The Minister of Local Development follows up with the Governor of the New Valley the developments of the "Population Attraction Project"

  • Time:May 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy, Minister of Local Development, received Major General Muhammad Al-Zamlout, Governor of the New Valley, at the ministry's headquarters, with the aim of discussing several projects, including the governorate's population attraction project, the implementation rates of the government departments complex, and "a decent life" projects.

And the Ministry of Local Development stated in a statement today, that within the framework of periodic meetings with the governors, to follow up on the implementation of the directives of the President of the Republic and the assignments of the Prime Minister regarding development and service projects of interest to citizens.

And the rates of implementation of the complex of government departments and “a decent life” projects.

At the beginning of the meeting, Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy reviewed with the Governor of the New Valley a number of projects underway in the governorate, especially the investment plan projects for the fiscal year 2021/2022 for the speedy completion of them in a way that contributes to meeting the needs of citizens, improving the services provided to them, raising their level of satisfaction and supporting infrastructure projects. Follow-up to the executive position of the project of the automated government departments complex in Kharga city.

The Minister of Local Development referred to the directives of the political leadership to establish a government complex equipped with all modern technological means to facilitate services to citizens faster and better, pointing to the importance of continuous follow-up to the completion of this project in accordance with the time plans established for this and to overcome any special problems in light of the prime minister’s interest and his visit to the project site during His last visit to the New Valley Governorate.

400 million pounds, the cost of establishing a collection of government departments

For his part, Major General Mohamed Al-Zamlout indicated that the complex will be the first at the governorate level and will cost about 400 million pounds and will include all government departments and service directorates in the governorate, pointing out that the current implementation rate of the complex has exceeded 85%.

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وزير التنمية المحلية يتابع مع محافظ الوادي الجديد مستجدات «مشروع الجذب السكانى»

The Minister of Local Development also followed up with the Governor of the New Valley, the ongoing coordination between the governorate and the Ministries of Agriculture and Irrigation regarding the implementation of the President’s directives during the inauguration of new national projects in the governorates of Upper Egypt within the “Upper Week”, on top of which is the reclamation and cultivation of lands in the governorates, support for palm cultivation and the date industry, and the initiative to revive production and industrialization. Natural silk and greenhouses to provide job opportunities for the citizens of the governorate, especially the youth and female breadwinners, to support investment in agricultural fields and to benefit from the potential of the New Valley and the incentives offered by the state to investors in the governorate.

Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy stressed the importance of optimizing the competitive advantages enjoyed by the New Valley Governorate, which contributes to the population attraction and the increase in the rates of the development process in the governorate, attracting investors and establishing projects in various sectors in light of the great interest of the political leadership and the Prime Minister and providing all services to citizens with the latest methods and facilitation for them .

Development of the governorate's villages

Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy also discussed with Major General Muhammad Al-Zamlout the studies and ongoing preparations to determine the centers and villages that will be targeted within the second phase of the national project for the development of the Egyptian countryside within the framework of the presidential initiative “a decent life”, where the governor explained that there are 4 centers remaining in the governorate and their priorities are being determined according to the development level. for each of them.

The Minister of Local Development indicated that it is planned to target 50% of the remaining centers in the New Valley, with a total of two centers in the next fiscal year, with the last two centers remaining for the fiscal year 2023-2024.

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Implementation of 177 service projects for the people of the province

The meeting also witnessed a review of the implementation rates of the targeted projects within the first phase “for a decent life” during the current fiscal year, as they are implemented in 19 villages and 7 local units in the Farafra Center, through the implementation of about 177 projects in various service sectors of interest to the people of those villages, especially drinking water. And sanitation, youth, sports, electricity, housing, education, roads, agriculture and “decent housing” among others, as these projects aim to contribute to a qualitative leap in the lives of the citizens of the villages of the Farafra Center and provide a decent life for citizens.

During the meeting, the Minister of Local Development was keen to follow up the governorate’s efforts in coordination with all ministries and concerned authorities to provide and allocate the lands needed to implement the targeted projects, especially agricultural and industrial complexes, government complexes and other vital projects, especially within the axis of economic development and the provision of sustainable job opportunities for citizens in the targeted villages to enable Families economically, especially in light of the great attention paid by the President of the Republic to this axis within the “Dignified Life” initiative.

Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy also followed up with Major General Muhammad Al-Zamlout efforts to implement precautionary and preventive measures to confront the Corona virus to preserve the health and safety of citizens, within the framework of the decisions and directives of the Supreme Committee for the Management of the Epidemic and Health Pandemic Crisis headed by Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister, where Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy reiterated the importance Implementation of precautionary and preventive measures decisively, social distancing and wearing medical masks.

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During the meeting, Shaarawy was keen to follow up on the preparations of the New Valley Governorate to confront the wave of bad weather that the governorate is currently witnessing. To ensure the readiness of equipment, devices and used cars, in order to ensure the safety of citizens.

The meeting also witnessed a follow-up on the latest developments related to the implementation of cooperation protocols that were signed between the New Valley Governorate and the governorates of Menoufia, Gharbia and Kafr El-Sheikh in order to use areas of arable land in the New Valley for the citizens of these governorates.

Major General Mahmoud Shaarawy stressed the importance of facilitating the citizens wishing to obtain lands, provide all the necessary services and facilities, and raise the efficiency of the homes allocated to farmers to facilitate their livelihood, within the framework of the state's interest in the success of this national project to attract population, reconstruct unpopulated governorates, and establish comprehensive agricultural development projects in the regions. The target, which contributes to getting out of the narrow valley and providing job opportunities.

Major General Muhammad Al-Zamlout said that the governorate will provide all the necessary support for this project and all the people of the governorates wishing to benefit from it and help solve the crisis of the lack of a desert back for those governorates in order to achieve the goal that the political leadership seeks since this important national project.