosphere of war in the Middle East. Me 2019 again!

Crisis management

We begin with the most prominent publications about the possibilities of war with Turkey, if it implements its threat to send forces to Libya to support the Government of National Accord in Tripoli. The presidency is managing the Libyan crisis politically and diplomatically, pointing out that the Egyptian moves come after Erdogan’s decision to intervene militarily in Libya, and hint that it falls within the Ottoman legacy, which means that Turkey has adhered to the requirements of Egyptian national security. The political and diplomatic moves led by President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi are aimed at avoiding military escalation and tension in Libya, as well as avoiding a direct confrontation with Turkey. Let it be known that if a real and tangible Turkish intervention took place in Libya, the Egyptian armed forces would not stand idly by and would confront it.” At the highest levels internationally, he made contacts with US Presidents Donald Trump, Russian Vladimir Putin, French President Manuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister and Greek Prime Minister, in addition to the Cypriot President. The President also spoke to European Union officials. European countries have interests in Libya, and some of them have ambitions, especially since Libya has an abundance of oil, and has beaches stretching on the Mediterranean, and it is rich in natural gas and oil wealth. He pointed out that the abundance of oil at the present time makes it necessary to search for gas in the waters of the Mediterranean, but in the future it will seek to benefit from these wealth. Italy is one of the largest influential countries in Libya, especially as it is the closest geographically to it, in addition to that it considers itself the old colonizer, and it has large companies operating in Libya, and there are old and wide relations between the two countries. It is also the most suffering from the phenomenon of illegal immigration emanating from the Libyan coast, and therefore Egypt is working with Italy to find political solutions to the crisis, and not to escalate it or increase tension, if there is a Turkish military intervention in it in favor of the Government of National Accord. France also has great interests in Libya, as it played the main role in toppling the regime of Muammar Gaddafi, then catching and killing him, and it is not in France's interest for Erdogan to intervene militarily in Libya. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi announced it clearly and frankly, that in the event of Turkey’s intervention in Libya, Egypt will not stand idly by, and that there are intentions for an active Egyptian intervention against any foreign forces that will come to Libya.

provocative behavior

“Akhbar Al-Youm” published a recent interview with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Library of Alexandria and Director of the Office of former President Hosni Mubarak, Dr. Mustafa El-Feki, conducted with him by Mahmoud Bassiouni, where he demanded Egypt to take a strict position on Turkey, and criticized the positions of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, which take an unfriendly position on Egypt. Turkey’s sending of military forces to Libya is a provocative act that does not come from a sane and conscious administration, and it moves against the will of the Libyan people and its neighbors, and Egypt will not accept that and will act according to its higher interests, as it cannot accept the presence of foreign forces on our western borders, accompanying them. Terrorist groupings are mercenaries, and in general, the threat of force is one of the attempts to pressure countries, and I think that Erdogan represents a real problem. Many think that we have a problem with the Turkish people, or with the Turkish state, and this is not true. The problem is one person, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was considered the general secretary of the international organization of the terrorist Brotherhood, and I heard that since 2007 when he was Prime Minister for Turkey. The Arab countries are not at the heart of one man in North Africa. Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco act with purely “national” motives, and do not realize the real dangers of the Turkish presence in Libya, and they are motivated by feelings that are not compatible with the Egyptian position, and the matter requires them to review their positions, at the same time. We must not hold the Arab League responsible, for it is the result of the wills of the Arab countries, and the majority condemned the intervention, but there are other countries that see otherwise, and the League cannot impose anything on them. Libya is an Egyptian national security issue, and a red line, and no matter who is the ruler in Egypt, we cannot be lenient in such a matter, because Egypt will not bear the fall of Libya, God forbid, under the Turkish sphere of influence, and Egypt is required to take a very strict position in Libya and it cannot Nobody can contradict it.”

The Ring of Fire surrounds Egypt

In Al-Shorouk, Khaled Sayed Ahmed stressed the dangers surrounding the Arab region after America assassinated Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and the possibility of a war in the Gulf that would affect us, then the Turkish danger on our western borders in Libya, stressing the need for Egypt to defend its interests. Provided that it does not fall into a trap that is being orchestrated for it, he said: “The Turkish move that was expected, Cairo responded with unmistakable messages, as the National Security Council met under the chairmanship of President Sisi to discuss a number of vital issues related to the current regional and international situations, including “current developments.” related to the Libyan crisis, and the threats arising from foreign military intervention in Libya, where a set of measures were identified at various levels, to address any threat to Egyptian national security,” according to a statement by the presidential spokesman, Turkey’s entry into the region threatens Egypt’s economic interests in the areas of the vast gas wealth in The eastern Mediterranean, in which many estimates indicate that the volume of natural gas reserves, which can be extracted from the sea, is about 122 trillion cubic feet, which makes this region coveted by all powers, especially Turkey. You don't want to unfairly get a piece of the wealth cake, on average. Great challenges impose themselves on the decision-maker in Egypt, and initially call for popular solidarity behind his leadership, to support its decisions related to confronting these crises, and secondly, to deal with great wisdom with their expected repercussions, in order to overcome the ring of fire that surrounds us, and to defend our interests and national security with all Possible means, whether political or non-political, and without being drawn into a trap or trap that may be set up for our country.

Request for supplies

In the delegation, Alaa Oreibi called on Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE to intervene to supply the Libyan army with weapons and experts, and then direct military intervention in implementation of the Joint Arab Defense Agreement, after obtaining a green light from America. He said: “There are many steps that we must follow and take first, and some of them can To reduce the state of tension and defuse direct confrontation. One of these steps is to work for the Arab countries to withdraw their recognition of the Government of National Accord, and for the Arab League to issue a similar decision, because it is not logical to ask Western countries to condemn the Government of National Accord and withdraw its recognition, and we recognize it. The Arab countries must issue individual decisions, and then the Arab group will issue a majority decision. These decisions will besiege reconciliation and put it in Arab isolation, which will encourage the Libyan citizen to oppose it and confront Turkish interference in his country. It will also make Western countries reconsider their positions on the Government of National Accord, as well as the Security Council and the United Nations. The Arab move through the Arab League, even if it is by a majority, will push the West to change its positions. The second step is to support the Libyan army with military experts and weapons that enable it to confront the Turkish intervention, provided that some Arab countries participate in providing the Libyan army with advanced weapons, especially the Gulf countries, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, in case the situation worsens and Egypt and the Arab countries obtain a light Green from America and Western governments, the Arab League activates the common defense clauses, and an Arab force is formed from some countries, especially from the air force, and it hits some sites and equipment. Some people escalate the situation and push the country into wars and direct confrontation on Libyan soil, and preparing public opinion and directing it towards confrontation, the country enters into a crisis that can be remedied. We must be wise and watch the international situation and the steps Erdogan takes on the ground before thinking about mobilizing, shipping and raising the flags of war.”

Investing in industry and technology

التلويح باستخدام القوة ومناورات للجيش المصري لاحتلال مينائي مصراتة وسرت كلمات مفتاحية

And to the government and its ministers, and Jalal Aref’s praise in “Akhbar Al-Youm” for its plans to restart the stalled and faltering private factories for financial reasons, by granting them loans to their owners. At the same time, calling for giving a strong impetus to the culture sector, he said: “There is something hopeful about efforts to support and modernize the national industry, and the matter here is not limited to saving factories and restarting them, but extends to putting the industry in its supposed position, as a basic locomotive for development, and creating an atmosphere that gives priority To invest in industry and technology, after years when business meant importing at the expense of the national industry, and in the midst of these efforts, I hope that culture will be present, and I do not mean here only the general meaning of a culture that favors everything we make with our hands, but also that culture is present as a heavy industry that we give priority the maximum, and the required support, and we realize that what we invest in it is the most durable and best for the country and the citizen.”

adulterated goods

And to the social media and the profits it achieves from selling fraudulent goods and the fact that the ads published on its sites are not subject to taxes, which the government recently noticed, and a bill was presented in the House of Representatives to hold it accountable, and Nora Fakhri told us about it on “The Seventh Day” by saying: “The Communications Committee agreed And technology in the House of Representatives headed by Representative Ahmed Badawi, in principle, on a bill to issue the “electronic transactions” law submitted by Representative Atef Nasser, and more than 60 deputies. The new law would set strict controls to protect citizens from electronic fraud, which they may fall into, while conducting electronic commercial transactions, as it will include clear mechanisms for purchasing, ensuring safe handling of goods, returning them in the event of any damage, and facing the chaos of fraudulent products that It is promoted to citizens on “Social Media” sites and controls the system of electronic commercial transactions and related advertisements.

till when?

Therefore, there was no justification for Amani Dergham’s anger in Al-Akhbar, who said: “How long will Facebook and Twitter ads remain tax-free in Egypt? Internet advertisements are subject to laws in most countries of the world. Is it because the law is late in Parliament? Or is it because there is a lack of state rights collection from giant companies that earn millions daily from behind the Egyptian people, who are available online day and night.” Mega Projects

And to the battles and responses, and it will be first in “Al-Masry Al-Youm” and its former editor-in-chief Muhammad Al-Sayed Saleh, who mocked the naivety of the current religious discourse, and pointed to the disruption of the project of the path of the Holy Family in Egypt, and expressed his fear that the reason might be security and said: “The announcer was on Quran Radio. Al-Karim calls for goodness, progress and prosperity for Egypt and the Egyptians in the new Gregorian year, preceded by an Azhari scholar who issued a fatwa on the air permitting the celebration of the New Year, but without extravagance, as well as the permissibility of congratulating the Coptic brothers on Christmas holidays. With the matter being repeated to my ears in more than one official way last week, I felt both annoyance and anger. It is more correct that we move beyond this trivial discourse, which aims to differentiate by elevating the values ​​of citizenship, justice and law enforcement, and not officially descending to their level, instead of these exaggerations that do not convince citizens, Whether they are Muslims or Christians, let us focus on activating ideas and projects that benefit all of us, and that we are Egyptians, there is no difference between us in any case, we believe in one God, but we have many means to Him, and that we are all from the fabric of this earth. Our genes are one, not representing the proportion of immigrants who come to us from The Arabian Peninsula during the Islamic conquest of more than five percent, at most, and we did not know the differences and separations between us for many centuries, until colonization caused a limited rift, then the cracks increased due to the incoming Bedouin culture. I wish we could teach our children the chapters of our history honestly and impartially in the educational curricula, without exaggerations or omissions. Our modern history is falsified, the Pharaonic is sloppy, and the Coptic is completely absent and by an active act. I wish the officials would reconsider that. Almost four years ago, I followed, like others, reports on the path of the Holy Family in Egypt and that it would be the greatest project with its great cultural and religious benefits, and of course it would generate tens of billions for Egypt annually. Talks about the project revitalized with the visit of Pope Francis to Egypt in April 2017, and attention shifted to the outside media and to prominent Christian voices in the Vatican and major capitals. Planning and promotion of the project began at home and abroad, then the project was disrupted, and we no longer hear anything about it! I hope that the security lawsuits or “concerns” are not what worked to freeze him, and that his fate will not be similar to the “Al-Bayt Path in Egypt” project, for which the advocates and enthusiasts of which were investigated by the Minister of Antiquities, who is currently the Minister of Tourism, and who is primarily responsible for moving the project I wish it would be presented to the world with the opening of the Egyptian Museum, or on the centenary of the discovery of Tutankhamun next year, with such major projects, and not with primitive propaganda speeches, to prove to the world that we are a civilized and safe people.”

shameful picture

And to the problems and criticisms, where the incident of harassment in the city of Mansoura dominated the news, and Murid Sobhi said about her in Al-Ahram: “A student is going out for a walk with her friend, and according to eyewitnesses, that while she was walking on Al-Gomhoria Street in Mansoura, some young men harassed her, and because the harassment A disgusting infection, someone had dared touch her body because of her short clothes, and this was the spark that ignited animal instincts and desires. Dozens of young men ran towards the girl, chasing after her and racing to touch her body, as appeared in the videos posted on social media, until they tore her clothes in the public road, Amid hysterical cries from the victim, she was helpless, according to the words of the witnesses, who also confirmed that many failed to save the girl, and were satisfied with watching only, and others were tempted by the incident to photograph the minute details from the street and from the balconies of the house, until the harassment party ended by pushing the girl inside. A car to save her from the grip of the road wolves who surrounded her, from every side as a prey that must be devoured. This incident constitutes a scandalous act on the public road, terrorism for every woman and girl, whose clothes may not appeal to such people, or their saliva to be eaten, and the response of the public security sector in the Ministry of Interior was in this heinous crime, and whether the girl files a report or not, the trial These wolves are a popular demand to remove this shameful image of Egypt’s youth, so if a girl wears short clothes or a banner does not make her permissible on the public road, and this is another issue.”

Art is a weapon

It is noteworthy here that such incidents occur, although the maximum penalty for the harasser and rapist may reach life, which prompted a number of members of the House of Representatives, to add more severe financial penalties, and whoever is issued a court ruling against harassment, a box is placed in his national ID card that he is a harasser. “The Seventh Day” published an investigation by Hisham Abdel Jalil and Ahmed Arafa, in which he stated: “Representative Mohamed Ismail said that the penalties for harassment reached life, and this is the maximum penalty, proposing the imposition of fines on harassers up to imprisonment and a fine ranging from 100,000 pounds to 500,000 pounds. Pound, for example. He continued, "The financial fine will limit this phenomenon that has become a threat to society, and which distorts the general mental image taken from the eastern society, which has good qualities, of masculinity, arrogance, magnanimity and nobleness, and this throughout history." Ismail explained that the current law includes heavy penalties, but a fine must be imposed on the harassers, and in the event of the inability to pay, this will be replaced by additional years of imprisonment, provided that the matter includes all who justify the harassers of these heinous acts, justifying or justifying this as a result of the clothes of some girls. The member of the House of Representatives stressed the need for there to be great awareness about the psychological impact on the harasser, and some kind of recommendations represented in staying away from gathering places, and the need for there to be educational awareness, with the application of financial penalties that will make everyone who begs himself to think about this matter. A thousand times before doing it, especially after this phenomenon has become a concern for Egypt recently, and the need for there to be meaningful artworks, and to stay away from works that entrench such acts, and which contain some scenes or indecent words, especially since art is one of the weapons that can be It plays a major role in raising awareness among citizens, working to establish high morals, and shedding light on some cases of harassers who are being punished so that it may serve as an example to others.”

Seeking God's pleasure!

وإلى «المصري اليوم» والكاتب أسامة غريب، الذي اختصر الطريق ووجه اتهاماته المباشرة لأصحاب التيار الديني بالتسبب في مشكلة التحرش والاغتصاب بقوله: «موضوع الفتاة التي تعرّضت للتحرش الجماعي، في مدينة المنصورة يثير أقصى درجات الفزع على هذا المجتمع، الذي يتجه بخطى حثيثة نحو التوحش. المشكلة الكبرى في جريمة التحرش أنها تتم وسط بيئة لم تعد تستنكر هذا الفعل ولا تعتبره جريمة، والأخطر أن التدين الزائف قد حول بعض البشر إلى كلاب مسعورة، لا يشغلها سوى الجنس، بعد أن ترسخ خطاب الدعاة المجرمين في النفوس فأصبح بعض الناس يتطلعون للجنس الجماعي في الجنة، كمكافأة على العمل الصالح في الدنيا. كما أصبح تزويج الطفلة الصغيرة سلوكا إسلاميا حميدا، يقتدي فيه بعض الرجال بالسلف الصالح، ولهذا لا يشعر الرجل الذي يقدم طفلته لحيوان من أصدقائه ممهورة بورقة مأذون، بأنه يساعد على ارتكاب جناية اسمها اغتصاب قاصر، لأنه هو نفسه يتطلع لارتكاب الجريمة نفسها، ابتغاء مرضاة الله، ولعل انتشار أفكار عن أن أكثر أهل النار من النساء، وعن أنهن ناقصات عقل ودين، لعل هذه الأفكار التي عدّها معتنقوها رأي الإله في المرأة، هي التي جعلتهم لا يقيمون كبير وزن لفتاة تصرخ بعد أن أمسكها شاب مكتمل العقل والدين من صدرها في الشارع. عامل إضافي يشجع المحبطين المهانين الأذلاء على نزول الشارع للفتك بأي أنثى عابرة هو إدراكهم أن مكافحة هذه الجريمة ليست أولوية ما داموا لم ينخرطوا في السياسة أو تظهر لهم ميول اهتمام بشؤون الحكم».

السبب ملابسهن!

وفي «الجمهورية» هاجم السيد البابلي الفتاتين واتهمهما بأنهما السبب في ما حدث لارتدائهما ملابس كاشفة وقال: «ومع كل الاحترام وبدون أي مبررات من أي نوع لجرائم التحرش، ومع دعوتنا لتشديد العقوبات على المتحرشين، ومع دفاعنا ايضا عن حرية المرأة كاملة، فإننا مع ذلك نقول إن بعض الفتيات في ملابسهن الفاضحة الكاشفة، وفي حواراتهن التي تخلو من الحياء، إنما يقدمن دعوة مفتوحة للتحرش. التحرش فيه سلوكيات خاطئة تقود لعواقب أخطر».

حاميها حراميها

«وأخيرا إلى عباس الطرابيلي في «الوفد»، الذي هزه الخبر الذي أعلنته هيئة الرقابة الإدارية (أمس) بالقبض على رئيس مصلحة الضرائب، متلبسا عقب حصوله على منافع مادية وعينية على سبيل الرشوة، من بعض المحاسبين القانونيين المتعاملين مع المصلحة التي يرأسها، مقابل تخفيض الضرائب المستحقة عليهم، وبما يؤدي إلى إهدار ملايين الجنيهات من مستحقات الدولة، ويواصل عباس مضيفا، أقول هزني هذا الخبر.. لأن الرجل ليس موظفا عاديا، بل هو رئيس المصلحة، والمسؤول عن تحصيل وحماية أموال الدولة لا أن يهدرها.. بل هو بمثابة رئيس بيت مال الدولة، وأنه المسؤول عن القيمة الأكبر لأموال الدولة، أي أكبر من الجمارك وغيرها، فكيف يسرق هذا المسؤول ما هو مسؤول عنه؟ وإذا كان يمكن أن نقبل أن يرتشي مأمور ضرائب صغير، فربما لحاجة في نفسه، كأن يشتري شقة لابنه، أما أن يرتشي الكبير.. هنا يجيء العجب.. ولا نكتفي أن نقول هنا: حاميها حراميها، لأن القاعدة تقول إنه كبير موظفي الدولة، المسؤول عن حماية المال العام، لا أن يمد يديه هو شخصيا لسرقة هذا المال العام. وهذا الحدث الرهيب ـ عندي – يجعلني أطرح السؤال التالي: لماذا يرتشي الكبار؟ وقد كشفت لنا الأيام السابقة جرائم مماثلة، المتهم فيها وزراء ومحافظون ونواب محافظين.. ورؤساء مدن ورؤساء أحياء.. هل ذلك لحاجة يبغون الحصول عليها؟ أم أن هذا المسؤول الكبير ومن على شاكلته يرى أنه لم يحصل على ما يراه حقا له؟ وقد قاربت خدمته أن تصل إلى نهايتها، وأنه سيخرج «من المولد.. بلا حمص» فلماذا لا يمد يده للمال العام، ويحصل بيديه على مكافأة نهاية الخدمة التي يرى أنه يستحقها؟ ومثل هذا الموظف يجب أن نغوص في أعماقه، لأنه يمد يده وهو كبير، ويعرف خطورة ذلك على سمعته وسمعة كل أسرته، وأي عار سيتركه لهم هذا الموظف ومن على شاكلته، أكيد في داخله لص كبير وقديم، لأن الكبير يعرف نتائج فعلته، وإذا كان قد ارتكب ذلك وهو في نهاية عمره الوظيفي، فلماذا لا يكون قد ارتكب الجريمة نفسها مرات ومرات طوال عمله الوظيفي، ولكنه كان بارعا، في إخفاء جريمته ربما مرات عديدة.. فهل يفعل ذلك انطلاقا من مقولة مال الميري بلا صاحب؟ هنا لابد من إحياء «قانون من أين لك هذا؟» الذي كافحنا من أجل إصداره منذ أوئل الخمسينيات، ولن يبدو أنه بات حبرا على ورق، وأن «البعض» يعمد إلى زيادة ما عنـــده لكي يغطـــي جرائم اعتدائه على المال العام، عند المساءلة، ويجب أن يمتد ذلك ليس إلى زوجته وأولاده فقط، بل إلى كل أقربائه، لأن متعود السرقة يعرف كيف يتحايل على القوانين ويخفي ما يسرقه عن عيون السلطة.. ولو بشراء ذمم بعض الأصدقاء، وربما يكون التحول الرقمي حلا.. ولكنه لن يمنع ذوي النفوس الضعيفة من الاستيلاء على المال العام. ويا سلام لو رفعنا العقوبة حسب درجة الموظف، فمن كانت جريمته وهو رئيس مصلحة أو مدير عام يجب أن تزيد عقوبته عن عقوبة أي موظف صغير.. ما رأي هيئة الرقابة الإدارية».