Environmental Quality Authority calls for adherence to the decision to prevent fishing in order to preserve wildlife

  • Time:Oct 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Ramallah - “Al -Quds” dot com - The Environmental Quality Authority called on citizens to the need to adhere to the resolutions of preventing fishing in order to preserve the wildlife from extinction.

سلطة جودة البيئة تدعو للتقيد بقرار منع الصيد حفاظا على الحياة البرية

She said in a statement issued today, Thursday, that, due to the snowfall in Palestine, it is wild animals, including deer, which is exposed to the difficulty of the movement as a result of the severe cold, which exposes it to hunting cases by citizens, which negatively affect the balance and the Palestinian environmental vital diversity..

The Environmental Quality Authority stressed the prohibition of hunting or the constipation of birds and wild animals, possessing, transporting, wandering, or selling them alive or dead, or destroying their dens or executing their eggs.

She added: Whoever violates this will be legally pursued and imposed on legal and criminal responsibility and will be subject to the punishment stipulated in Law No. 7 of 1999 regarding the environment of Article 41, Article 71 and the Palestinian legislation of other relevant..

The Environmental Quality Authority called on citizens to preserve the natural wealth of the country from wild animals and birds and inform the crews of the Environmental Quality Authority and the Environmental Police in the governorates in any cases that are considered or hunting on wild animals.