Solve the mystery of the murder of a British woman in Greece by her husband

  • Time:Sep 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Greek authorities arrested the pilot, Papis Anagnostopoulos, after he attended the funeral of his wife, which was held on the island of Aloniosos, where she grew up.

The husband had claimed earlier that his wife was killed by three people who broke into his house for the purpose of theft and tied him up, but his account was not convincing to the authorities, who did not find any evidence pointing to the gang that the husband claimed killed his wife by strangling and then stole 15 thousand euros in cash.

According to the BBC website, the police were able to solve the mystery of the case when they reviewed the monitoring system in the couple's house, as well as the smart watch that the wife was wearing, which helped the competent authorities to accurately determine the time of her death, as it was found that her heart was still beating at the time. In which the husband claimed she was killed, the police also discovered that the husband had used his phone and wandered around the house at the same time he said he was tied up, and the home surveillance system revealed that video recordings of the incident had been removed.

solving the mystery of the murder of a British woman in Greece by Her husband

The 20-year-old British victim, Caroline Croce, had moved with her family to live on the Greek island when she was a child, and then moved after her marriage to live with her husband and child in a suburb of the Greek capital, Athens.

After the crime occurred on the eleventh of last May, the police announced a reward of 300,000 euros for anyone who provides information leading to the arrest of the alleged gang, describing the crime in a statement as “horrific.”

As for the details of the husband's arrest, the police informed him that new information had been revealed about the case of his wife's murder and that he had to accompany the police to Athens. Upon his arrival in the capital, he was charged with murder, and he was arrested. After eight hours of continuous investigation, he confessed to his crime.

It is noteworthy that the husband had posted on his Instagram account a picture of his wife from their marriage five days after the crime, commenting, "Together forever, farewell, my love."

This incident shed light on a different aspect of modern technology, which is always accused of violating the privacy of its users, but it had a decisive role in revealing the circumstances of this crime, which claimed the victim of a mother of a still young child.

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