The Minister of Commerce opens the seventh annual international conference «Ladies ... Success Partners: From Coexistence to Excellence»

  • Time:Feb 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Nevin Jameh, Minister of Trade and Industry, was opened on behalf of Dr..Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, the activities of the seventh annual conference “Ladies… Success Partners: From Coexistence to Excellence” organized by the Egyptian Women’s Business Association at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

Jami: Supporting and empowering women at the top of the priorities of the Egyptian state’s action plan

The Egyptian state's determination to support and empower women and enhance their role in building and stabilizing the family and society as a major partner in achieving sustainable economic development.

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Jameh pointed out that Egyptian women are strongly present in a large number of industrial and investment projects that provide thousands of job opportunities and enhance economic growth rates as well as a large number of business leaders in various sectors and economic activities.

She said that President Abdel Fattah El -Sisi pays great attention to the advancement of the role of women in society and the economy, as he adopted during the year 2017 the national strategy to empower Egyptian women 2030 that Egypt had the leadership in its launch in line with the sustainable development goals, and approved it as a road map for the Egyptian government, as it was allocated in 2017 to be“General for Egyptian women”.

Jameh added that the strategy is based on four axes, which are political empowerment and the promotion of the leadership roles of women, economic empowerment, protection, and social empowerment.

Minister of Commerce: A major role for Egyptian women in achieving comprehensive and sustainable economic development goals

He explained that this important event for the seventh time reflects the great interest that the political leadership and the government attaches to Egyptian women, which enjoys the support and confidence of the President of the Republic in its capabilities, the importance of its role in society and even the Egyptian economy as a whole.

Jameh pointed out that over the past years, Egyptian women have enjoyed new horizons in front of them that were not available before that paved the way for a wide way in all economic, political, social, and cultural sectors, which contributed to giving women the opportunity that she deserves to prove themselves, their position and their ability to workAnd the struggle for the future and elevation of the homeland.

And it is noteworthy that the empowerment of Egyptian women is one of the most important priorities of the ministry during the current stage to overcome the challenges facing small industries in light of the Corona Shory crisis, and work to create opportunities that contribute to strengthening and increasing investments in all sectors of the state.