"Six million man" .. the story of "Umm Yahya", the owner of the oldest factory for the Prophet's birthday (video)

  • Time:Dec 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

"Six million men", thus described her for everyone who knew her, she is Mrs. Umm Yahya, who took the profession of desserts of the birth of her husband after his death, and her forced to take responsibility and complete his career..

And the area of Sayyida Zainab knows the need, Umm Yahya, since she was a young young woman, standing next to her husband to help him in his field of work to overcome the difficulties of life together, but after a while he died and left her one carrying all that burden.

«ست بمليون راجل».. حكاية «أم يحيى» صاحبة أقدم مصنع لحلويات المولد النبوي (فيديو)

Al -Dustour met with the owner of the oldest dessert factory in the Sayyida Zainab area, which said, "Our job remains two months, but in the year," and continued, "It works every season only about the date of the Prophet’s birth by about a month, and we prepare with the purchase of raw materials and equip the equipment, and before the birthdays we offer products in front of the factory to sell themDistributing some of them to merchants and shops..

Clean materials and in -depth equipment

Umm Yahya focuses on choosing clean materials and using in -depth equipment, as she emphasizes her workers by wearing hand gloves, as they make a dessert of birth that each big and small eat, and she said, "They are interested in that they are the same people because we are one team and can be a family." Umm Yahya confirmed that she foundThe matter is after her husband left the factory for her honesty, and she must be able to take responsibility and overcome crises until her children became a great age.She added that her work in the factory has a major role in overcoming the death matter of her husband, especially in the Sayyida Zainab area, whose residents are distinguished by their "cushions", and she confirmed that she is interested in bringing her children with her to the factory to gain experience until she makes sure that her husband's career will be completed until the end.

Maryam, one of the sons of Umm Yahya, said that she comes without any pressure from anyone and is interested in being present continuously since the beginning of the work of the factory, and finds pleasure in dealing with customers and workers and is keen to be present throughout their work period.

She added that she can reconcile her studies with her work in the factory, commenting, "I don’t want to do so on her own, I have to be side by side in every step of her steps.”.