The need to support workers in the field of care

  • Time:Jan 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes
المصدر:التاريخ: ت + ت -الحجم الطبيعي

After a pandemic that lasted for a full two years, in addition to this, the increasing cases of omecarone variable, and uncertainty about the future. There is an understandable desire to blame the blaming on one side because of the outcome of the horrific deaths of "Coveyd 19"..In the United States, the United Kingdom and other places, the fingers are increasingly accused to workers in the care of the elderly.As one of the recent prominent studies says, "The nursing staff is a source of SARS-COV-2 in the elderly care homes.".

Such statements are not only unfair on the individual level, but also a wrong way to think about how to avoid deaths in the future.It will be much better to face our broader social responsibilities, consider other sources that publish the virus such as hospitals and visitors to the elderly care homes, and spend more resources to build confidence in public health systems.

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People live in the role of caring for the elderly because they do not have the option, or because they recover from surgery (often over the age of 80 years, after they suffer a slide or fall accident), or because their health is long -term and requires continuous medical monitoring.Residents in the care homes need a daily sponsorship provided by trained nurses, and other skilled staff.This work is always difficult, and when a pandemic appears, it becomes dangerous as well.

Most of the workers in the care homes made great efforts to protect themselves, their families, and the people who take care of them.But remember that at the beginning of the epidemic, they could not even provide them with appropriate masks.Also, the role of the elderly sponsorship was one of the secondary priorities regarding receiving regular tests for "Kovid 19".

Even after dealing with this deficiency in resources and increasing wages (from its low levels at the beginning), many of the elderly care houses are still lacking employees..People who go to work there should be treated as heroes, and provide them with all forms of protection, including help in safe movement and safe living arrangements..

Visitors are very important for guests of the elderly care homes.The requirements of almost complete isolation for 2020 were devastating in countless ways.However, the role of the elderly should be enabled in order to be able to sort and restrict visits when they are not safe for their guests exposed to infection..With the high numbers of omecron infections to new numbers, unjust and injured visitors are currently a serious threat to the elderly care homes..

Hospitals are the most important element in any health system, and the two countries have made great efforts- including carrying out costly closing operations- to maintain their work..But hospitals are often subject to different (less strict) criteria than those adopted by the role of the elderly regarding the use of personal protection equipment, employee testing, patients and visitors..

It is clear that we all want the epidemic to disappear, and the best way to achieve this is to increase the vaccination rate, and to ensure that taking the reinforcements, when necessary, is as high as possible..The rates in the US state of Massachusetts are encouraging, including comprehensive vaccination rates for elderly care employees, and their registration for the highest rate of reinforcements in the country.

The role of the elderly sponsorship of the "Massachusetts" was fortunate to be included in the "Kofid 19" test initiative, which was carried out by the "Broad" institute, early in April 2020.This has led to a greater understanding of the spread of symptoms and improving infection control throughout the state.By April 2020, the global testing protocols for the elderly care homes were valid with financial and logistical support from the state Ministry of Public Health.

Currently, all workers and contractors at the Elderly Care House in the Massachusetts must be subject to the PCR test, “The Interaction of Serial Pylames” once a week, and when a situation is revealed, all employees and guests are subject to a test every three days.It also provides the homes of the elderly in the state with quick tests to detect antigens, and even encourage their use.In addition to comprehensive vaccination, compulsory wearing masks protect employees and guests.As far as possible, these procedures helped eliminate the possibility of employees to infection to the guests of care homes.

But what about anyone else in society?All workers in the care homes and hospitals, visitors to hospital inmates and the elderly care homes are primarily infected with friends and family, who interact with them at home, especially during meals.

Any person who has not received vaccination contributes to the spread of the virus in society, and increases the possibility of the "Corona" virus to people at risk of infection, whether in care homes or anywhere else.The virus is also a major economic effect, as exposure and infection exacerbate the lack of employment, including health care workers in all regions.

I have confused misleading information and lack of information about the value of vaccines and its safety people, which offered the lives of workers in the role of the elderly and the people who are vulnerable to danger everywhere.Blame on those in the front lines of care highlights- and even complicates- the wide failure of the general public and policy makers, in taking their responsibilities seriously.

* The former chief economist in the International Monetary Fund, a professor at the Salon College of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a co -chair of the "Kofid 19" policy alliance..

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