Should you be concerned about the Corona virus? Here is everything you need to know about this virus

  • Time:Apr 16
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) - Hundreds of people have been infected with the new Chinese virus "Corona", which is similar to the "SARS" virus, since it began to spread in Wuhan, in December. And the scientist Liu Bon, who is the first person to decode the virus, believes that “Corona” began to appear in animals, and then spread to humans.

"What we know is that it initially causes pneumonia, without responding to antibiotic treatment, which is not surprising," said Poon, a virologist at the School of Public Health in Hong Kong. "But in terms of mortality, the SARS virus kills 10% of individuals."

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It is not clear how dangerous the Wuhan virus is, but the death rates from it are considered lower, at the present time, than the “Mers” and “SARS” viruses.

In turn, the World Health Organization has provided some guidelines for different countries, in order to prepare for and treat the disease.. Here's what you should know about the "Corona" virus.

What is the Corona virus?

Corona is one of the common viruses among animals, as it can be transmitted to humans, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Corona virus symptoms

Viruses can make people sick, with symptoms including a runny nose, sore throat, and possibly headache and fever, which may last for a few days.

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For people with weakened immune systems, both old and young, the virus has the potential to cause more serious respiratory illnesses, such as pneumonia or bronchitis.

It is believed that the “Corona” virus is more dangerous than the “Mers” and “SARS” viruses, as it takes longer for the symptoms to appear and develop. In turn, Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health at Oxford University, Peter Horby, explained that patients have so far been suffering from a mild cough, followed by shortness of breath, which entails a visit to the hospital.

How the Corona virus spreads

The virus can be spread by human contact with animals. Scientists believe that the "Mers" virus began to appear in camels, while others considered that civet cats were responsible for the outbreak of the "SARS" virus. However, officials do not know the cause of the outbreak of the “Corona” virus in the Chinese city of Wuhan, to this day.

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As for the transmission of viruses from one person to another, it occurs as soon as you come into contact with the secretions of an infected person, such as a cough. The virus can also be transmitted by touching a specific object that an infected person has touched, and then placing your hand over your nose, mouth or eyes.

Those affected by the Corona virus

MERS, SARS and Corona viruses seem to affect older people more than others. In turn, Horby explained that it has not been confirmed that there are children among the cases of the injured, as the average age of the injured is 40 years or more.

Corona virus treatment

There is no specific treatment for the Corona virus, but research is still ongoing. If your symptoms are worse than a common cold, you may want to see your doctor.

The doctor can alleviate the symptoms of the disease, by prescribing medication for pain or fever. It is also important to drink plenty of water, rest, and sleep as much as possible.

Should you be worried about the Corona virus?

Professor of Mathematical Biology at Imperial College London, Neil Ferguson, explained that the death rate from infection with the “Corona” virus in Wuhan is lower compared to the “SARS” and “Mers” viruses, but it is similar to the Spanish flu epidemic, which was published in 1918.

How can you prevent the "Corona" virus?

The US National Institutes of Health is working on a vaccine against the new virus, but it will take many months for clinical trials to begin, and more than a year for a vaccine to become available.

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But, you may be able to reduce the risk of infection, by avoiding people with the “Corona” virus, so, try to avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and wash your hands with soap and water often for at least 20 seconds.

And if you plan to travel to China, be aware of the symptoms of the disease and avoid animal markets, where the outbreak began in the Chinese city of Wuhan.