The Electoral Committee announces the end of the stage of accrediting journalists, local and international observers, and the electoral lists agents

  • Time:Dec 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Ramallah- “Al-Quds” dot com- The Central Elections Committee announced today, Wednesday, the end of the approval of local and international journalists, monitors and agents.

لجنة الانتخابات تعلن انتهاء مرحلة اعتماد الصحفيين والمراقبين المحليين والدوليين ووكلاء القوائم الانتخابية

The committee stated, in a statement, that it has adopted more than 2,700 agents of the candidate electoral lists, in addition to more than 1700 local and international journalists from various visual, written and audio media, to cover the electoral process..

The committee adopted 37 local supervisory bodies, the number of its accredited monitors is more than 1500 observers, while the number of international observers and guests reached 150.

She indicated that she granted all agents, observers and journalists credit cards in accordance with the conditions and procedures that enable them to enter centers and polling stations, to see the progress of the polling process and cover it in the media, as well as provide them with all the necessary information about the electoral process.

She explained that the law and the election committee procedures give observers, journalists and accredited agents the right to enter the polling stations and stations, and monitor the progress of the electoral process, within the provisions and special controls, which preserves the progress of the electoral process smoothly and calmly, taking into account the special health protocol (Kofid-19).