The New York Times: Learn about the features of the "Apple" smart watch

  • Time:Nov 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The New York Times published an article by Brian X. Chen, a technology expert at the newspaper, in which he presents a review of the latest "Apple" smart watch. Where the doctor attached 10 electrodes connected to a device, then printed the EKG on a paper, indicating that this EKG is one of the functions performed by the new "Apple" watch, which hit the market last Friday. The writer says he wanted to undergo this. Examination to have a better understanding of this function in the new "Apple" watch, which will work with an ECG program that will be launched after it receives approval from the Ministry of Food and Drugs, which is expected to be obtained this year. Chen points out that the planning that will be provided by the “Apple” watch will not be as comprehensive as that provided by the traditional planning, as the traditional planning includes several parts of the body, but the planning that you will get from the watch will be from one angle, which is sufficient to obtain information about the irregularity of the beats. heart, but not to diagnose a heart attack.

And the author finds that "with this, the (Apple) watch is one of the most important tools that are worn in the hand for this year, so people who suffer from heart problems can use ECG software to obtain planning at any time they feel that there is a problem, They can send the result directly to the doctor, which opens the door to discussing the next steps, such as seeing a doctor or changing treatment.”

And Chen points out that "this feature will not be important for anyone who does not suffer from heart disease, and Dr. Ethan Weiss, who performed the ECG for me, says: (I do not recommend it to most people except as a new innovation), but he added that the effects The implications for heart research will be profound (there's a lot we don't know), explaining that the planning process that takes 90 seconds in a doctor's office will turn into doctors getting little snippets (of information).

The author notes that "this watch has evolved from a tool to follow fitness exercises, which makes it more important in the long run, as (Apple) is the one that sets the standard for competitors, and this may encourage other companies to produce tools worn in the hand and collect information about conditions." And Chen says: “I tried the watch for a week, and found that it is much better than its predecessor, and the first thing a person notices is its high price, increase in size, and screen area. The price starts at $ 399 compared to $ 329 previously, and the two sizes are 40 and 44 mm from 38 And 42 mm, and while the watch body has become slightly longer and wider, it has become thinner than its predecessor, and the 40 mm watch does not seem much larger than its predecessor, which was 38 mm.

The author shows that increasing the size of the screen helps to occupy that space of software, and the appearance of everything, including texts, with greater clarity.

And according to Chen, “One of the features that may not seem clear at first glance is the speed of the watch, as (Apple) stated that it is twice as fast as the previous generation, and that speed appears clearly when using the voice assistant (secret), as soon as I raise the watch towards my mouth, it I could direct voice commands, such as (start the stopwatch for 20 minutes), and the watch responded to the command without a significant delay, and the ability to launch the voice assistant without using hands is a new feature of the new operating system (Watch OS 5), and this, in my opinion, is how it should be You can use the clocks, without having to press keys."

The New York Times: Learn the Features of a Watch

The writer says: "To examine the capabilities of the watch in tracking fitness activities, I wore it, and chose the walking exercise. I walked 7.7 miles in Pacifica, California, and followed closely to monitor the distance and heart rate. During the walking exercise, I was wondering about my progress on the road, and how many miles were left." At the end of the road, and whether I was on the right path or if I got lost, and the watch told me how much I walked every time I walked 0.1 miles, and when I reached the end of the road the watch recorded that I walked 7.7 miles, which is the length of the path I chose with high accuracy.

During the strong ascent, I used to look at the watch to check my heart rate. In the previous hours, there was a delay in time before the change in heart rate appeared, but in the new watch, the change in heart rate appeared almost immediately.

The writer offers advice, saying: "Although the (Apple) watch, the fourth series, is of advanced technology and a step on the way to achieving a computer worn on the hand, I do not recommend it to people who want to buy a smart watch for the first time, and the reason is simply that 399 A dollar is a lot of money to pay for an hour, but luckily (Apple) sells Series 3 watches for about $279, so it's a good time to buy the old watch."

Chin says: "I will not update to the fourth series of the modern (Apple) watch, because the developments will not appear important, but if you bought the (Apple) watch in 2015 and loved it, you will feel that the new watch is a good improvement, because the first watches were not of the same quality, and they were The battery does not last long, and the operating system is no longer updated for those hours. Yet, as for people with heart problems, I think it would be wise for them to wait for Apple to release ECG software later this year to make sure it works well."

Chin believes that "it is important that the watch is not considered a comprehensive device for monitoring health. One of the issues that Dr. Weisz pointed out is that, for example, if the watch alerted to the presence of an irregular heart rate in a young person, for example, this information would not be useful, because the condition It won't cause a problem in a young age, but it will cause a lot of anxiety."

The author notes that "there is an age group that will be more interested in the watch for health reasons, which is the elderly category. In addition to the electronic sensor of the heart's work, the new watch can know if the wearer has a strong impact, and this feature is automatically activated for each person." He reached the age of 65 (depending on the date of birth entered in the watch), and the watch will call the ambulance, as well as any number the person entered to call him in an emergency, if the person remained motionless for a minute after the fall.

Chen concludes his article by saying: "I tried hard to cause the sensor that works when a person falls to turn on, so I threw myself several times at home on a mattress or on the sofa, but I did not succeed. I went to the climbing club and climbed more than one wall, and threw myself." Perhaps the sensor works but it did not work, but this is not necessarily a bad thing, as the company (Apple) has worked with people who live in institutions, suffer from movement problems, and who are prone to falls, to collect the necessary data related to real falls, not false falls that I did it".

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