Technology makes winter games more wonderful

  • Time:Jan 20
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Technology works to change winter sports in China significantly, which made the country one that was absent from many matches in the Pyongchang Olympics four years ago to a strong country in winter sports that established teams for all sporting events in the next Winter Olympic Games in Beijing thisYear.

Technological scientific progress contributes to China's preparations for winter games in almost all aspects, starting from specified training to physical training, and from controlling training performance to medical rehabilitation, which makes athletes' work more efficient.

For example, the auxiliary training system was equipped at the new winter sports training base in the Liwan Governorate in the northern China province of Khubi to help athletes improve their performance.

After the twin numerical ski sports jumped from the platform at the base, the speed appeared, the angle of takeoff, the dynamic position and other data on the screen immediately thanks to the small wearable devices that the athlete wore..

The auxiliary system provides athlete training through visuals and data, and directs their future training in a science -based manner.

Technology changes how athletes training for themselves in games, at a training and national sports research center in China, an antenna tunnel is used to help athletes find the dynamic conditions that generate less air -resistant, in Jabal Bishan in the province of two generations in northeastern China, a refuge has been divertedFrom the air strikes to the timeline base, where athletes can go to training even in the summer.

Regardless of training, scientific innovation also played a very important role in building the places designated for the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, and also contributed to choosing the site and building the unit for the first sliding path in China, and solving all kinds of technical problems in building a series of places, includingNational Ski Center and the National Ice Jump Center.

التكنولوجيا تجعل الألعاب الشتوية أكثر روعة

The National Water Sports Center, known as the "Water Cube", is the first place in the world that turned from a swimming center to the Cruing Stadium.It features a multi -region temperature control and humidity, and it is able to adapt to different sports in a very short period of time.

From the stage of design and evaluation to construction and operation, scientific innovation in preparatory works for winter games helps from each side.

To some extent, the Winter Olympic Games were not very popular all over the world without the help of modern technology.

New technologies improve devices to provide a better level of safety, accuracy and propaganda for the Olympic Games.Besides, new technologies also managed to renew training methods, mechanisms and other aspects of programs, to make athletes faster, higher and stronger - together.

Technological innovation is of great importance, especially for winter sports, as winter sports usually compete with outdoors at high speed while wearing a wide range of equipment..Therefore, China, which is implementing a plan of action on technological scientific innovation for winter games, adheres to independent innovation while learning advanced technologies from winter sports, in order to achieve continuous breakthroughs in their ability to operate and broadcast sports events, and to ensure the integrity of these events.

It is also expected that the technologies applied in winter sports will spread in relevant industries and "White Economy".While China is preparing to host winter games, a series of achievements have been achieved by creating science and technology in infrastructure, green development and smart cities building.These achievements will become a treasure for the host cities, and will continue to contribute to urban development, industrial vitality and the livelihood of the people.

More importantly, such progress, whether through the smart equipment used in the games that were later published, or the experience in building smart places, can help sports fields throughout China improve their management and functions.The technological results achieved in the winter games will also improve the general efficiency of the winter sports industry in China, and thus increase quality in the rapid development of the sector..

The "Beijing Experience" test competitions for the Beijing Winter Games were concluded, and they were praised to bring them excellent facilities, operations and management of the place.

We trust that the Winter Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in Beijing 2022 will become a major technology -backed event, and will attract attention from all over the world.

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