The occupation refuses to appeal the people of the Wadi Yalal neighborhood in Silwan to stop the demolition of their homes

  • Time:Oct 26
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes


Jerusalem-“Al-Quds” dot com-The Israeli occupation court rejected, on Sunday evening, an appeal by Miqnisa against the decision to demolish 58 homes in the Wadi Yalal neighborhood in the town of Silwan, occupied Jerusalem.

الاحتلال يرفض استئناف أهالي حي وادي ياصول بسلوان لوقف هدم منازلهم

According to this decision, the occupation municipality has become available to carry out the demolitions of homes at any time against 58 houses out of 84 houses threatened with demolition in the neighborhood, under the pretext of the settlement project, “The Expansion of the Peace Forest” located on the neighborhood’s lands, which includes simple trees and parks that have been set up for years, and offices forThe “Nature Authority” uses it daily in its business and settlement projects.

The demolition will lead to the displacement of about 725 individuals.

The Wadi Yalal neighborhood, located southwest of Silwan, extends over an area.

Since 2004 and the people of the neighborhood have been fighting a conflict with the occupation municipality in Jerusalem, in an attempt to obtain approval of building permits, in order to avoid demolition.

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