Economist: The escalation of Putin in Ukraine must be initiated with the determination of the West and stop at its limit key words.

  • Time:Jun 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

LONDON – “Al-Quds Al-Arabi”: According to The Economist, the resistance of the Ukrainian people to the “invading” Russian forces is an inspiration to the world, but it is not acceptable to President Vladimir Putin, who wants to win the war at any cost, even if he uses nuclear weapons.

The magazine said that a week of war is not enough to stop it, because the Russian president will not easily withdraw his forces. From the outset, it was clear that this was a war of “escalation”. It is a euphemism for a reality that may be dirty and disagreeable. He therefore told the world to back off, sharpening his knife to the massacre. The world will not withdraw, because leaving Ukraine would be a mistake, and Putin would not stop there.

Elevations are like drugs, because if Putin wins in Ukraine, his next destination will be Georgia, Moldova, or the Baltic states. It will not stop until it is stopped. “The scaling up,” the magazine adds, is at the heart of this war, in which Boten tries to turn defeat into a victory. The first wave of the war proved to be as rotten as the planned group (the Cabal), just like his first efforts to subjugate Ukraine.

Boten seems to have believed in his creationism, and the country we started is not really a country. The first wave of the war, in which light helicopters and units were used, was intended to make the enemy collapse, but the Ukrainian soul was born under fire. President Volodymyr Zelinski has become a war leader who embodies the courage and defiance of his people.

Putin's optimism made him an advocate, the magazine said. He was so sure of Ukraine's fall that he did not prepare his people for war. Some forces have been told that they are conducting manoeuvres or will be welcomed as liberators. There was no willingness among the “Slavs”, who were offended and worried by Putin's recklessness, especially after they had been assured that there would be no war.

In fact, Ukraine's example led to demonstrations throughout European capitals. Within Russia, the President tries to bring the citizens to his knees by multiplying his lies and seeking guidance for a man they have not seen since the time of Stalin. A threat to the West that he would use nuclear weapons.

The magazine says that the West must stand up to Putin, show credibility and a willingness to confront him and make him bleed all the resources that helped him wage wars and violate his people, even if this leads to the West paying the economic price.

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The castration imposed after the 2014 annexation of the Smitham peninsula by Boten suffered from abdications and holes. Instead of deterrence, the Kremlin came to a conclusion: its ability to act without fear of punishment. They are effective; they are destructive.

According to the magazine, the risks of escalation are a test for those who want to proceed to the fullest. Recent wars have been uneven. Al-Qaida and the “State” may have committed crimes, but their power has been limited. The United States could destroy the globe, but no one imagined that it was prepared to do so in its war against the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Putin's invasion of Ukraine is different, because Boten is marching into the Armageddon and wants the world to believe his words. Resorting by the Russian president to nuclear weapons is unlikely, but it is not possible. He lost his neighbor and the world has to stop him.

For some, there is no reason to save Ukraine in order to start a war that would destroy civilization, but this would be an incorrect choice. He added that he wanted to get the NATO member states out of the former Warsaw Pact countries and expel America from Europe. If he is helped by the escalation, he will know that Europe will not be able to stand up to him. Others may have said that Putin is mad and useless to stop him.

Economist says that this is “true”. His goals are abominable, as are his methods, and he does not place Russia ’ s interests at the heart of what he does. But he understands power and how to maintain it. By comparison, there are others who want a short way up, namely that it must be stopped before we are too late. With the painful images of the population emerging from the rubble, there were increasing demands for NATO to establish a no-fly zone, which required the destruction of Russian aircraft and defences.

Instead, the NATO must maintain a clear line between the attack on Russia and support for Ukraine. The question is how can Putin be deterred without disaster? Zelenski and his people have the ability to continue fighting. If Putin increases the bloodbath, the West will have to tighten its noose and impose an oil embargo that will devastate Russia ’ s economy. Ukraine's supporters must send advanced weapons and more of them. NATO could deploy troops in the frontline States.

Diplomacy is also important. In this week's peace talks in Belarus, Russia has been insisting on its blatant demands, but dialogue must continue to prevent a war of attrition.

The magazine does not rule out the possibility of staying at the palace if the horror of what Boten did became evident.