Dysplacement in Safari 15 leaks sensitive information

  • Time:Jul 29
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Verge said that there is a technical defect in the Safari 15 browser, which is developed by Apple, and may lead to the leakage of the activity that the user does, and also reveals some of the personal data attached to the user's account on Google.

خلل في سفاري 15 يسرب معلومات حساسة

These defects come from a problem related to the implementation of Apple Indexeddb, which is an application programming application that saves data on the browser.

167 مليار دولار خسائر العملات الرقمية في أول 15 يوماً من 2022محمود محمد16 يناير 2022تراجع سعر الذهب اليوم في مصر السبت 15 يناير 2022محمود هاني15 يناير 2022

And when a website interacts with the database in Safari, a new and empty database arises with the same name in all frameworks, corsets and other active windows at the same browsing time.

This means that other websites can see the name of other databases emerging on other sites, which may contain specific details of the user identity.

The report indicated that the sites that use a Google account such as YouTube, Google and other Google applications create databases in its name with the unique identity of the user on Google.This user identity allows Google to enter the user information available to the public, such as the identity image, which can be revealed by Safari to other websites.