Shaked from the Emirates: There will be no Palestinian state

  • Time:Jun 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

A translation of “Jerusalem” dot com- Elelet Shaked, the Israeli Minister of Interior, said that the current government headed by Naftali Bennett or its president alternately Yair Lapid will not discuss any issue related to the establishment of a Palestinian state, nor will it allow it to reside.

Shaked, in an interview with the English-language Emirati newspaper The National- according to what was reported in the seventh Hebrew channel- that there is a consensus within the current government coalition between the right, center and left parties not to address any issue that may cause an internal crack, including the issue of conflict with the Palestinians.

"The current situation is the best for everyone, and it is better to preserve it," Shaked said in the interview during her visit to the UAE, noting that she seeks to manage the conflict with the Palestinians and not solve it.

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She added, "We believe in economic peace to improve the lives of the Palestinians and to carry out common industrial areas, but it is certainly not an army."

Shaked refused to describe the settlements by some parties as illegal, and that the Jewish people have a "legal and historical right in the West Bank areas", while the bodies behind the international boycott movement described "hypocrites", and that they are "anti -Semitic".

She expressed its rejection of the calls calling for the withdrawal of Israel from the 1967 borders, saying that "Israel has learned an invaluable lesson from its previous conflicts ... All the lands we withdraw from, from which" terrorist organizations "appear, this happened in southern Lebanon where Hezbollah rules and informs Iran, and directsThousands of rockets towards Israel, and when we withdrew from Gaza, some say they would be another Monaco, but we know what is happening there, Hamas seized it and turned it into a 'terrorist state', and we will not repeat this experience again.

Commenting on the meetings of Israeli ministers recently with President Mahmoud Abbas, Shaked said that Abbas is not a partner of any real peace deal, accusing him that he did not hold the elections because he feared losing to Hamas, who could take over.

Regarding normalization with the Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan, the Israeli Minister of Interior described it as a role model for others, saying that it suggests that more Arab and Islamic countries join.

She added, "Everyone saw the benefits of peace between the UAE and Israel at the economic, tourism and technological levels."