The Minister of Health: The epidemiological situation is very worrying ... and 50 % in the recovery sections are not broken

  • Time:Mar 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Khaled Ait Taleb, Minister of Health and Social Protection, sounded the alarm regarding the epidemiological situation in Morocco, in light of the increasing spread of the "Omicron" variant.

In the second part of his interview with Hespress, Ait Taleb confirmed that the epidemiological situation is very worrying due to the ambiguity that prevails in the rapidly spreading “Omicron” mutant.

The Minister of Health and Social Protection indicated that “the data currently available on “Omicron” is insufficient, and we have not yet been able to know whether it causes complications in the medium and long term.”

Ait Taleb expected that the coming days will witness a significant increase in the number of infections with the emerging coronavirus. The thing that threatens the health system, which has been exhausted throughout its confrontation with the virus.

The government official also stressed the call on citizens to go to vaccination centers in order to obtain the third dose of the vaccine, and gave an explanation for reducing the interval between the second and third doses to four months instead of six.

How is the epidemiological situation in Morocco today?

Today the epidemiological situation is very worrying, given first of all the ambiguity that prevails around the “Omicron” mutator, and we know that its spread rate is five times faster than the “Delta” mutant, despite what It is said to be of little lethality; However, these remain mere observations, and we do not yet have accurate scientific data due to time constraints. This means that we have not yet been able to draw conclusions and say that “Omicron” will not cause complications in the medium and long term.. But what I can say is that it is rapidly spreading.

When the virus is rapidly spreading, the number of infected people will multiply, and in the event of rapid reproduction, the health system will be threatened, and the more infections spread, the more people who are infected will be at risk and death. This calls for more caution and a high degree of vigilance.

As we do not know today when we will reach the peak stage; But I can say that the more we adhere to the precautionary measures, the more we will be able to break the epidemic wave.

For this reason, we call for reducing gatherings, respecting wearing the mask in the correct way, and rushing to vaccination centers in order to obtain the third dose; Because this dose is necessary to boost immunity in general, and for the elderly in particular, as it protects them from danger and lethality in the event of infection.

It is noticeable today that the infected people who lie in the resuscitation departments are the people whose period of obtaining the vaccine exceeded six months, and there are elderly people, and 50 percent of those in the resuscitation departments are not vaccinated.

Minister of Health: The epidemiological situation is very worrying. And 50% of the intensive care units are not vaccinated.

Today we are facing a new wave of the epidemic, and the number of infections will increase day after day, as this wave is in its infancy, and you can see how the numbers are developing today, as we have gone from about 400 infections to more than 2,000 within three days; This means that within the next week, we will exceed 5,000 and 6,000 infections per day, knowing that the whole world knows this spread, as there are countries that record 200,000 infections per day.

Why did you consider that the “Omicron” mutant resides in Morocco and not an expatriate?

I will explain this issue that caused some confusion. In epidemiology, when a mutant is detected through genomic surveillance in light of the closure of the airspace and the infected person’s lack of contact with foreigners, we will suffice at first. Determine where to monitor it.

As you know, the virus is stateless, and it does not require a transit visa; Rather, it moves from one country to another, and it can spread through humans, through commodities, and so on.

Returning to the emergence of the Omicron mutant in Casablanca, the first infection appeared in Ben M'sik, then a second focus appeared in Nose, and at that time I said since there is a second focus without having a relationship with the first focus, the virus is present in the city of Casablanca.

It should not be limited to the nationality of the virus, in all cases there is a virus that has spread; Which calls for preserving people's health, that's the equation.

Why did you reduce the interval between receiving the second and third doses to four months?

The third dose is a booster dose, and most of those in resuscitation today have had more than 6 months since they received the second dose; This means that they have become vulnerable after the protection has ceased. It has been scientifically proven that the protection granted by the first and second doses begins to diminish after three months; This means the need for a third dose to boost immunity, and it has been confirmed that this dose restores 75 percent of immunity against the virus.

If we recover 75 percent of immunity, we will be able to protect ourselves from Omicron; Because it is also about enhancing cell immunity, not just antibodies, cells also have memory.

We limited it to four months only, while some countries have begun to reduce this period to three months. Because they noticed that after three months, immunity declines by about half. We must protect the vulnerable, the elderly and the chronically ill.

How high is the current demand for vaccination?

What happened is that when Morocco was in a very reassuring and stable epidemiological situation, people thought that we had emerged from the epidemic and there was a kind of slackness, and people began to forget the state of health emergency, and they began to live Their normal lives, and the fact that “people are the servants of God, help everyone.” The workers in the health sector are exhausted, and I want from this platform to thank them for what they are doing, despite their scarcity and despite the shortcomings. They have done a good job.

Thus, if we suffer a major setback, “the effort is not enough,” people should know that we must cooperate in order to get out of this crisis. Therefore, we consider that adhering to the precautionary measures will reduce the number of infected people and contribute to breaking this epidemic wave, so that there will not be a large influx to hospitals.

There are those who talk about the possibility of passing to a fourth dose.. Is that true?

Whoever wants to speak is free, but the Scientific Committee must come out with a recommendation in this regard, as long as the Scientific Committee did not speak in This matter, today we are still calling on citizens to hurry up to get the third dose, because its pace is weak today.

To date, there are 12 million Moroccans who must go to vaccination centers in order to obtain the third dose, and they must act quickly, because if they are infected, they will bear their responsibility.

When we finish the third dose, then we can talk about a fourth dose, knowing that some countries have not yet received the first dose; While thanks to the royal vision, we were able to achieve gains, and we brought vaccination to Morocco.. So, what we need is serious work, engagement and commitment, and my Lord will protect us.

A final word to the citizens?

I say to them a Happy New Year, and I hope that God will lift this epidemic from us, and I tell them that “our master, may God grant him victory,” puts the citizen’s health above all else; Because the health of the citizen is everything.

Once again, Happy New Year, get vaccinated, respect the wearing of the muzzle and stay away from gatherings, and by this we will protect our country and our health.