The Ministry of Health departs from its silence after the controversy of the "Pfizer" vaccine in Morocco

  • Time:Aug 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Karim Meziane Balfakhi, head of the Department of Solithic Diseases at the Ministry of Health, denied any death after receiving the Fayzer anti -Corona virus vaccine, stressing that this American vaccine at the present time is no longer used during the first and third doses, and its use is limited only to the second dose.

"The decision to limit this vaccine during the second dose only is linked to scientific and logistical reasons.".

وزارة الصحة تخرج عن صمتها بعد جدل وفيات لقاح

Bafqih stressed that this vaccine will be granted currently during the second dose only, due to the available stock, and after carrying out studies that indicate the importance of granting it during the second dose, stating that "a shipment is expected from him during the coming days, and then the matter will end.".

The Health Commission with Meknes has previously sent a correspondent to all its vaccination stations, through which the health and nursing frameworks call for the necessity of using the "Senovarm" vaccine exclusively to those who want the first, second and third doses.

As for the demand for vaccination after the decision to impose the permissibility of vaccination in public places, he stressed that it was "doubled ten times", stressing "the need to adhere to the precautionary measures necessary of spacing, wearing the dove and washing to the hands".

And monitored a heavy turnout for unacceptable individuals at the vaccination centers against Corona in various major cities of the Kingdom, reached the degree of overcrowding in a number of health units allocated for this purpose, in conjunction with the validity of the government decision related to compulsory availability on the permissibility of vaccination to access public facilities.

Many public, semi -public and private institutions began to notify their users and their procedures that it is necessary to have the permissibility of vaccination to enter their facilities, in line with the government’s decision to make employees and those who are accompanied by the “permissibility of vaccination” document in order to accelerate collective immunity in the country.