Sleep and mental illness are not separated

  • Time:Sep 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The 1954 Nobel Prize -winning international writer "Ernest Hementway" says: Let's go to sleep..I just feel fine when I am on my bed.

In the early hours of the morning of July 2, 1961, "Hemangway" descended to the cellar where he kept the hunting rifle, put shots in his rifle, and shot himself to drop the curtain on a unique talent, which has always impressed millions around the world.

The man was suffering from mental illnesses, as he was from a family that had a history with suicide attempts, and he was always yearning for his bed, but at the same time he wrestled with chronic insomnia, that insomnia that most of his novels also suffered, was the thinner "Hemangway" the cause of his illnessPsychological?Or is it mental illness that caused insomnia?

The relationship seems to be more complicated than we imagine;People who have been diagnosed with mental illness are likely to suffer from poor quality of sleep compared to the general public, according to the largest study of its kind ever recently published in the Plos Medicine patrol (Plos Medicine).

The study says that sleep is essential to mental health;The lack of sleep is not just a distinctive feature of mental disorders, but it can be a causal risk factor, and it can reduce the interventions concerned with improving the quality of sleep from depression and post -trauma disorder, preventing psychotic diseases, and improving psychological luxury and the quality of life.

The study was based on data collected from 89205 participants in the United Kingdom who agreed to wear a technology device called the "acceleration scale" on their actions, so that it follows the movement of their bodies 24 hours a day for seven days, and they also agreed to store their data in a digital bank for search purposes.

Sleep patterns changes

The authors used computer algorithms - including machine learning - to summarize this huge amount of data in ten standards, including bedtime, waking time, nap and longest period of continuous sleep, then compared these standards among the participants who received a previous diagnosis of mental illness in their lives and those who did notDiagnosis.

The researchers found that people who were diagnosed with mental illness in their lives tend to have changes in sleep patterns, and are usually worse;As this was true for all the four diagnostic categories that the researchers examined, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia, this means that the more the sleeping standards that were examined in the study worsen, the greater the chances of mental illness, and the sleeping standards that were examined included.In the study, the period spent by people sleeping, entry time for bedding, and waking time, in addition to the number of waking times at night.

Michael Winberg - post PhD researcher at the Carmamel Center for Neurological Informatics in the United Kingdom, and the main author of the study - says in statements to "Science": the relationship between sleep efficiency and two -way mental health;Lack of sleep contributes to poor mental health, and poor mental health contributes to lack of sleep.

Sleep efficiency

وSleep efficiency هي النسبة المئوية بين وقت نوم الشخص والاستيقاظ الذي يكون فيه الشخص نائمًا بالفعل، فعلى سبيل المثال، فإن الشخص الذي ينام في منتصف الليل ويستيقظ في الثامنة صباحًا، ولكنه يقضي 7 ساعات فقط من تلك الساعات الثماني نائمًا بالفعل لأنه يستمر في الاستيقاظ في منتصف الليل، ستكون Sleep efficiency لديه 7/8، أو 87.5 %.

Through the diagnoses, the standards related to sleep quality were more related than just the duration.

Given the relationship between the length of the sleep attack and the quality of sleep, we find that the quality of sleep may be more turbulent than the length of sleep through mental illness, and these results emphasize the importance of evaluating the quality of sleep in addition to the duration of sleep.

النوم والمرض العقلي صنوان لا يفترقان

However, the researchers noted that the effects of sleep may vary greatly through the sub -species of the disease (such as stereotypes against non -stereotypes), or cases such as a mania seizure against a depressive attack.

"Up to 80% of people with mental health disorders can face sleep problems, stay asleep, or wake up earlier than they want, we know that sleep disturbances cause a great burden on society, including the economic burden.And we know that the treatments that improve the quality of sleep, whether it is a behavioral or psychological treatment or some types of medications, can improve mental health results.

At a time when most previous studies on sleep and mental illness focused on white individuals, the main factor that distinguishes the new study is to repeat it through various races, including those who have not been historically represented in medical research, in addition to this ethnic repetition, the researchers emphasizeAlso, males and females show similar changes in sleeping when mental illness.


The researchers relied on the data received from the acceleration scale that the participants worn for 7 days for 24 hours a day, so can what the data can be trusted?

يقول "شريجوي تريباثي" -الأستاذ المساعد في قسم الطب النفسي بجامعة تورنتو، والمؤلف الرئيسي للدراسة- في تصريحات لـ"للعلم": إن استخدام Acceleration في المعصم لقياس النوم أمرٌ بدائي مقارنةً بتخطيط النوم الذي يُعد المعيار الذهبي لتشخيص اضطرابات النوم؛ لأن مقاييس تسارع المعصم تقيس حركة المعصم فقط، وحركة المعصم هي دليلٌ ناقصٌ على كون الشخص نائمًا بالفعل.

يضيف "تريباثي": على وجه الخصوص، لا تستطيع Acceleration التمييز بين النوم والفترة التي تسبق النوم مباشرة، عندما يكون الشخص بالفعل بلا حراك إلى حدٍّ ما، وقد تفشل Acceleration أيضًا في التقاط فترات الاستيقاظ القصيرة جدًّا التي لا تنطوي على الكثير من حركة المعصم، "ومع ذلك يُعَد قياس التسارع عمومًا دقيقًا إلى حدٍّ ما لقياس النوم، وهو أكثر تنوعًا بكثير من تخطيط النوم، الذي يتطلب توصيل عدة أقطاب كهربائية بجسمك وقضاء ليلة في عيادة النوم.

ولأن الكثير من المعرفة بمشكلات النوم في الأمراض العقلية يعتمد فقط على الإبلاغ الذاتي، يقول "واينيبرج": "إن استخدام Acceleration في المعصم أمرٌ أفضل؛ إذ لا تتوافق مقاييس النوم المبلغ عنها ذاتيًّا دائمًا بشكل جيد مع القياس المباشر".

ويتابع: لنأخذ مثالًا واحدًا، أظهرت الدراسات السابقة أن الناس سيئون بشكل مدهش في تقدير مدة نومهم الحقيقية؛ فقد يقول الشخص العادي إنه استيقظ لمدة 75 دقيقة رغم أنه استيقظ أقل من ذلك بكثير، وقد يكون الأشخاص المصابون بالاكتئاب غير دقيقين بشكل خاص في الإبلاغ عن مدى جودة نومهم أو مدته، والأمر المثير للاهتمام والفريد في هذه الدراسة هو أننا نظرنا إلى مقطع عرضي كبير جدًّا من الأشخاص يتكون من حوالي مئة ألف شخص، واستخدمنا Acceleration التي يتم ارتداؤها على المعصم لتقدير النوم بدلًا من الاعتماد على التقارير الذاتية.

However, "Winberg" does not say that the study tells us a lot about sleep disturbances;"Many changes in sleep patterns that we notice despite being statistically significant are in fact very small, and it is likely that it does not meet the diagnostic criteria for sleep disorder," most likely is that researchers chose to look at the data of the people who had previously been diagnosed with a diseaseMy mind is at some point in their lives, "so not everyone who necessarily suffers from the symptoms of mental illness at a time when they wore the acceleration scale," according to "Winberg"..

Unique methodology

This is the first large -scale diagnostic study of sleep in which this vital vital process is measured objectively, and the unique method of study allowed to monitor sleep in a natural home sleep environment for each individual instead of a laboratory environment.

"The association between mental illnesses and the quality of sleep and its efficiency is known for a long time, but that study provided a complete evidence of the existenceA direct mutual relationship between sleep and mental illness, which is a bilateral direction;As the psychiatric patient does not sleep well, and the person who does not sleep well is exposed to a mental illness.

"Smith" believes that the amazing matter in that study is a procedure that follows the tens of thousands of people at the same time, and this gives an proven statistical significance, "stressing that this study has an important clinical and major clinical effect, related to the necessity of doctors looking at the quality of sleep as well, not toJust its duration ".

For his part, "Winberg" hopes that these results will help people to follow healthy habits, and it is also advised to go to doctors if anyone suffers from a bad sleep.

"If you are worried about how you sleep, don't be satisfied with going out and buying a sleep tracking device, it is better for you to talk to your doctor and practice good sleep habits in which a daily fixed sleep schedule is adhered to, not to eat or use electronic devices just before bedtime.