Itching and redness between the toes and the way to treat it

  • Time:Oct 19
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

If you suffer from itching between your fingers, cracking or redness, you often announce me from the athlete's foot either because wearing socks and shoes for a long time, or as a result of exposure to an infection in a gym.

What is the athlete's foot

Athletic feet are fungal infections that affect the foot, as these fungi are often feed on the proteins in the skin, which are called keratin that are found in the upper layers in the skin.

This infection affects 3-15 percent of the population every year, and it is one of the most common types of fungal infections in humans.Up to 25 % of people who are likely to show symptoms of athlete at some point.

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Where do the symptoms of the athlete appear?

Parts of the body that show symptoms of the athlete's foot often are:

The distances between the toes of the foot, and the symptoms often appear in the gap between the little toe and the toe beside it

Symptoms also appear across the bottom of the foot, in addition to the heels.

Common signs and symptoms of the athlete's foot

The most common symptoms of the athlete's foot include:

Causes of the athlete's foot

Usually wearing socks and shoes in most hours of the day without letting the air reaches the infection as fungi and bacteria grow easily in wet and warm environments such as inside the shoes.

Athletic foot treatment

Most of the time, the athlete's foot is not very dangerous, and it can be treated at home by applying antifungal creams for several weeks.

These creams are available in most pharmacies, including brands that do not require a prescription, and when using these treatments, first soak and clean the infected foot fingers for 10-30 minutes in warm water, then dry your foot completely before applying the cream 1-3 timesDaily.

You must also take into account several important advice to eliminate this problem, and includes:

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