"Interior" prevents sewing the niqab and burqa ... and Al -Haddush

  • Time:Jul 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Officials of the Casablanca city workers and security departments issued orders to prevent the activities of sewing the veil and Afghan burqa for the benefit of veiled women, from the owners of sewing stores in the total neighborhoods of the city, on the horizon of the official ban to wear this outfit.

The answer to Salafi activist Omar Al -Haddushi to this movement led by the Ministry of Interior was not late, as he described those behind this step as "fools", as he put it.

Al -Haddushi said, in a communication with his official page on the social networking site Facebook: “We have reported that the authorities, from the stores of the store and pimps, pass through the shops that sell women's dress;They are an order not to sell the niqab, and this is uncle in all the cities of Morocco, and this matter will have what is after it, and perhaps the belly of the earth will be better for us than its back, where is the freedom they boast about?Oh God, do not punish us with what the fools did from us.

The Salafi activist said on his page: “Halima dates back to her old habit: they will start fighting the union, defending the Taban, then fighting the beard, then fighting the prayer, then then then until ..”, adding: “Tunisia is a secular state, and the veil did not prevent the wayUnfortunately, we will be or not, where are we who migrate and flee our religion. ”

The officials of the dirt circles, reinforced by security men and representatives of the workers, on Monday morning, answered a group of markets of the Anfa region and the Sultan and Bernoussi and linked direct contacts with the craftsmen, who were informed of the new decision of the Ministry of Interior aimed at preventing them from the activity of the Afghan dress sewTo close their stores.

A group of craftsmen said that they signed a written pledge that they handed over to the leadership of the dirt circles, through which they committed to applying the orders of the Ministry of Interior, considering that the matter was not surprising to them after they learned from their colleagues in other cities that they reached the same instructions.

"We have received instructions to get rid of this type of dress in less than 24 hours, and not marketing to any party, which we will do immediately."

A security official in Casablanca stressed that the Ministry of Interior’s instructions not only concern the economic capital, but rather a decision that concerns all Moroccan soil, noting that this step falls within the framework of fighting all forms of militancy.

The official explained that the instructions of the Ministry of Interior do not include the Moroccan veil, which depends on the situation of women for a veil that shows the entire facial features and is satisfied with covering the hair and neck in the moderate Islamic way.