Recycling patients between government and party hospitals

  • Time:Aug 12
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The directorates of health affairs in the regions have started to recycle patients between government and party hospitals and distribute those who need continuous medical care and his condition is stable, or because he was not released as a result of social reasons, where patients are transferred to peripheral hospitals and benefit from the capabilities of hospitals that are witnessing an intensity to reduce pressure and use of low occupancy hospitals, where they work The Ministry of Health is to assign healthy gatherings in the regions to create a family for long care to be able to benefit from all capabilities in the regions and transfer patients to the less intense hospitals and benefit from the capabilities and cadres available.Continuous follow -up, and the Director of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation and Extensive Care in the Health Assembly in Medina Ayman Al -Awamer explained that the project to create a family for long care in the health gathering hospitals in the region is concerned with two categories of inpatient patients, the first category, which is medical and medical patients and they need nursing medical respiratory care and continuous follow -up of their cases and are referred to toTasty care hospitals, and for the second category, they are the long residency patients who wrote to them an approval of the exit from the attending physician and did not leave the hospital for several reasons, the most important of which are social reasons..Specialized and reference, and Al -Awamer indicated that one of the most prominent goals of long care is to reduce the pressure on specialized and reference hospitals to take advantage of hospitals with low occupancy and reduce the cost of hypnosis and transfer them to the private sector. 15 long care beds were created in the health gathering in Madinah by 5 families in Badr Hospital and HospitalThe cradle and the Khyber General Hospital, and we aim to create 47 beds in the assembly hospitals based on the criteria set by the ministry for each gathering in the regions.Activating the default and includes the study that the ministry prepares to take advantage of all resources and capabilities to support health facilities, so that this does not affect health services with the activation of the virtual service that reduces appointments and allows the references to meet the doctor through visual contact despite the distance, and the patient sings the review, cut distances and the possibility of benefiting from servicesWith the closest point for the patient, in addition to recycling some competencies between health facilities and using equipment, tools and family in the most needy facility to ensure the best service is provided.The Ministry of Health also seeks, through a study that includes all hospitals distributed according to the regions, to find the best ways to use health facilities, and seek to provide medical services to beneficiaries at the nearest point and in the best quality without closing to any health facility.The distribution of the study, which is adopted by the directorates of health affairs, included the absence of any plan to close hospitals or clinics in government hospitals or within cities, with the provision of high quality medical services in attendance or virtually, as well as the optimal use of human resources and competencies with a fair distribution of services in health communities hospitals.On the other hand, the Ministry of Health leads one of the largest health transformation programs globally, including the separation of tasks between the health gathering and the Department of Health Affairs.The Health Assembly is a government entity that includes a number of health facilities aimed at providing integrated health care based on the principle of quality and efficiency and providing the region's need in all aspects of health care.The "Al -Watan" published last November a report that the Ministry of Health was represented by the directorates of health affairs, to take advantage of the peripheral hospitals to support other hospitals that are witnessing demand by citizens and crowding due to the increase in the specialties in them.The goals of the assembly, the basic, the basic capabilities, the talent management and the culture of work, enhance the health of the population and enable them to provide distinguished models for health services, improvement and financial sustainability.

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تدوير مرضى بين المستشفيات الحكومية والطرفية