Sustainable tourism .. global orientation

  • Time:Sep 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Sustainable tourism development is one of the modern trends that have emerged as a result of the changes in the tourist destination environment in recent times;This led to the interest of many of the world's tourist countries in implementing sustainable tourism development plans and trying to establish their pillars in the various tourist destinations;In order to overcome the negatives resulting from tourism development, this has resulted in the use of sustainable tourism development tools, which is one of the most important pillars of sustainable tourism planning..

The first section: the conceptual framework for sustainable tourism.

The second section: the role of sustainable tourism planning in achieving sustainable tourism development.

Section Three: Sustainable Tourism around the world.

Fourth name: sustainable tourism in Egypt.

Fifth Section: International Experiences in the Development of Sustainable Tourism and Suggested Recommendations.

First: The concept of sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism is defined, according to the World Tourism Organization, as "tourism that takes into account its current economic, social, environmental and future effects, and to meet the needs of tourists, industry, environment and host societies.".

Thus, sustainable tourism revolves around:

The optimal use of environmental and natural resources, which constitute a major element in tourism development, environmental preservation, and helping to preserve natural heritage and biological diversity.

Respecting the social and cultural originality of host societies, preserving the cultural heritage and traditional values of society, and contributing to enhancing understanding between different cultures.

Ensuring the achievement of renewed and long -term economic processes, providing social and economic benefits for all stakeholders, which are fairly distributed, including stable job opportunities, social services for host communities, and contribute to alleviating poverty.

The development of sustainable tourism requires effective from all parties, as well as a strong political leadership for guarantee, and the achievement of sustainable tourism is a continuous process that requires continuous monitoring of external influences, and the introduction of the necessary preventive or corrective policies when necessary, and sustainable tourism must also maintain a high level of tourism satisfaction, this is thisIn addition to increasing awareness of sustainability issues and enhancing sustainable tourism practices.

Second: Sustainable tourism goals

Third: The importance of sustainable tourism

Tourism achieves great economic benefits, as it is one of the most important sources of income and job opportunities in the world, and tourism is a very complex and multilateral industry and requires a large amount of different resources.Nevertheless, tourism that is well managed can play a positive role in social, cultural, economic, environmental and political development, so it represents an important development opportunity for many countries and societies.On the contrary, the non -controlled tourism development can lead to devastating effects of natural resources, environmental pollution and social systems, so the need for planning and administration is necessary for the industry to continue as a whole..

The economic importance of tourism development is:

Improving the balance of payments: This is through the flow of foreign capital in tourism projects, and the good use of natural resources, in addition to the resources that tourism will achieve as a result of finding economic relations between them and other sectors within the state.

Providing job opportunities and overcoming the unemployment problem: as the expansion of the tourism industry and its related projects will contribute to providing new and varied job opportunities, and will lead to a high level of income and luxury for society.

Increased profitable investment opportunities: This will be achieved by identifying extensive areas of the investment process in this sector, in a way that ensures the good exploitation of the elements of the advancement of the tourism sector, through investing and employing national and foreign capital and directing them towards economically profitable areas within society.

Achieving balanced development between the regions: where tourism development will lead to the distribution and establishment of new tourism projects in the various governorates, and thus a balanced development of the regions that suffer from the decline in the economy in it.

Fourth: Forms of sustainable tourism

The forms of sustainable tourism are determined according to several factors, such as: the economic level of the state, the extent of social awareness, and the cultural level, in addition to the history, civilization, environment, climate and qualifications of the host tourist state, and the forms of sustainable tourism are the following:

Environmental tourism or green tourism: It is known, according to the World Tourism Organization, as "tourism that meets the current needs of tourists and hosts, while preserving nature in the future, and environmental tourism is working to manage resources that respond to economic and social needs, while preserving cultural integrationThe necessary environmental processes, biological diversity and life systems..

Fair tourism: It is a set of tourism services activities provided by tourist actors to travelers, and are prepared by the host country, and the social, cultural and financial benefits of these activities must be locally concrete, and are fairly distributed among the locals in the local population..

Responsible tourism: It determines each form of development, preparation and tourism activities that respect and maintain natural, cultural and social resources in the long term, and in turn contribute positively and fairly to the development and prosperity of society, as it also contributes to creating understanding and mutual respect between individuals, and this form is basedOf tourism responsible for originality, and the unjust use of natural resources.

Solidarity tourism: depends on the involvement of the residents of the host country in the various stages of the tourism project, respect for individuals, cultures and nature, and the fair distribution of wealth obtained, as it requires civil society cooperation for tourism.

Social Tourism: It depends on providing programs, activities and events to enable the weak and deprived groups to enjoy tourism, especially the social classes with limited income such as young people, retirees and people with special needs, and this can be achieved or facilitated through measures of a social nature..

Fifth: The relationship of tourism with the sustainable development goals

Tourism has the ability to contribute directly or indirectly to all the goals related to sustainable development, and it has been specifically included in the goals in the goals 8, 12 and 14, which relate to comprehensive and sustainable economic growth, consumption and urban production and sustainable use of ocean, seas and marine resources.

Below we review the relationship of tourism with the sustainable development goals:

Tourism planning is a means of coordination between the various sectors related to the tourism sector, achieving the required balance in the light of limited resources, maximizing the positive effects of sustainable tourism development, mitigating their negative effects, and requires the development of tourist areas and preparing them for tourism demand a comprehensive planning for the various economic sectors in these areas, and the necessity of coordination between them, With the need to take into account the positive and negative effects of development, the importance of tourism planning lies in:

The optimal exploitation of the various capabilities and resources, as the optimal exploitation of the available capabilities of resources and historical and archaeological monuments leads to a significant reduction in costs.

Preserving the values, customs and traditions of society, by establishing a tourism development program commensurate with the social and cultural conditions of the host society.

Helping to identify the opportunities and risks that are expected to happen in the future, which face planned projects, thus working to reduce risks significantly.

First: Sustainable tourist planning trends

Second: The principles of sustainable tourism planning

Sustainable tourism planning depends on a set of principles, which can be used to develop effective policies that contribute to achieving sustainable development goals in general and sustainable tourism development in particular, as follows:

Strategic planning: The achievement of sustainable development requires finding political and institutional changes designed carefully to meet the needs that have been defined in advance, and this is achieved through the application of the principle of "strategic planning", and this requires the application of strategic environmental evaluation systems, cumulative environmental evaluation and then the environmental impact of each project.

Integrated policy between the various sectors: This includes the National Committee for Sustainable Development to support development policies and the formation of committees between the relevant ministries to work to protect the environment and social interconnection in all sectoral policies.

Justice between generations: natural resources must be preserved in order for future generations to benefit from them as current generations have benefited from them, so that future generations have better opportunities to meet their needs.

Achieving justice between the current generation: through a fair distribution of income while securing the basic human needs of all groups of society.

Maintaining natural resources: By rationalizing the use of natural resources to ensure sustainable development so that natural resources are used in a way that ensures the preservation of biological diversity, the protection of natural resources and the use of renewable resources in a way that does not exceed their ability to renew.

Planning, Urban Development and Land Uses: which is a major tool for achieving sustainable development in urban and countryside, sustainable use of land and allocating resources, taking into account the securing of economic and social effectiveness, health and well -being of rural and urban societies.

Third: Sustainable tourism planning goals

The most important goals that must be achieved in the field of planning for sustainable tourism development are the following:

Determining short, medium and long -term goals, drawing and implementing various policies.

Encouraging the public and private sector to invest in the field of tourism.

Double the economic and social benefits of tourism activities and reduce the cost to the minimum possible.

Preserving tourist resources and protecting rare ones.

Providing and organizing public services as required in tourist areas.

Providing the necessary funding for tourism development operations locally and internationally.

Integrated coordination between tourism activities and other economic activities.

Development of different and remote areas with tourist attraction, and stimulating the industries affiliated with tourism activity in an integrated way.

Fourth: Sustainable tourism planning properties

First: Statistics on the global sustainable tourism

Sustainable Tourism Index:

The sustainable tourism index issued by the Economic Intelligence Unit aims to assess the commitment of countries to develop and enhance sustainable practices in the field of tourism, and it is divided into five axes, namely (politics and organizational environment, environmental sustainability, social and cultural sustainability, economic sustainability, travel and tourism industry)), and the index consists of19 sub -indicators, which includes 10 countries: (France, Germany, UK, United States of America, Japan, India, Brazil, China, Indonesia, Egypt))

European countries in general top the list of countries in terms of the values of the index in general and in most fields, as France and Germany have shown a strong strong commitment to sustainable tourism, by developing their national policy, defining regulations, and implementing some systems to improve environmental sustainability in tourism.

France ranked first in the value of the index with about 73.9 points, followed by Germany by about 71.7 points, while Egypt came last with about 26.5 points.

The size of the environmental tourism sector:

The size of the environmental tourism industry is estimated at about 181.1 billion US dollars in 2019, and is expected to reach 333.8 billion US dollars in 2027, registering a 14th annual growth rate.3 %.

Those responsible for making positive travel changes:

According to the "Ajuda" poll for sustainable travel trends in 2021, governments are the most responsible for making positive environmental changes in travel by 26%, followed by the Tourism Authority by 23%, then individuals by 20%.

بالنسبة لمدى مساءلة الحكومات، جاءت الحكومات في إندونيسيا والمملكة المتحدة في المرتبة الأولى بنسبة 36٪، تليها الصين 33 %، وأستراليا وماليزيا في المركزين الرابع والخامس بنسبة 28٪ و27٪ على التوالي.

For individuals' responsibility, Thailand came in the forefront of states by 30 %, then Japan 29 %, and the United States of America 28 %.

Second: The repercussions of the "Kovid-19" pandemic on sustainable tourism

There is no doubt that the Kofid-19 pandemic affects the lives of human beings in several ways, as the measures taken to control the spread of the Global for reservation of tourism trips during the month of March 2021 on more than 29 thousand individuals during the age group (18 years or over)) in 30 countries around the world about the impact of the "Coffee-19" pandemic on the directions of travelers towards sustainable tourism, the results came as follows:

61% of individuals stated in the sample that the emergence of the "Kofid-19" pandem.

This, and the state of Vietnam and India came at the forefront of the countries of the world in terms of the demand of tourists from its sustainable tourism, by 88% during the year 2021, followed by Colombia and China by 84%.

The repercussions of the "Kovid-19" on the priorities of the tourists in the sustainable tourism experience:

Dependence on small private stores to support the local economy:

This, and 42% of travelers have preferred to rely on private small stores, in order to support the local economy in countries where they travel, at the global level..

The state of Argentina came at the forefront of the countries from which the migrant tourists went to rely on small stores to buy their needs;In support of the local economy by 62%, followed by Mexico with 61%.

السياحة المستدامة.. توجه عالمي

On the other hand, Japan came among the lowest countries in which tourists relied on small private stores with the aim of supporting the local economy of countries during their travel, by 20%..

This, and the percentage of tourists who expressed the importance of providing sensors to reduce electricity consumption during their travel increased to 27% during the year 2021 compared to 23% in 2020.

32% of tourists also expressed their desire to provide the option to cancel the daily cleaning service for their rooms in order to reduce water consumption rates in 2021, compared to 28% in 2019.

The proportion of the acceptable tourists also increased the idea of a reusable table in all meals, including room service, to 35% in 2021, compared to 30% in 2020.

Future directions for individuals on sustainable tourism:

83% of tourists expressed their intention to reduce energy consumption rate.

79% of tourists also stated that they wanted to use more environmentally friendly transportation, or go to cycling, or move on foot within the host country.

With regard to the carbon footprint of the tourism industry, 69% of the tourists agreed to the financial compensation of the host countries for any carbon emissions caused by tourism activities, provided that the carbon footprint of the tourism industry is reduced in the future.

The World Tourism Organization Initiative to prepare a sustainable tourism plan in light of the recovery from the Kofid-19 pandemic:

The World Tourism Organization inaugurated an initiative to reduce the use of plastic in 2020, and this initiative came out of the focus of the tourism sector in its initial response to public health and health hygiene in the first place.As a result of the adoption of incorrect ways to get rid of waste and its management, plastic products were found in the natural environments of some tourist destinations, such as gloves, smooths and hand -handcuffs, which may often lead to more pollution -causing plastic waste, thus distorting the natural environment that depends on itHarge in achieving sustainable tourism activity, a sustainable plan has been prepared to recover from this crisis and rebuild the tourism sector more than sustainable.

The initiative included five basic recommendations, which are the following:

Removing unnecessary plastic and plastic materials to reduce the transmission of the touch infection: Unusual gloves should not be used as a substitute for washing hands, as wearing gloves gives a false impression of safety, and it may lead to not washing hands with the required amount, and the necessary plastic materials should be made available and provide themFor guests upon request;It reduces touch, and helps avoid unnecessary sterilization and cleaning procedures, in addition to reducing unnecessary plastic waste production.

Prepare effective procedures for cleaning and sterilization to encourage the adoption of models based on reusable: The World Health Organization recommends using non -medical masks to be washed frequently, and cleaning and sterilization procedures should take health and environmental risks in mind.

Evaluating the use of non -avoidable plastic containers and materials, inquiring about the possibility of recycling, and re -evaluating them regularly: In the absence of avoiding single -used plastic packages or plastic materials, preference is given to recycling plastic, and the competent infrastructure capacity should be reviewedBy managing waste to address the increased flow of plastic waste in a sustainable and circular way, with the sorting and separation of plastic waste to avoid mixing with dangerous waste.

The involvement of suppliers, waste management providers and government to improve the effectiveness of procedures and enhance the effective and effective coordination of waste management services providers to ensure collection, sorting, recycling and disposing of plastic waste, and it is advised that tourism facilities coordinate with the relevant authorities to reduce dangerous waste and increase investment in infrastructureFor waste management.

Ensuring the transparency of communication with clients: Explicit and transparent communication is a key factor for the implementation of successful health and safety procedures, and rebuilding confidence with customers, as it is recommended that communication reflect the efforts made to address plastic pollution in protocols, and the inmates must be informed of the mechanism approved to implement the planned proceduresFor her, for example the announcement of cleaning schedules.

First: The most important challenges facing sustainable tourism development in Egypt

Weak coordination between the ministries related to tourism development in Egypt (the ministries of tourism, the interior, the external, the local development, the antiquities, the aviation, the transportation, education, and health...)).

Weak commitment to environmental rules.

The lack of a detailed strategy to deal with problems, while continuing to look at tourism as a separate sector, although it is an activity that is related and depends on all other sectors, from cultivation, housing, aviation, police, transportation, and other sectors.

Difficulty extracting licenses for all tourist establishments.

The multiplicity of supervisors of tourist establishments;Which leads to the complexity of procedures.

The absence of a link between the tourism sector and other sectors that provide tourism with the goods it needs, such as food materials for hotels and tourist restaurants, and other relevant goods and services, where tourism can be an important way to promote Egyptian products.

Detained detailed tourism statistics for workers in the sector;This impedes him from following up the developments in the sector, and limits its efficiency to invest and promote in the targeted markets.

The negative image that some international media transmits from the security situation in Egypt.

Insufficient promotional and marketing campaigns for Egyptian tourism.

The suffering of most tourism companies from financial problems and the leakage of workers from this sector;As a result of his difficulties.

Second: The opportunities available to Egypt to achieve sustainable tourism development

Take advantage of the high global demand for hotels low and medium prices;As a result of the economic crises that the world is going through by caring for hotels with two stars and three stars, and working hard to raise the level of tourism service in it.

Take advantage of the high global demand for adventure tourism, such as climbing mountains and safari trips in the desert by providing safety in achieving the maximum benefit such.

Take advantage of the escalation of interest in food tourism to enjoy the dishes for the culture of each country from the establishment of festivals and food markets.

Benefiting from the large flow of tourists from Asian countries to the countries of the world by encouraging the major Asian tourism companies to come to the coming of trips to Egypt and marketing for that, which allows to attract the elders of those countries, especially as they are one of the most spending countries in the world.

Benefiting from the increasing interest of individuals by taking pictures of their participation on social media by facilitating and providing ways to photograph in the attractive places for tourists.

Take advantage of the recovery of the tourism movement in the countries where international films are filmed, such as Morocco;As this led to its high attractiveness as tourist destinations, by facilitating obtaining foreign film filming permits and entering its equipment in Egypt.

Benefit from the popularity of exhibition and conference tourism globally by focusing on the advancement of exhibition and conference tourism by holding offices to promote conferences through which marketing for hotels and existing conference halls can host conferences and exhibitions, while immediately starting to promote the conference hall in the new administrative capital to benefit from them in attracting an important segmentFrom tourists.

Third: The efforts of the Ministry of Tourism towards achieving sustainable tourism development

In the context of the Ministry of Tourism seeking to keep pace with the changing changes in the tourism industry and achieve sustainable tourism development, the ministry has followed the following:

التوسع في شبكة الفنادق المصرية الحاصلة على فندق النجمة الخضراء، وهي إحدى الشهادات التي تطبق المعايير الدولية للسياحة المستدامة، لرفع الطاقة الإيوائية للفنادق الخضراء إلى 10% من إجمالي الطاقة الإيوائية في مصر، حيث بلغ عدد الفنادق الحاصلة على تلك الشهادة 80 فندقا (حوالي 22 ألف غرفة فندقية)) بنهاية شهر يونيو 2019.

The Green Tourism Unit in coordination with some national programs to make detailed studies on energy and water uses number 9 hotels in different tourist areas to help hotels adopt appropriate investment plans to turn into these technologies, in addition to providing technical support for 10 hotels to use solar energy to generate electricity with a capacity of 150Kilowatt for each hotel;In order to provide successful models that can be repeated in the hotel sector.

Cooperation with the Ministry of Environment to expand in environmental tourism activities, and integrate biological diversity in the tourism sector by setting controls and requirements for permits to practice commercial activity within the areas of natural reserves, mechanisms to observe environmental requirements in tourism activities, and to find a mechanism to make joint control between the two ministries to ensure that there is no anyWrong behaviors or practices in dealing with the environment, and the Ministry of Tourism has taken into account the inclusion of environmental requirements within the system of updating the standards of Egyptian hotels classification.

Cooperation with the Ministry of Environment to activate the project to integrate procedures for preserving biological diversity in the tourism sector, which is carried out in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program and the global environment facility, which aims to preserve biological diversity in the development and management of the tourism sector and reduce the negative impact of the infrastructure of this sector on natural resources, and supportAnd the development of tourism, and support for Egypt as a global interface for environmental tourism.

التنسيق مع وزارة البيئة ومحافظة جنوب سيناء لتنفيذ مشروع تحويل مدينة شرم الشيخ إلى مدينة خضراء بتمويل من مرفق البيئة العالمي، وينفذه برنامج الأمم المتحدة الإنمائي خلال الفترة (2021-2026))، ويتناول هذا المشروع تنفيذ حزمة من الأنشطة البيئية في نطاق مدينة شرم الشيخ في عدد من المجالات (إدارة المخلفات الصلبة والسائلة – ترشيد استخدام المياه – تحسين كفاءة الطاقة والتوسع في استخدام أنظمة الطاقة الجديدة والمتجددة – الحفاظ على البيئة البحرية والشعاب المرجانية – تطبيقات النقل المستدام)).

Cooperation with the Ministry of Environment within the framework of the Ministry of Tourism's vision to implement the sustainable development goals set by the World Tourism Organization;Where the Ministry of Tourism participated in the announcement of the Ras Muhammad and Wadi Al -Hitan Reserve in the Green List for the first time in cooperation with the International Federation for Conservation of Nature.

With regard to preserving natural resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the tourism sector and supporting Egypt's commitment to international climate changes, investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy technology was encouraged by providing technical support for hotels interested in energy efficiency technology and renewable energy.

First: International experiences in sustainable tourism development

Emirates experience:

The Department of Tourism and Trade Marketing in Dubai is obligated to support the clean energy agenda and sustainable development goals, and the Dubai Sustainable Tourism Initiative has been launched directly with the issue of sustaining the tourism sector by attracting active participants in the sector, and setting a road map for the path of education, programs and tourism standards, in addition to awards Motivation, and the Dubai Sustainable Tourism Initiative has set 19 main standards in the hospitality sector, and these standards that are applied in all categories of hotels in Dubai aim to raise the levels of sustainability and environmental practices to the highest international levels and improve the experience of visitors and tourists.

أعلنت مبادرة "دبي للسياحة المستدامة"، التابعة لدائرة السياحة والتسويق التجاري بدبي (دبي للسياحة)) والهادفة إلى ترسيخ مكانة الإمارة باعتبارها إحدى وجهات السياحة المستدامة الرائدة عالميا، عن إطلاق مبادرة "شاركنا الاستدامة"، والتي تهدف إلى تعزيز معرفة سكان دبي وزوارها بالوجهات السياحية المستدامة بالمدينة، وكذلك تسليط الضوء على أهمية القيام بالممارسات التي تدعم هذا التوجه في حياتهم اليومية، وتتضمن هذه المبادرة الجديدة أجندة خاصة بالمناسبات البيئية التي تتكامل مع العديد من الأنشطة والممارسات التي يمكن للجمهور الانخراط فيها والتفاعل معها، بما فيها مجموعة من الإرشادات والفعاليات البسيطة الصديقة للبيئة للترويج للأماكن الطبيعية والوجهات المحليّة المتميزة في الإمارة.

وتُغطي المبادرة ثمانية من أيام البيئة والحياة البرية والسياحة البيئية على امتداد عام 2021، وتتمثل أيام المبادرة في: يوم الأرض (22 أبريل))، ويوم الشجرة العالمي (30 أبريل))، واليوم العالمي للنحل (20 مايو))، واليوم العالمي للدراجات الهوائية (3 يونيو))، واليوم العالمي للحد من استخدام الأكياس البلاستيكية (3 يوليو))، واليوم العالمي لتنظيف الشواطئ (18 سبتمبر))، واليوم العالمي للحيوان (4 أكتوبر))، اليوم العالمي للجبال (11 ديسمبر)).

Interactive electronic guide for sustainable tourism in Dubai:

The Department of Tourism and Trade Marketing in Dubai also published the first interactive electronic user guide within the "Dubai Sustainable Tourism" program;To help hotels and hospitality facilities apply quick sustainability solutions, in order to raise the level of environmental performance of hotels and create a positive impact by upgrading the environmental performance of the tourism sector, and this new guide comes within the framework of Dubai Tourism's commitment to guarantee leadership to Dubai and upgrading best sustainability and green initiatives, and seeking to transform DubaiTo a leading destination in the field of sustainability worldwide.

The user guide provides practical solutions to reduce the comprehensive environmental impact of the tourism industry, such as rationalizing energy and water consumption and waste management and activating the role of hotel and guest employees, and it is reported that the user guide "12 steps towards sustainability" was developed in partnership with the Emirates Council for Green Buildings, where all procedures are appliedThe aforementioned in the guide in accordance with the legislation, laws and procedures for the Dubai Municipality and "Dubai Tourism".

Tunisia's experience in achieving tourism development:

تُعد تونس من أوائل الدول الإفريقية في مجال التنمية السياحية، وقد قامت بإعداد خطة استراتيجية للتنمية السياحية خلال الفترة (2001- 2016))، تتضمن مجموعة من الأنشطة السياحية الكفيلة بتذليل المعوقات، وتسمح بتحقيق أهداف الخطة، وقد حددت ثلاثة أهداف رئيسة هي (التنافسية – المردودية – الاستدامة)).

Competitiveness strategies are:

A strategy to create an attractive pole and launch stronger topics on Tunisian tourism.

Strategy to diversify the offered products offered.

A new marketing look strategy.

Calculidism's achievement strategies are:

Strategy to convert Tunisian beach stations into competitive parties.

A radical improvement strategy to sponsor visitors, including putting signal panels in tourist places.

The strategy of expediting the development of human resources in order to encourage productivity.

Calculidism's achievement strategies are:

A radical running strategy for the ocean.

Strategy to enhance the capabilities of bodies and dealers in the sector.

Strategy to improve basal structures.

Renewable supplementary programs and products.

Despite the challenges that Tunisia faces in recent years, it is making efforts to support and develop sustainable tourism as a major pillar of the Tunisian economy, and one of the most important reasons for the success of tourism in Tunisia was:

It consists of several states, and each state has an organizational structure that clarifies the authority of the state in it, where laws and legislations are enacted away from centralization in decision -making..

Granting several advantages and facilities to real estate owners and investing companies.

Great attention to antique cities, preserving urban fabric and archaeological buildings.

Treating various obstacles that stand in the face of tourism development in a timely manner.

Implementing various strategic plans and trying to extract the most important consequences and positives.

New Zealand experience for sustainable tourism development:

The "New Zealand tourism sustainability" was launched in 2017, and it was updated in August 2020, and aims to see all New Zealand tourism committed to sustainability by 2025.

The vision is to lead the world in sustainable tourism, to achieve ambitious economic goals, contribute to restoring, protecting and promoting the natural environment, and continuing to be a high -quality destination for local and international visitors.

The "New Zealand tourism sustainability" complies with 12 commitment to individual companies to work for:

On the economic level:

Flexibility: Focus on the performance of business and flexibility in the long term.

Investment: Creating value and opportunities and encouraging sustainability practices.

Innovation: Solve problems and create new ways to do things and increase productivity.

At the level of tourists:

Visitor visitor: Seek to meet or always overcome visitors' expectations.

Culture and heritage: Culture and heritage embrace as part of providing a unique and authentic experience for the visitor.

Visitor interaction: engaging with visitors and highlighting how you are a great traveler within the country.

On the social level:

The chosen employer: attracting, supporting and developing the workforce needed for prosperity and success.

The community: the active and positive engagement with the societies that are being worked on, taking a leadership role in defending the important issues of society.

Sustainable supply chains: the presence of social and environmental sustainable supply chains.

At the environment level:

Nature Restore: Contributing to protecting and promoting an environment, including water, biological diversity, landscapes and clean air.

Reducing carbon: Working urgently to contribute to turning the state into a carbon -free economy.

Waste disposal: bearing responsibility for the full life cycle of the products and services used and ultimately eliminated the related waste.

Bulgaria's experience in implementing the National Tourism Strategy:

Bulgaria was suffering from the lack of benefit from local communities from tourist areas, and government initiatives lacked clearly specific relations with local institutions, so the government sought to achieve sustainable tourism through the following:

الاستعانة بشركاء دوليين ومحليين يعملون معًا تحت إشراف وزارات البيئة والمياه، والاقتصاد (الذي يشمل السياحة))، والزراعة والغابات، بما سمح بإضفاء الطابع الرسمي على المخططات المعلنة.

The signing of a cooperation protocol that supports all parties to implement the strategy, and the process has been supported by four international agencies, namely the American Agency for International Development, the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, and the Swiss Government Agency..

The launch of a number of local experimental initiatives in the "Rila" and Central "Balka" parks, with the aim of developing and protecting them and improving the living levels of local communities close to them based on participatory planning..

Forming six working groups at the national level covering information technology, developing and marketing products, financing and financial mechanisms, project development, institutional development, and regional development;In order to support the state's strategy in achieving sustainable tourism.

The state was divided into 12 regions and destination for environmental tourism based on the types of landscapes, groups of protected areas and cultural sites, then work at the local level with a group of partners to create regional federations.

Conducting a comprehensive research in the local market for environmental tourism, including quantitative surveys to measure the percentage of the population who have possible interest in environmental tourism, and to learn more about motives and expectations.

Launching many initiatives to stimulate local attention and support, including stickers and widespread publishing of the strategic framework summary and "Questions and Answers" booklet.

Development of the information management system, through databases, regular opinion polls for visitors, identifying and publishing best practices.


Second: The proposed recommendations for achieving green programs in hotels