The role of technology in achieving development

  • Time:Mar 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The word technology is considered one of the terms that face a lot of confusion and interpretation, as some use it as a synonym for technology, while others see a clear difference between them. That is, the science or the method, so it is in one word, the science of industrial operation. In the course of the study of industrial research and technological innovation, one of the authors made a distinction between the two ideas of “art” and “technology”, as for the first, it constitutes the method used in production, and for the second, i.e. Technological, it constitutes the sum of the characteristics related to equipment, products and production organization. Also, technology contributes to achieving the desired development, especially when it is used as a means to develop human capabilities, and enables him to control the laws of nature and achieve productive abundance, and accelerate industrial and social progress It plays an important role in the dissemination of new ideas and values ​​within society through the available means of communication. As an extension of this perception, there are intellectual currents that consider technology as a human gain, and it is not a monopoly. On a society without another. And then the need to accept some aspects that are in line with the specific reality, and to develop some local practices so that they do not contradict the new, and work for the benefit of society in all its categories. The materialistic data of the Western model while preserving the components of the Japanese personality and preserving the values ​​of Japanese society with all its peculiarities. And technology has developed amazingly and very quickly, especially in recent decades, where it has become characterized by characteristics and features that it could not achieve during the previous periods, especially after it was popular with the people of society in attracting and relying on it to achieve their needs and demands, especially after realizing projects Huge development, and opened new jobs, especially for tires and those with professional and educational competencies, and thus the relationship between the individual and technology became a very close and reciprocal relationship. The rule of economic take-off that leads to an increase in production and the social practices that follow such as accuracy, discipline and perseverance, not to mention the change of culture, customs and values, so that society turns into a better state than it was before, thanks to modern technological means. While Walt Rostow considered it in His non-communist statement when he mentioned the five stages of the development of society, that it is the driving force towards development and the main factor of economic growth, and considered it the essential point in changing many global societies for the better, such as Britain and the United States The United States of America. Through these intellectual theses, its consensus is that technology has actually contributed to making fundamental changes that specifically affected the most important features of the factory, thanks to the positives it imposed at all levels. The role of technological developments in achieving development: The relationship between technology is not Inevitably, the first research or scientific study that highlighted this was devoted to the American economy in the fifties, then followed by other macro and partial economic studies that supported them with similar results. An integrated human being is the center and the site of the foundation in it. This is reflected in the diagram in the following figure: Technological development (technology angle) = embodied technology / disembodied technology = knowledge of performance d (time) / knowledge of time d (time). In equipment, machinery and capital equipment, and even in consumer durables. As for non-embodied (soft) technology: it is represented in knowledge and transforming the abstracts of innovative scientific research into useful scientific and practical applications in economic and social activities. During the nineteenth century and the beginning of the century In the twentieth century, economists feared that economic growth would stop due to the diminishing returns to the limited land energies necessary to feed the growing peoples, first, and then due to the diminishing returns of energy resources and scarce minerals, but countless technological innovations have always succeeded in negating these pessimistic expectations. Technological developments also allow consumers across the world to enjoy a range of new goods and services that no one would have imagined two centuries ago. The technological role in achieving economic growth, and shows how developments in knowledge and technology feed themselves to keep growing. As we enter the twenty-first century, questions arise about the possibility of maintaining economic growth based on technology that has been going on for two centuries. The main factor that intervenes in the processes of technological development: the investment of capital, and well-prepared scientists and engineers (represented in what economists call “human capital”). Technology and the environment: for sustainable development. Positive attitudes towards the environment Clean technology does not lie in reducing waste by controlling final emissions only, but it is ideally - within the industrial process and in all its stages, starting from the first steps to the final stages. On this basis, industries - according to the environmental perspective Which does not exclude the element of economic feasibility - adopting the principle of technology rather than seeking to control emissions or final releases, according to a pioneering study conducted by the Environmental Resources Institute in In the United Kingdom, and published by the United Nations Environment Programme, it has been confirmed from an economic point of view that a clean or environmentally sound technology can recover its investment expenditure within a period ranging from five to ten years. The period required to recover the initial expenditures depends on several economic factors, perhaps the most prominent of which is the total investment volume compared to the expenditure placed on clean technology and comparing this with the percentage of return from the clean technology process, in addition to other considerations, including reducing energy consumption and reducing the volume of raw materials used in the industrial process And the level of product quality, etc. The status of technology in achieving sustainable development: Definition of sustainable development: In the report of the World Resources Institute, published in 1997, which was devoted entirely to the subject of sustainable development, where twenty definitions of it (ie sustainable development) were identified and these definitions were classified It is divided into four groups: economic, social, environmental and technological. A- Economically: for the developed countries, sustainable development means a reduction in the consumption of energy and resources. As for the developing countries, it means employing resources in order to raise the standard of living and reduce poverty. B - Socially: Sustainable development means striving for the stability of population growth and raising the level of health and educational services, especially in the countryside. C-Environmentally: It means protecting natural resources and better use An example of agricultural land and water resources. D-Technology: It is the development that moves society to the era of clean industries and technologies that use the least possible amount of resources and produce the minimum amount of polluting and harmful gases for ozone.- It is one of the most comprehensive and widespread definitions at the present time. The definition of the World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission) This definition has been widely adopted in international forums, where sustainable development has been defined as: “Sustainable development is a development that allows meeting the needs and requirements of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Some authors have also expanded the definition of sustainable development to include the rapid transformation of the technological base of industrial civilization, and pointed out that there is a need for new technology that is cleaner, more efficient and able to save natural resources, in order to reduce pollution, and help achieve climate stability, and absorb the growth in population and economic activity. The contribution of technological innovation to sustainable development lies in the following: - Technological innovation allows, on the one hand, to replace natural capital with completed and accumulated capital, and to reduce protection over natural capital by raising the economic effectiveness of technical methods and products. - Transforming consumption patterns and lifestyles. In a way that allows an increase in the quality of life in the framework of cooperation with the protection of natural capital. - Diversifying energy sources simultaneously and with the same devices, which contributed to reducing pollution, and lowering costs. - Producing similar alternatives from more effective materials, at the cheapest cost and less polluting Which contributes to the high flexibility of the production system. - Modern technology leads to an increase in accuracy in production by adhering to the specific standards and specifications according to scientific principles. - Preserving the latent needs of renewable resources, and this contributes to maintaining environmental integration. - Technological innovation With scientific specifications to preserve the environment in order to avoid environmental pollution to its surroundings. As a result of all of this, the idea of ​​cleaner production has emerged to replace the idea of ​​low or zero-waste technologies, and the idea of ​​cleaner production is considered the only Continuous application of an integrated preventive environmental strategy for production processes and products, to reduce risks to humans and the environment. But the idea of ​​cleaner production has not yet turned into full application, because it needs first to establish environmental management methods in the industry, and secondly to large investments to bring about changes in industrial processes Or to manage the waste, whether inside or outside the factory, and after the end of the product life cycle. Share it

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