Smart nanopolitan teeth preach a major revolution in the field of future dentistry

  • Time:Jun 10
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The size of the global dental services market is expected to reach 554.5 billion US dollars by 2028, with an annual growth rate of 6.4% from 2021 to 2028, as said the Cision platform in a recent report.

The size of the dental transplant market reached $ 10.57 billion in 2020, and it is expected to reach 17.44 billion dollars by 2028, with an annual growth rate of 6.97% from 2021 to 2028.

In America alone, there are more than 3 million people who have cultivated teeth that are used to replace the lost due to caries, gum disease or injury, and these cultivated teeth or implants - as they are scientifically called - have been a jump from progress on teeth crews or bridges that were previously used, As it is more secure and designed to last a longer period of time.

Smart teeth capable of staying forever

But the age of these implants is often less than expected, and instead you need to be replaced within 5-10 years due to topical inflammation or gum disease, which requires the recurrence of the financially charged cultivation process for patients.

This has prompted scientists to search for new technology to create smart industrial teeth capable of staying for a long time and perhaps forever, which was finally reached by Dr. Gilsio Huang, assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania, American, where he invented a team with him smart nanoparticles capable of resisting bacteria for a periodLong of time, as mentioned by a report published on the university platform recently.

أسنان نانوية ذكية تبشر بثورة كبرى في مجال طب الأسنان المستقبلي

"We wanted to address this problem radically, as we reached a new and innovative implant in our laboratories," says Dr. Huang.

And it confirms that the new implant contains two main techniques, the first: the use of a substance filled with nanoparticles that resist the bacterial invasion, and the second is an internally implanted light source to perform light therapy when needed supported by the natural movements of the mouth, such as chewing or brushing teeth.

New technologies with many applications

نشر الدكتور هوانج هذه التقنية الجديدة في ورقة بحثية لأول مرة بالمجلة العلمية المحكمة "إيه سي إس أبلايد ماتيريالز آند إنترفيسس" (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces) حيث وضع وزملاؤه نظامهم الأساسي، والذي يمكن في المستقبل استخدامه ليس في مجال زراعة الأسنان فقط بل وفي استبدال المفاصل أيضا، مما سيشكل ثورة أخرى بهذا المجال.

"The therapy can lead to a variety of health problems, especially if the battery is replaced or recharged during the operation ... To overcome this, we used a Piezoelectric Mateial substance that can generate energy from natural oral movements, and we can do thisTechnology protects the gums from bacteria successfully. "

The material used by the researchers was barium Titan (BTO), which had a hypothetical anti -action properties that are used in applications such as condensate and transistors, but it has not been known before the possibility of using them as a basis for anti -infected vibrant substances.

To test its capabilities as a basis for dental implants, the team first used CDs with nanoparticles of barium Titan (BTO) and its bridges of the "Streptococcus Mutans" bacteria, which is a basic component of biological bacteria responsible for tooth decay.They found that the tablets resisted the formation of biological membranes in a dose -dependent manner, and they found that the tablets with a higher concentration of barium titan are better in preventing vital membranes from being associated with bacteria that cause caries.

Previous studies have indicated that barium titan may kill bacteria completely, but Dr. Huang and his colleagues did not notice this, and instead the material generates an improved negative superficial charge that expels the walls of the negatively charged cells of bacteria, which prevents cavities.

"We wanted to create a substance that can resist the growth of bacteria for a long time," Dr. Hyang commented.

The power generation property of the created material has been preserved, and in the tests, and with the passage of time the material has not been leaked.It also showed a level of mechanical strength that can be compared to other materials used in dental applications.In addition, it did not harm the natural gum tissue in experiments, which supports the idea that it can be used safely in the mouth.

In the future, this team hopes to continue to improve the "smart" dental implant system and test new types of materials that can be used in this field, and Huang asserts, "We hope that we will develop the smart transplant system more, and that we see it in the future replace the traditional methods of implants currently used".