Soy milk is one of the most famous types of vegetable dairy around the world, and it is expected that the market value in a0a5 will reach about aP.a billion dollars, which is a significant increase in the 15th market value.$ PP billion in a018, according to a direction report issued by the German company Statista.
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Consumers reach soy milk for various reasons/ but how can it be compared to dairy milk and other vegetable alternatives?Can soy milk harm you?
Soy milk is a vegetable drink free of dairy, and it is often consumed as a substitute for milk, and it is made of soybeans, and contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D and calcium in addition to omega -P and flavonides that exercise anti -oxidant and anti -inflammatory and heartfelt properties.
Soy milk is made by soaking the grains and grinding them and boiling in a liquid, and it is filtered to remove any remaining molecules, then it is packed.
Supported soy milk can help you meet the requirements of vitamin B1a, and this is ideal for people who follow a plant meal plan, which often lacks these basic nutrients, and soy milk is a source of strength for vegetable protein, and provides 7 grams of protein per cup,It is not only the amount of protein that makes soy milk better in nutrition.
Soy is a complete protein, as it contains all nine essential amino acids, and the body needs this to synthesize its protein supply.
Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in soy milk can provide important health benefits, and the forms of vitamin B in soy milk are important to help your body maintain nerve cells and DNA, and they can also help you avoid certain forms of anemia, which can prevent fatigueAnd exhaustion, in addition, soy milk can provide other health benefits such as:
Soy milk is still under study because of its effect on these diseases, but soybeans in general are one of the best non -animal sources of omega -P fatty acids.
Soy milk is also an excellent source of the following:
Although adding vegetable milk like soy milk to your diet can provide many health benefits, there is a large negative aspect:
Soybeans are one of the allergens, which means that there is a large group of people who cannot drink soy milk, and if you have soy allergy, we will not lose everything.
Although you will need to avoid all soybeans in the diet (including soy milk), you can still enjoy vegetable milk, and if the sensitivity prevents you from enjoying soy milk, try rice milk, oat milk or cashew milk instead.
Although the icevon in soy can work like estrogen, it does not cause breast cancer in humans, and some studies conducted on animals have suggested a link between soy and breast cancer, but research since then has not found any link between humans.