“Sports”: Allowing “vaccinated people” to attend matches and obligating them to wear a muzzle and precautions

  • Time:Apr 24
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Ministry of Sports issued the protocol for the entry of fans to stadiums and sports facilities, which included a number of important precautionary measures, such as distancing and wearing masks, in addition to the mechanism for entering the masses and preventing gatherings inside the stands or at internal and external doors, and other instructions that must be adhered to, provided that the concerned authorities Follow up the implementation of this, and take the necessary action in the event that any violations are detected.

This comes in addition to the decision issued on March 29, 2021, regarding the attendance of the immunized fans for sports matches by 40% of the capacity of the stadiums as of the date of Shawwal 5, 1442 corresponding to May 17, 2021, based on the approval of the concerned authorities to follow up on the developments of the new Corona virus issued at the time.

The protocol specified the categories that will be allowed to attend sports matches, according to what appears in the “Tawakkalna” application, as follows:

First: Immunized: Who completes two doses of the vaccine

Second: Immunized first dose: whoever received one dose of the vaccine

Third: Recovered vaccinated: Those who contracted the virus and recovered, provided that they have spent less than 6 months since contracting the virus.

Entry will also be allowed for people over the age of 7 and under the age of 18, provided that their condition in the “Tawakkalna” application is not infected or not in contact.

The Ministry, along with sports federations and clubs, has taken all necessary measures to implement the protocol, in order to preserve the health and safety of all.

Protocol for fans to enter stadiums and sports facilities

The environment and social distancing

• Reducing the capacity of the stadium to a maximum of 40%.

• Persons over 18 years of age are allowed to attend, provided they are both vaccinated (two-dose vaccinators, first-dose vaccinators, recovered vaccinators).

• Persons from 7 years old to under 18 years old are allowed to enter, and they are not required to be immunized or recovered, but their condition in “Tawakulna” must be uninfected and not in contact with.

• Members of the same family can sit together, and social distancing must be applied between them and the rest of the people

• In the absence of an electronic platform, tickets are issued through the club, with the obligation to apply social distancing

• It is forbidden to sell tickets in the stadium on match day.

• Allocating supervisors in the car parks to organize the entry of cars according to the time specified in the ticket.

• Providing toilets with self-operating taps, and in case this is difficult, a worker must be assigned to each toilet to carry out regular disinfection and cleaning of the toilet.

• Allocating places for the association of the masses isolated from the rest of the masses and making sure that equipment and tools are used by one person and that they are not circulated among people.

• Putting clear floor stickers and signs to stand

• Seating seats are determined to maintain a safe distance (one and a half meters) between seats, including first class seats and the podium.

• Tickets are booked through an electronic platform to ensure social distancing and are specified (time to enter the stadium - exit time - entry gate - exit gate).

• The presence of an appropriate number of organizers to ensure the application of spacing and avoid crowding.

• Allocate paths before and after the gates to ensure social distancing and places for temperature checks.

• Distributing hand sanitizers and tissues to the masses upon entry. In the event of difficulty, sterilizers are available and placed in a clear place for the public.

• Disinfect and disinfect surfaces most likely to be touched.

• Gatherings are prohibited between the halves of the match or after the end

• Specifies the public's entrances and exits for each square.

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protection and prevention

• Emphasis on taking the corona vaccine for all employees or doing a PCR smear every 7 days

• Paying attention to washing hands with soap and water or using sanitizers on a permanent basis

• Be careful to wear protective equipment when cleaning and disinfecting the playground and dispose of it in the proper manner.

• It is allowed to serve or sell food and drinks to fans in the stands

• Preventing anyone not wearing a mask from entering the stadium

Reporting and monitoring

• Making a check point at all entrances, including measuring the temperature with approved devices, and asking about respiratory symptoms, if any.

• Measuring the temperature of all those in charge of the stadium and all workers daily before the start of the work period

• Not enabling any person working in the stadium, who has symptoms similar to influenza, to work or enter the stadium until the symptoms disappear, according to the report of the treating doctor

• The employee or worker is obligated to self-isolate at home if he feels symptoms and must not come to the playground

• In the event that a confirmed case is registered among one of the stadium officials, the procedures and precautions contained in the guide for dealing with suspected or confirmed cases of “Covid-19” disease must be applied at the workplace and issued by “Prevention”.

• Prevent people with a high temperature or respiratory symptoms from entering the stadium

• The (Tawakkalna) application is used to ascertain the health status of individuals, and the presence of any person with his condition (injured), or in contact with an infected case is prohibited.

Reporting cases among workers who have a high temperature or respiratory symptoms and are suspected of being infected with the “Covid-19” virus and must be prevented from entering the stadium

• In the event that there is housing for workers, an isolation room must be prepared for suspected cases in the residence designated for them

• Cooperating with the Ministry of Health in the process of monitoring cases in contact with a confirmed case so that the epidemiological investigation and quarantine procedures are applied to them in accordance with the procedures followed by the public health team

Awareness and education

Educating workers, the public and those in charge of the stadium about the symptoms of the virus and its means of transmission, and avoiding going to the stadiums in the event of any respiratory symptoms or high temperature

• Publishing awareness leaflets at all entrances to the stadium and in prominent places, and when buying tickets, preferably written in different languages ​​and include the following

1- Ways of transmission and prevention of the virus

2- Awareness of washing hands, avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth, and urging them to pay attention to personal care and health care

3- Follow the etiquette of sneezing and coughing

4- Continuous warning of the importance of adhering to safety guidelines, protection from the virus, physical distancing, and preventing gatherings


• Putting up a board that includes a statement of the violating acts and the method of reporting them

• Training the officials at the checkpoints on the method of examination and the use of a temperature measuring device

• Appointment of trained security guards to prevent crowding and apply social distancing

• Establishing communication channels for stadium officials to report violations and work to avoid them

• Appointing supervisors responsible for implementing health requirements

Conduct mandatory health and safety training on COVID-19 for all employees

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