Resistance and suffering in Balenciaga show.. Kim Kardashian grabs attention with her strange appearance 87.9% of Jordanians see societal awareness as the most influential factor in preventing corona

  • Time:Apr 03
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

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AMMAN - Al-Ghad - The Institute for Family Health Care, King Hussein Foundation, conducted a survey with the aim of identifying people's opinions regarding health measures resulting from the Corona pandemic, and a random sample was chosen, open and comprehensive for all ages and both sexes.

The results of the survey concluded that 87.9% of the sample members believe that societal awareness of the seriousness of the disease is the most influential factor and enhances the safety of society from the epidemic more than official procedures and measures, and 74.6% of the respondents supported imposing penalties and violations for not wearing a muzzle.

This reflects the conviction that societal awareness is a cornerstone for confronting Corona and helps adhere to all procedures, instructions and guidelines, and a deep sense of responsibility towards the homeland, and support government efforts to cross this crisis.

96.4% of respondents believe that countries need to work together to manage global issues and health crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic, and 92.9% of respondents support that the supply and logistics system needs to expand to address the Covid-19 pandemic.

This corresponds to the reality that demonstrates the need for joint action. The pandemic has put public health systems and emergency services under enormous pressure, and the demand for medical supplies and protective equipment has soared. This crisis is a powerful reminder of the importance of international solidarity.

المقاومة والمعاناة بعرض بالنسياغا.. وكيم كاردشيان تخطف الأنظار بإطلالتها الغريبة 87.9 % من الأردنيين يرون الوعي المجتمعي العامل الأكثر تأثيرا في الوقاية من كورونا

And 75.1% of the participants supported that there is a negative impact of the pandemic on the provision of services for chronic diseases, and this is evident due to the limited movement and mobility, which is a challenge to obtain the medicines that those suffering from chronic diseases need on an ongoing basis.

Regarding the response to education during the pandemic, respondents were divided between supporters and opponents, with 70.4% of the participants answering that they support face-to-face education during the pandemic, while 29.6% were in favor of distance education.

And 61.2% of the participants of both sexes answered that women suffer more from the consequences of Corona than men suffer, while 38.8% of the participants saw that women did not suffer more than men from the effects of the pandemic.

On the other hand, remote work has increased men and children spending time at home, and given that women and children are widely considered to be the most vulnerable in times of emergency, whether in wars or during epidemics, the current pandemic has severely disrupted access to reproductive health services And the health of the child in particular.

80.5% of the study participants believe that violence increased during the pandemic, and this is consistent with the monitoring of the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan, which showed an increase in domestic violence cases, while the Family Protection Department indicated that the rate of increase in domestic violence reached 33 percent during the first month of the ban.

The policy paper prepared by the Association of the Jordanian Women Solidarity Institute also indicated that there was an increase in indicators of gender-based violence during the emerging pandemic of the Corona virus, based on that the association dealt during 3 months with more than 800 cases of violence, which may shed light on the The importance of electronic transformation in responding to cases of gender-based violence, and building a civil network for protection, response and rehabilitation, especially in emergencies and crises.

All of this indicates that the restrictions imposed on freedom of movement and work resulting from the Corona pandemic affected people’s behavior. Also, as a result of the psychological and economic pressures that accompanied the epidemic and affected family members, the usual situations that were overcome within the family before the Corona pandemic became violence more between family members.

This is also consistent with a study conducted by the Institute for Family Health Care on the impact of the Corona pandemic on mental health, which showed that more than 80% of participants suffer from disturbing thoughts, feelings of fear, stress and physical health effects, with the level of mental health affected moderately to severely.

The survey showed that about (41.8%) of the participants rely on social media, relatives and friends to obtain medical information during the pandemic, which are unreliable sources, while (33.5%) rely on medical sources such as health centers, medical staff or health messages, as for accreditation. On television, the percentage was 24.6%, and the answers were distributed in detail as follows:– 39.1% of social media.– 24.6% of television.– 23.4% of health centers or medical personnel.– 10.1% of health messages.– 2.7% of relatives or friends. This confirms the importance of work. To facilitate the access of individuals to information from reliable and correct sources from official, university and educational agencies.