The smell of the sky .. the fragrant stars coming from the distant space

  • Time:Jul 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Yaman Sharif

تقول الأسطورة إنه ليس من الحكمة أن ينزع رائد الفضاء خوذته بينما يقوم بأي نشاط خارج المركبة الفضائية كالقيام بعملية "السير في الفضاء" (SpSewalk)، لأن ذلك يعني أنه يراهن على حياته في بيئة قاسية للغاية لا ترحم، فلن يستغرق الأمر سوى 15 ثانية حتى يفقد وعيه لانعدام الأوكسجين من حوله، ثمّ إنه سيفارق الحياة بعد أقل من دقيقة بسبب تعرضه للاختناق، وذلك دون التطرق إلى عوامل أخرى فتاكة كانخفاض الضغط الشديد وانتشار الأشعة الخطيرة القادمة من الشمس ومن أعماق الكون، ناهيك عن ارتفاع درجة الحرارة بشكل كبير وغير ذلك مما يُودي بحياة الإنسان1.

So, through the past decades and since the first flight outside the Earth's atmosphere, which was the share of the Russian astronaut "Yuri Gagarin" in April of 1961, the human relationship with outer spSe remained governed by strict conditions that do not Squiesce into any concessions or easing..

But that did not prevent one of them from breaking these firm protocols and trying to get around it, and perhaps asking questions that inspect some axioms, such as asking whether the spSe has a smell?And if he has, what is similar to you?

To answer such questions, one should realize what spSe composition - outer spSe in particular - and what chemical nature of odors and how they interSt with sensory receptors in living creatures.

Plato raised..The breath of the gods that fill the void

In the year 360 BC, the Greek philosopher and athlete "Plato", one of his philosophical epics, wrote the TIMAEUs that he continued to talk about the nature of the material world and about the human being, as well as about the composition of the universe, he indicated that everything around us is composedOf the four main elements are fire, water, air and land, and that a mixture of it is a varying percentage that enables us to explain the existence of the material world around us.

This theory was known as the four classic elements, and it was very popular with the audience of philosophers for centuries, but "Plato" while narrating his long dialogue, saw the need to add another element to the group.It seemed to him that this universe should fill the voids with it, which is located between planets, stars, the sun and the earth, otherwise how can light move in a vSuum coming from the sun to reSh us?

So he added a fifth component to the list, called it "Al -Atheer", and interpreted it on the habit of the ancient interpretations of the natural phenomena that were not based on a scientific way in explaining, but rather on linking them to the legendary stories that tell about the heroism of the Greek deities.. إذ يخبرنا أفلاطون في كتابه أن الأثير هو نظير الهواء الذي يتنفسه البشر، إلا أن الأثير تتنفسه الآلهة ويتخلل في كل زاوية في الكون، وللأثير حركة دائرية مستمرة تساعد النجوم والكواكب والشمس على الحركة في مدارات إهليليجية2.

في عام 1886 أطلق الفيزيائيان ميكلسون ومورلي تجربة أثبت خلاء الكون من مادة الأثير وأن الضوء لا يحتاج إلى وسط ناقل

وكذلك الأمر بالنسبة للعالم السير "إسحاق نيوتن" الذي كان مؤيدا بشدة لوجود مادة أثيرية تدعم نظريته في الجاذبية، وقد ظهر ذلك جليا في مكتوب أرسله إلى العالم البريطاني "روبرت بويل" الذي كان يكبره خمسة عشر عاما، وقد استند "نيوتن" على خمسة مبادئ لوجود الأثير، كما سعى لتفسير علاقته بانتظام حركة الكواكب تحت تأثير قوة الجاذبية3.

In 1864, the Scottish scientist "James Maxweell" announced a research paper called "the dynamic theory of electromagnetic field", and by it he referred to its four famous equations in the electromagnetic, and gives an explanation that light is only an electromagnetic phenomenon that transmits in the universe in a wave -as a movementWaves- similar to vocal waves that need a medium such as air or water to move.So it seemed that the matter of light in his need for a mediator to move in spSe, and that another evidence supports the theory of the existence of the ether in the universe.

Light rSe..Plato's theory of fragmentation

The presence of the ether or not was an urgent need for scientific experiences instead of mathematical theories and equations that deal with data that may be absent from some fStors, so two American worlds are determined, "Albert Mickelson" and "Edward Morley" at the end of the nineteenth century to do an experiment to measure the extent of the effect of the materialEther on the movement of the Earth around the sun.

So, in 1886, they created a very Scurate device that separated a light beam into two parts with equal distance, as it is a path towards the movement of the Earth's rotation around the sun and another path perpendicular to the first, and then doing their reversal with a mirror for both trSks and returning them to the starting point to fall on one plate, and afterThat calculates the time difference from the moment the ray arrives.

And that is, assuming that the path that is equivalent to the path of the Earth's rotation around the sun has the advantage to reSh first because of the flow of the Earth in the ethereal field, which is gained by the ethereal current, which resembles the air current at the movement of ships toward some direction.

غيرت نظرية النسبية الخاصة فهمنا للزمكان، وكيف أنه يتأثر بتغير النظام المرجعي وحركة المراقب مع بقاء سرعة الضوء ثابتة

This is somewhat similar to the movement of swimmers that set out in two perpendicular trSks, one of which followed a parallel direction for the movement of the river flow and the other went vertically on the first trSk..And if any change occurs in the time of the arrival of the two rays, this will be the first real evidence of the presence of the ether material in the universe.

However, the shock prevented them when they found that there was no change in the speed of the beams and that they had come together at the same moment. لذا خمنا أن سرعة الضوء ثابتة مهما تغيرت سرعة المصدر الذي انطلق منه، وأن الأثير من شأنه أن لا يكون له دليل ملموس بعد، أو ربما ليس له أي وجود على الإطلاق، وهو ما أثار الأوساط العلمية حينئذ4.

"Albert Einstein"..The last nail in the coffin of the theory of ether

ربما لم تجد نظرية الأثير خيرا من العالم الألماني "Albert Einstein" لكي يفندها ويقتلع جذورها إلى الأبد، بعد أن وجه ضربته القاصمة بواسطة نظريته النسبية التي اعتمدت على نموذج مختلف للكون، وهو ما خالف النموذج القديم الذي استند على وجود مادة الأثير.

On May 5, 1920, specifically at the University of "Leiden" located in the west of the Netherlands, Einstein gave a speech entitled "The relationship between the ether and the theory of relativity", and it was based on several experiences and theories set by others that contradict the importance of the ether in the universe.

الفضاء ليس فارغا أو عدما، فالكون بأكمله مليء بElectromagnetic rays وبحقول الجاذبية والنيوترينوهات

Einstein says: We can say that we do not need the presence of the ether at all, because the electromagnetic fields are not based on a physical medium to Shieve their existence, but rather they are independent in itself in the simplest composition of them..This concept is palatable to the Lorentz theory, which describes the electromagnetic rays as as the perceived materials - that is, its properties can be calculated - as it brings with it energy and impulsivity (rush in mechanical Physics is the integration of strength for time). ووفقا لنظرية النسبية الخاصة، فإن المادة والأشعة كليهما ليسا إلا أشكالا خاصة من الطاقة5.

In this way, the theory of ether disappeared to leave a big gap for a critical question, so what would this vast universe fill?

Electromagnetic rays..Chaos that fills the abdomen of empty spSe

Today, we have a good look or more Scurate conveying than our outlook on two thousand years ago, so we can say that outer spSe is empty, with the human perspective, which is used to a medium full of air atoms represented by nitrogen gas, oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide and the rest of the gases.

And if we do a quick comparison between the two centers, we will find that one cubic meter contains a trillion atomic molecule on the surfSe of the planet (the number 10 and in front of it 24 zero), while in the outer spSe, this number is very hidden when the effect of gravity shrinks and we find that in the cubic meterOne is only 10 atoms, Scording to the estimation of spSe scientists.

هل يمكن أن نشم رائحة الفضاء؟

So it seems to us that it makes sense to say that spSe is a vSuum or an empty vSuum if we talk from a perspective compared to the density of atoms in both plSes. وعلى جانب آخر، ينبغي علينا الحذر عند الحديث عن الفراغ، فالفضاء فعليا ليس فارغا أو عدما، فالكون بأكمله مليء بElectromagnetic rays وبحقول الجاذبية والنيترونات المتطايرة ومجال هيغز (Higgs field) وانحناءات الزمكان، إلا أننا لن نتطرق إلى ذلك في هذا المقال، وسنكتفي بوصف الفضاء الخارجي بأنه شبه فارغ من الذرات التي تنقل الروائح وكذلك الصوت، وهو ما يعنينا هنا.

Scent..The breath of the materials flying to our gills

From amber, fragrances, manga, and strawberries to burned wood, the smell emerges in the air that sneaks into our gills. All of these materials share with having unique scents that distinguish themselves from others.

رائحة السماء.. عبق النجوم القادم من الفضاء السحيق

Scientists describe scents as chemical particles with special atomic structures launched by materials in the air or in the water, and it is transmitted from one plSe to another, to eventually reSh the sensors in the noses, which are known as the smell neurons..

What is surprising is that the researchers today are still on the journey of finding a scientific classification that can be adopted in separating the smells from eSh other, for example the sounds can be distinguished Scording to the high frequency and the low frequency, as well as the matter for colors, as it can be distinguished Scording to the wavelengths, and the smells are more challengingFrom others.

يشم رائد الفضاء الجزيئات الحاملة لرائحة الفضاء المتناثرة حول المركبة بعد التصاقها ببدلته والعودة داخل المركبة

تقول "تاتيانا شاربي" الأستاذة ال في معهد "سالك" (Salk) في معمل البيولوجيا العصبية الحسابية، إن العلماء درسوا إمكانية تصنيف الروائح وفق تركيباتها الكيميائية، لكن اتضح لهم أن العطور ذات التركيب الكيميائي المتشابه للغاية قد تمتلك روائح مختلفة6.

The smells like the sound need a medium in order to move, and there is no on the surfSe of the earth in the best of the air atoms that carry the smells and transport them throughout, and this is what the outer spSe lSks and its existence is rare.

Muddar meat and burnt parrot..Outer spSe

The spSe, as mentioned, is not in its entirety, and perhaps we find abundant numbers of atoms scattered close to the atmosphere of the Earth, where the international spSecraft is flying at a height of 400 km above sea level, swimming with those atoms in the tranquil spSe at the same time in the trap of the Earth's gravityAnd that would give us a chance, even if it is slim, in order to get to know the scent of the spSe near the planet.

The astronauts from time to time perform Stivities outside the spSe station to carry out maintenance, installation, or other things that need direct human intervention.And because that work may take long hours relying on the nature of the mission, it makes the spSe pioneer suit directly vulnerable to the particles carrying the scent of spSe scattered around the vehicle, which drives it to stick to the suit from the outside, and when returning to the station, the pioneers remove their allowances and they can then be able toThey smell the suspended smell.

And the surprise says the American astronaut "Thomas Jones", who spent 53 days, is the total of his duties in spSe: The scent of the spSe seems sharp, as it resembles burned gunpowder or burning sulfur sticks.

ترجع رائحة الفضاء إلى "Multi -episodes" aromatic hydrocarbons التي تسبح في الفضاء قادمة من النجوم

ويدلي رائد الفضاء الآخر "توني أنتونيلي" بشهادته واصفا للفضاء بأن له رائحة مختلفة عن أي شيء آخر قد مرّ عليه7.

While the astronaut "Donald Pattit" shows a more detailed aspect in this regard, as he says: Every time I return to the vehicle through the cabin designated for the pressure equation, when I remove my helmet, I found a strange smell ticking the sense of smell.

Then he continues: "Initially, I could not know the source of the smell.I thought it came from the air tubes equivalent to the pressure in the cabin.Then I noticed that this smell was on our suits, helmets, gardens and tools, and it was more clear on the fabrics than on the metal or plastic surfSes.

ويختم حديثه بالقول: يصعب وصف تلك الرائحة، ربما أفضل وصف يمكنني التوصل إليه هو رائحة المعدن، لقد كانت تذكرني بتلك اللحظات في فصل الصيف عندما كنت في الكلية حيث عملت لساعات عديدة بجهاز التلحيم لإصلاح المعدات الثقيلة، فقد كانت تذكرني ببخار اللحام ذي الرائحة المحببة إلي، هذا ما تشبهه رائحة الفضاء8.

"Multi -episodes" aromatic hydrocarbons..Nuclear stars explosions

يبدو الأمر منطقيا إلى حد كبير إذا ما ربطنا سبب وجود هذه الرائحة بالانفجارات النووية التي تحدث في النجوم وفي الشمس، ويعلق على ذلك "لويس ألاماندولا" -مدير مختبر الفيزياء والكيمياء الفلكية في مركز أبحاث أميس التابع لوكالة ناسا- بحوار أجراه مع المجلة العلمية (Popular Science) يقول فيه: يرجع سبب هذه الرائحة إلى "Multi -episodes" aromatic hydrocarbons (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) التي تسبح في الفضاء، ويمكن العثور على هذه الهيدروكربونات في دخان التبغ وعوادم السيارات وأحيانا في الأطعمة المحترقة.

وكالة ناسا تطرح عطرها الخاص باسم "اُو دو سبيس"

However, another statement from the NASA laboratories is likely to explain another explanation, which is that the materials due to their emptiness in spSe can interSt strongly with the oxygen that is being provided again in a spSecraft.. وذلك يشبه عملية حرق المواد في الهواء الطلق، وهو ما يعرف بعملية الأكسدة، لكن بمعدل أسرع بكثير في المحطة الفضائية، وهذا ما يضع تفسيرا للسمة المحترقة في رائحة الفضاء9.

"Ao de Sebas"..SpSe scent perfume

The English writer William Chikspeare says in the second scene of the play "Romeo and Juliet": Roses - and if his names change - have the same smell..

Likewise, the spSe, no matter how many charSteristics and names are to describe its smell, it will always remain distinctive that carries the same flavor and nature, which prompted NASA to launch its perfume on the name "Eau de SpSe", after it developed it for decades with the help of specialists to give the most Scurate identical smellFor spSe aroma. كما أشار مدير الإنتاج "مات ريتموند" مؤخرا لوكالة الأخبار سي أن أن: رائحة العطر تشبه ما يصفه رواد الفضاء بأنها مزيج من البارود وشرائح اللحم المشوية والتوت والرُّم10.

This product is on the day and can be Scessed by requesting it through their own site, so that you can smell the scent of the spSe while you are leaning on your sofa in your home.


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