Specialists: Blue light steals sleep and affects the eyes

  • Time:Aug 01
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

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AMMAN- Specialists warned of the consequences of exposure to blue light emitted from the screens at night because of its effect on the quality of sleep, which makes one wake up and cause insomnia and negatively affects the eyes such as the occurrence of dryness and an increase in myopia..They explained to the Jordan News Agency (Petra) that the blue light through its negative impact on the eyes prevent the production of the hormone "melatonin", and thus prevents sleeping from sleep, and the lack of sleep resulting usually leads to moods and problems of focusFrom endurance and lifting the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression in the long run.Between the specialist in the chest, respiratory and sleep medicine, Dr. Muhammad Al -Tarawneh, that the blue light, which comes out of electronic and cellular devices, and computers affects the secretions of the pituitary gland, which leads to the pre -release of the hormone “melatonin” responsible for controlling the daily rhythm to enter the state of sleep.And that, the illness in the biological clock in the body, which is the night night rhythm of sleep, leads to the difficulty of returning to sleep naturally again, as a result of some sleeping during the day and staying up at night.Al -Tarawneh advised not to use cellular and electronic devices in the bedroom because of its effect on the quality and hygiene of sleep, and to maintain "cleanliness of sleep" or the so -called "healthy sleep", which is sleeping for no less than 8 hours at night in a quiet room of moderate heat, and notLots of fluid before bed, or eat fatty meals.He stressed the importance of the bedroom free of smart devices, because the blue light emitted from it leads to a disruption in the pineal gland responsible for the secretion of the hormone "melatonin", which helps to enter sleep.He continued, that sleeping in a certain hour, and waking up at a specific timing helps to reset the body's biological clock, explaining that the correct sleep leads to reducing inflammation factors inside the body, and controlling the work of the immune system.For his part, an eye surgeon, Dr. Qusai Hisham Al -Zureikat, said that some American studies in the state of Georgia showed that the view of the Blue light negatively affects it as the occurrence of dry eyes and the increase in the limitations and white water (cataract).He added, that the reason for this long exposure to the retina of this light and the work of the continuous lens to prevent its arrival to the eye and thus the accumulation of the absorption of blue light over the years, pointing to the occurrence of changes on the neurons, which leads to aging retinal disorder, causing poor eyesight, which is difficult to treat.For his part, the fibroid engineering specialist and medical equipment, Engineer Mahmoud Al -Tarawneh, said that there are in our lives a variety of light rays, including red, orange, yellow, green and blue, and many of the gradients of these colors, depending on the energy and wavelength of individual rays (also known as electromagnetic radiation), and make rays The color of the colored spectrum combined to form what we know as "white light" or sunlight, indicating that the wavelength of visible light in all its gradients is within 300 - 700 nanometers, and the blue color ranges between 380 - 500 nanometers, and the sun is not the only source of this light, but rather Modern man -made devices such as computer screens, cellular devices and television are a source of blue color.He explained, that the high -energy blue light (high frequency) and low wavelength, poses an explicit threat if the eye is exposed directly and for long periods of this light, and this is what the German Association of Ophthalmologists had previously warned, where the association explained that excessive exposure to lightBlue emitted from electronic devices raises the risk of infection with what is known as "age -related macular degeneration", which may lead to visual loss.He continued, that the ease of breaking blue is more than other visible lights leads to a more blue color showing other colors, and research and studies (blue light) show harmful effects only when the light capacity is 3 micro watt or more..It is noteworthy that there are many studies, which were concerned with blue light and sleep problems, where during 2018 Finnish researchers analyzed studies on the relationship between blue light and the biological clock, and concluded that when one exposed to blue light for two hours in the evening, the hormone production is reduced"Melatonin", just as they concluded that red light can also affect the biological clock of the body.-(Petra)

8:03 م2021-08-13 شاركها فيسبوك تويتر لينكدإن واتسابعبر البريد طباعة

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