The spread of "omecron" in Morocco ... shocking numbers about the poor demand for vaccination

  • Time:Aug 07
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Despite the increasing number of injuries to Al -Mutawar Al -Omekron in Morocco, citizens are still playing to go to the centers intended to receive a coffee vaccine, whether it comes to the two main doses or even the reinforced dose.

According to data issued by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, during the past twenty -four hours, about 6 thousand people received the first dose and about 11,000 the second dose and more than 75 thousand third dose, so that the total number of those revised at the last dose is two million and 469 thousand and 432 people, while it is supposed to receive itMore than four million people.

According to the willful ministry, 69 have been vaccinated.9 percent of citizens at the first dose, and 65.2 per cent on the second dose, and only 6.5 percent at the third dose.

Said Mutawakkil, a member of the Scientific Committee against Kofid 19, said that there is a "real slowdown and impasse in the demand for pollination, at a time when the Omekron museum is spreading".


Saeed Afif, a member of the Scientific Committee for IVF against Kofid 19, expressed his concern about the low demand for vaccination, explaining that the Kingdom has the ability to vaccinate 500 thousand citizens in one day, while the number of those coming to receive doses is very weak.

Afif stressed the necessity of vaccination, saying: “The third dose should not be underestimated, and the current stable situation must be exploited in order to accelerate the vaccination process,” noting that the possibility of imposing new pressure, and added: “We do not want to return to tightening the precautionary measures.”.

The Ministry renewed the invitation of all citizens and citizens to continue to respect preventive measures, from wearing a muzzle, maintaining physical divergence, ventilating narrow places, and sterilizing the hands;In addition to the rapid and wide engagement of adults and children in the national vaccination campaign.

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection announced, on Tuesday evening, that 27 new confirmed cases have been recorded in the new museum, "omekron";And that since the confirmation of the first injury on Wednesday, December 15th.

Thus, the total number of confirmed cases becomes 28 cases, distributed between 13 cases in the Casablanca region of Settat, 11 cases in the direction of Rabat Salé Quneitra, and 4 cases in the region of Fez Meknes.

As for the nature of these confirmed cases, 20 of them were registered in the framework of 7 family foci, in addition to 8 isolated cases;5 of which were children between the ages of 4 and 13 years.