The president receives the captain of the Palestinian engineers

  • Time:Jan 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Ramallah- “Al-Quds” dot com- President Mahmoud Abbas received, today, Sunday, at the presidential headquarters in the city of Ramallah, the head of the Palestinian engineers, Eng. Nadia Habash.

الرئيس يستقبل نقيب المهندسين الفلسطينيين

Habash briefed the president of the progress of work in the Engineers Syndicate, and the plans to develop its work in a way that serves the Palestinian citizen. The Palestinian issue was discussed, ways to support the Palestinian citizen and the role of the unions in that..

The President affirmed the provision of all facilities for the success of the work of the Palestinian unions, including the Engineers Syndicate, and to cooperate with them in the common fields.

In turn, the engineer, Habash, affirmed the union's willingness to cooperate with the institutions of the authority in their fields of work, in order to achieve the interest of the country and the citizen.

The meeting was attended by a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Ziad Abu Amr, and the Commissioner of Popular Organizations.