The world's worst "Mohamed V" airport ran

  • Time:Feb 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The classification of Mohamed V Airport a few days ago by one of the international travel agencies raised first in the list of the worst airports in the world for the year 2018, the dissatisfaction of a number of parliamentarians, who confirmed that "this classification offends the reputation of Morocco globally".

Lamia Boutaleb, State writer to the Minister of Tourism, Air Transport, Traditional Industry and Social Economy in charge of tourism, confirmed today, Monday, in the House of Representatives, in the oral question session that the international site classification "Erims" for Mohamed V Airport is the worst globally "relied on an incorrect methodology, which has no credibility, It was based on the comments written on the agency's same website..

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In her answer to a question for the Justice and Development Team, Boutaleb indicated that the International Airports Council previously classified Mohamed V Airport as the best airport in the continent based on accurate and specific scientific standards, but it recognized that “this airport is still far to reflect as Morocco's reputation, especially in standardsHospitality and reception spaces ”.

The state writer to the Minister of Tourism drew attention to the efforts made by the wills to improve the quality of services, such as the completion of the air station (Terminal A), which will open its doors next June, and put an airport application on smartphones, and to generalize "Wi -Fi" in the field, and alsoFocus in the future on reducing waiting periods.

The interference of the parliamentary teams confirmed that the parties behind this classification "malicious parties, aim to disrupt the file of Morocco's candidacy for the World Cup 2026", but stressed the need to work to accelerate security services at the airport and accelerate the service of receiving luggage;Not to mention the connection of this air space to the economic capital, Casablanca, to more road transportation and silence.

The National Airports Office confirmed that the agency's conclusions "are not based on any scientific approach recognized in the field of opinion polls and investigative studies, especially with regard to the criteria of sampling", noting that the agency "did not adopt a scientific approach to classification as much as it relied on conclusionsIts readings based on the comments that visitors write on its website..

The National Office stressed that it reserves the right to take all legal and judicial measures in relation to this site, which is looking for excitement only.