Stimulating the vaccination of expatriates and refugees priority with the elderly and school students

  • Time:Feb 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

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Mahmoud Al -Tarawneh

AMMAN - Amid government assurances received by the Minister of State for Information Affairs, its spokesperson, Faisal Al -ShoubAli Al -Mutayem, ”while the Ministry of Interior issued instructions yesterday to deport any expatriate who did not receive the doses of Al -Mutawum as of December 15th.

These experts considered that the presence of expatriates in the Kingdom without health supervision or vaccination will be as a "time bomb" that could warn of the spread of the epidemic, stressing the need to find effective means to persuade citizens to demand vaccination, especially the elderly and children.

In the context, the epidemic expert, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al -Maani says that the lack of vaccination of different groups of society, such as expatriates;And refugees;School students and the elderly, the fingers are currently accused of failure to official bodies that follow the file of the pandemic.

He pointed out that the facial education for school students, opening sectors and giving innocence to festivals, concerts and large gatherings would cause high daily numbers of daily injuries and thus weekly;Although the members of the epidemics confirmed in multiple statements that the citizens who attended festivals and concerts did not abide by personal protection means from wearing muzzle and physical spacing, and these festivals and parties were distinguished by the lack of epidemic discipline.

The meanings indicated that the obvious recklessness and indulgence will be reflected in the epidemiological situation, considering that the lack of vaccination of expatriates and refugees will negatively reflect on the epidemiological situation, especially since they are like "timed bombs" that may become a foci of spread at any time and put pressure on the medical system during the period of the pandemic.

تحفيز تطعيم الوافدين واللاجئين أولوية مع كبار السن وطلبة المدارس

And the importance of organizing the procedures for refugees, considering that 30 % between expatriates and refugees inherently, a small percentage and must be raised, especially for the elderly and home women..

For its part, the Ministry of Interior confirmed that it will take strict measures against expatriate workers who did not obtain the two vaccinated doses as of the fifteenth of next December, including the deportation outside the country.‏

The ministry said in a press statement yesterday that the decision comes with the aim of preserving public health and safety and the purposes of immunizing them against infection and not being transferred to others, especially as it allows the vaccine to obtain free and without the requirement to highlight the residence permit or the work permit.‏
وقوبل قرار وزارة الداخلية بالترحاب في اوساط الخبراء والاخصائيين الذين وصفوا الخطوة بالمناسبة.

In the same context, the member of the epidemics, Dr. Bassam Al -Hijjawi, praised the step, pointing out that this matter applies to refugees outside the refugee camps, considering that they are within the target group as well..

He pointed out that the number of refugees in the camps, who are coordinating the High Commissioner for Refugees, does not exceed 150 thousand, while the rest of the refugees are inside the cities and between citizens and it is necessary to adhere to the delegate.

And that all residents of the Kingdom's lands should turn to the Al -Mutayem, stressing the people that their children should be allowed to vaccinate between the ages of 12 to 18 years, especially with the advent of the winter season and the entry of seasonal viruses.

He called on citizens and residents to turn to Al -Mutayem, explaining that the Ministry of Health stimulates it, by reaching the areas of residents of citizens in the parties, and through the prizes and others, considering that it is the responsibility of the state to secure the allegedness, whatever it is and its payments and dates.

He said that the epidemiological situation is controlled with the increase in the weekly injuries to 10 thousand injuries, while the hospital works rates did not exceed 28 %..

The Ministry of Health announced yesterday that 12 deaths and 1022 new Corona injuries in Jordan were recorded, while the positive percentage of tests was 4.right %.

إقرأ المزيد :

0.4 % of the schools in "Corona", and there is no return from "Al -Wajhi"

الوسوماللاجئين اللقاح الوافدين الوباء نسب التطعيم