The Saudi Food and Food Board presents an important award when measuring the blood ratio.

  • Time:Jun 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The body explained that a blood pressure level is the amount of amnio available in the blood carried by red blood cells from the lungs to the rest of the body, and the normal blood leukemia level varies from 75 mm to 100 mm of mercury, and a blood serum level of less than 60 mg is low, and requires consulting a doctor.

According to the maxim, in order to get a better reading of the serum ratio in the blood by measuring the ratio, the following 8 advices and guidelines must be adhered to:

A person measured must be relaxed and in a comfortable position, where the palms are at a lower level than the heart level.

هيئة الغذاء والدواء السعودية تُقدّم إرشادات مهمة عند قياس نسبة الأكسجين في الدم

"2- Place the pain carefully and ensure that it is easily controlled without being too wide or too narrow, and place the finger / foot in the position allocated to measure the rate of blood serum while maintaining its position."

Some metrics may give incorrect frequencies, and advised that upon observing that or doubting the result, reading the test must be taken from another place and the provider of health care.

5- The necessity of pressing the operating key to start the work of the device, which is not required by many devices that work automatically when the finger is placed in the device (where it is read).

Periodic examination and maintenance of the main unit of the device and its annexes prior to use.

The need for smokers to communicate with the health-care provider when measuring the blood loss rate, as usually the device gives more than the real rate of filling blood with oxygen to smokers. The health-care provider can inform the smoker in the correct way to read the results of the device.

8- Consult the competent doctor to find out the correct way to use a device for measuring the rate of anemia in the blood, and the appropriate times for taking the correct reading.