Renewing blood in the massacres of the government .. Egypt adopts a national project to provide safe meat for the citizen

  • Time:Jul 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Getting a safe and healthy piece of meat is a dream that approached the truth, and a step despite its delay over the past years, but it began to appear clearly on the ground, after the Egyptian government announced several measures to raise the efficiency of the livestock system, on top of which the state adopted the national project to develop massacres as "Safety instrument »for meat products, and providing the citizen with safe and health standards commensurate with the needs of consumer health, in light of the equipment that takes place in this large project and support it with a modern and economic system to manage and operate massacres in place in many countries of the world.

The national project for massacres contributes to calming the intensity of the prices of meat products, and it is managed by one of the specialized companies under the supervision of the concerned authorities in the country, which is implemented through 4 stages in cooperation with the ministries of agriculture and housing, by implementing an integrated plan to develop and raise the efficiency of all massacres in the governorates and update them on one of the technological systems, where It is planned that the Egyptian government will start developing 600 massacres during an integrated time program, the first phase includes the development of 147 massacres with funding from the Ministry in 3 stages, and priorities have been set in coordination with the General Authority for Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture, and the Ministry's use in the supervision work of implementation in the central apparatus For the reconstruction of the Ministry of Housing, coordination has also been coordinated with the National Food Safety Authority to fulfill its requirements in food safety.

The relevant agencies are represented in a number of ministries recently began to finish developing and raising the efficiency of 47 massacres in a number of governorates during the first phase of the project at a cost of about 1.6 billion pounds. All technical, veterinary, environmental and health requirements were taken into account The massacres that will be developed and raised their efficiency to preserve the state's investments in this file and upgrade this industry with regard to meat and leather manufacturing operations in a way that contributes to providing safe and healthy meat and in high quality for the citizen and providing job opportunities for young people and reducing import, as it is intended to raise the efficiency of about 600 massacres in various governorates The Republic in accordance with the directives of the political leadership to advance this system in accordance with the latest technological systems and the elimination of the phenomenon of the presence of massacres within the residential bloc that threatens public health and the environment at the same time.

The Ministry of Local Development supervising the implementation of the national project for massacres said that the ongoing works in the first phase of the project have started in the implementation of the automatic slaughterhouse in Damietta as one of the typical massacres that will be equipped with all modern capabilities and equipment, and the relevant departments began in the processes of supplying equipment, construction work and finishes to carry out the work of the slaughterhouse In the province in the specified time period, where the massacre development system is scheduled to achieve the highest benefit from all animal products in an economic way regarding the products of slaughtering of bones, fats, viscera and some meat reaches within the framework of the implementation of the new system for the management of solid municipal waste, related to technical equipment and machines and the provision of crews The technician trained and qualified to work in this system, especially since these waste is included in the skin industries, organic fertilizers and other industries that are extracted from bones and fur, which confirms that the massacres are an integrated economic industrial system.

On the details of the project, Dr. Abdel Hakim Mahmoud, Chairman of the Public Authority for Veterinary Services at the Ministry of Agriculture, confirmed that all government massacres follow the local and administrative localities, according to the Local Administration Law No. 43 of 1979, and the average of Law No. 196 of 2008 and its executive regulations, especially Articles No. 3 and 9, But at the same time, the task of the Public Authority for Veterinary Services in accordance with Article 2, in Ministerial Resolution No. 517 of 1986 is supervisory, saying: Most of the government massacres were absent from development for a long time, in addition to that some of them became present in the residential bloc, which made the Egyptian government The recent period is to adopt a national project to develop the system, and to introduce modern technologies in force in global massacres, in order to preserve public health and the environment at the same time.

Dr. Abdel -Hakim added that most government massacres lack safe devices and equipment in the slaughtering system, carrots, waste disposal and animal waste, in addition to their lack of modern means and systems determined by the controls and requirements of animal welfare institutions, which are of course requirements that contribute to controlling the system and preserving public health investigation The highest quality in the meat system, and the Ministry of Agriculture represented by the Public Authority for Veterinary Services has developed a specific strategy in implementation of the directives of the Prime Minister No. 2506 of 2016, and Resolution No. 40 of 2019, which stipulated in a guarantee of coordination between the authority on the one hand and the ministries of local development and housing on the other hand , This is to implement and complete the national project to develop government massacres.

The head of the Public Authority for Veterinary Services revealed that the project is scheduled to be implemented in 4 stages in a period of time not exceeding 4 years, and the first stage includes the development of 147 massacres in 25 governorates, in addition to establishing 5 new model massacres in the governorates of Qaliubiya, Giza, Menoufia, Western and Fayoum according to The ministerial decisions regulating the establishment of massacres, as well as the establishment of several massacres on the country's logistical axes, provided that each massacre includes a quarry attached to it, so that an automatic animal slaughter is established in Alexandria Governorate, specifically with the "international road - bath In the Arqin area in Aswan, a robot in Marsa Matrouh, and another in Damietta Governorate, noting that the massacres system witnesses this period a real boom that contributes to controlling the product marketing, and guarantees it the required quality.

تجديد الدماء في مجازر الحكومة.. مصر تتبنى مشروعًا قوميًا لتوفير لحوم آمنة للمواطن

As for Dr. Ayman Mahrous, head of the Central Administration for Public Health and Public Health at the Ministry of Agriculture, he said: The project guarantees the presence of a healthy and safe meat product for the consumer, and it eliminates the randomness witnessed by the meat market, whether in the slaughter system or sale, for decades of years and the slaughter system in Egypt needs special development, Also, the unhealthy methods that are worked in in the massacres and massacres in the past threatening the health of the citizen, and even that some resort to slaughtering the heads of livestock without revealing them, which endangers human health, in addition to the way to display and sell meat that exposes products to pollution, explaining that the administration is taking place With great effort with the Ministry of Local Development and the relevant agencies implementing the project stages.

“A team of veterinarians received a course in the system of monitoring and detection of meat in the New Zealand massacres, and they visited a number of successful models there to implement the work system in Egypt, and the transfer of modern technologies within the developed Egyptian massacres.” Dr. Mahrous also added, that there are monthly campaigns formed Administration in the governorates to search for the places of slaughter, and monitor the violations of the state massacres is scheduled to be subject to development, and the national project includes the development of livestock and poultry massacres with the highest specifications, and that the veterinary medicine committees apply all controls for slaughter from seals and methods of slaughter itself in all countries The world, indicating that the sale of meat in the global markets is made by a mechanism that guarantees the consumer to identify the place of slaughter, the slaughterhouse number and the date of validity, which the Egyptian government seeks to implement the new national project.

Specialists talked about the project’s success map .. Dr. Fahim Shaltout, professor of health control over food, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Banha University, said that the Egyptian government’s intervention to upgrade the massacres system is a step that was very late, especially in light of the chaos and randomness that this system has been managed for a long time, especially And that the places of slaughter that are now in the governorates are not massacres, but rather they are the slaughtering points that are incorrectly managed and with no possibilities, which of course affects the end of the final product of meat and then the consumer, adding that the typical slaughterhouse contains places to receive the animal, and another place for the process of slaughtering and skinning, A laboratory equipped with the latest technologies to detect meat before leaving the slaughterhouse, in addition to a specialized team of veterinary medicine and technicians specialized in the safe slaughtering system and transportation, as well as the drainage system to get rid of waste.

“The residues of medicines and fortifications in meat are a danger to human health .. Hence the role of the veterinary laboratory in the typical massacre to assess the safe period of time for the exit of these remains of the animal before slaughtering.” .. Dr. Shaltout stressed that many countries of the world apply the “barcode” system to evaluate quality Meat, knowing the identity and type of slaughtered animal, as well as the source of the nutrition that the animal was exposed to and the type of fortifications it obtained, and the typical massacres cannot receive unregistered animals and have identity cards, and the Ministry of Agriculture has achieved a great effort in the livestock registration system and linking them With national numbers to know the animal identity, in this regard, the cattle insurance fund was established to support educators, and to finance education farms with soft loans and 5% interest in the initiative of the Central Bank for Small and Medium Enterprises.

Dr. Shaltout continued: We have many government massacres broken in the governorates, suffering from a lack of capabilities and employment as you miss the most basic equipment and primitive devices, and we also have typical massacres that were equipped at the highest level, and the situation has decreased and became lacking a lot of capabilities, and it was at the head These models are the slaughterhouse of orchards that were established by a foreign company for years, and it was working with a "automatic" system for some equipment and devices for slaughter and skinning, but its conditions deteriorated and changed work to the manual system, calling for the need to use experts and specialists in this system of veterinary medicine and professors Nutrition in the colleges of agriculture and veterinary medicine, to monitor and follow up the slaughter system, given that this step is within the comprehensive development system implemented by the state in the recent period.

Dr. Fahim Shaltout stressed the need to assign the mission of the massacres to the Ministry of Agriculture only represented by the Public Authority for Veterinary Services instead of the Ministry of Local Development, as the competent authority concerned with following up the slaughter file and monitoring the quality of meat and proper slaughtering methods inside the massacres in more specialized and experienced ways, and the need to use local companies Specialized in the design system and equipment necessary for model massacres instead of international companies, to provide more job opportunities for Egyptian youth and create a popular Egyptian market in this field, noting that the safety of the food product in the local market is a national security, especially since 70% of the diseases that affect the human source of nutrition, Which is the main element in raising human immunity or vice versa.

He explained that there is a package of procedures that the Egyptian government must start implementing in conjunction with the implementation of the project, on top of which is the speed of issuing strict legislation from the House of Representatives that thickens the punishment for the violators who are slaughtered outside the massacres and places of slaughter, especially with the spread of the phenomenon in the next Eid al -Adha season, and given that the law Current No. 53 of 1966, which criminalizes this violation is not a deterrent, especially since Article 143 stipulated that the violator be punished with imprisonment for a period of no less than six months and not more than a year and a fine of no less than 200 pounds, and no more than five hundred pounds or one of these two penalties, as well as The closing of the shops that are slaughtered, seized or sold to violating meat for a period of three months the first time and closed permanently if the return, noting that the meat production system is a national security governed by global controls and requirements in force in all countries of the world.

On the other hand, Dr. Hussein Mansour, head of the Food Safety Authority, stressed that there is an important role that the authority plays regarding the implementation of the national project to develop massacres, monitor the quality of meat in the local market, and supervise the quality and control controls within production sources, especially with regard to the trading system, where it was assigned a lawThe authority is the task of controlling meat massacres and monitoring powers, starting with their transfer and arrival to the consumer, as there is a continuous coordination with veterinary medicine and local departments to follow up the work of meat massacres, and to follow up on upgrading the meat trading system and provide a healthy and safe food product for the citizen.

Dr. Mansour pointed out that, according to the Food Safety Authority, fully responsible for control and inspection systems on all food trading facilities and their products, and that the authority is responsible for obliging all food facilities to obtain a food trading license, after verifying their fulfillment of the requirements and requirements of food safety through many One of the visits of periodic review and inspection by the representatives of the authority, with the aim of continuous improvement of the system, in addition to its role in following up the process of transporting meat from massacres to local markets. The committee recommended the beginning of the implementation of the project to create slaughter systems, and to equip them in line with the global requirements and the in force In the countries of the world, noting that the trading system itself also needs to be modified, especially in light of the wrong practices that the meat market is exposed to and then endangers the health of the consumer.