Rejection, acceptance and sarcastic videos .. The stars commented on the cancellation of the curfew, rejection and acceptance and videos. The stars are commenting to cancel the curfew

  • Time:Jun 17
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Between rejection, welcome, advice and some comic comments, art stars have expressed their opinions on government decisions related to the dismantling of the curfew within the gradually lifting a plan to coexist with the Corona virus.

The decision to reopen mosques, restaurants, cafes and clubs sparked widespread reactions on the social networking site, and a large group of comics spread through which the people commented in a comic manner on the decision not to occupy restaurants and cafes by more than 25 %.

The artist Mohamed Heneidy often comments on the current events in a comic way, and this is what he also did with the decision to break the ban, as Heneidy posted on his official page a sarcastic video of a scene from his movie "What a crime", similar to what is happening in the scene what will happen in the cafes after Saturday.

In a comic and satirical way, the artist Rami Sabry's comment was on the decision to break the ban from next Saturday.After his song was "My Life is not Tammam", especially Cople, "I have dedicated the streets", she is the official sponsor of the satirical comics throughout the last period, Rami Sabri tried to share his fans in ridicule this cobble, where he published a picture of him written on it "You will have the prohibition and open the world is itThe streets are fired again.

رفض وقبول وفيديوهات ساخرة .. النجوم يعلقون على إلغاء حظر التجوال  رفض وقبول وفيديوهات ساخرة .. النجوم يعلقون على إلغاء حظر التجوال

The festival singer Hamo Becca, the hero of the scene today, was a video of him widely spread on social media, through which he predicted the abolition of the ban.

Hamo Becca, a previous days ago, appeared in a video in which he predicted the end of the ban on next Saturday, and as soon as the Prime Minister announced the decision today, social media pioneers returned to re -publish the video again in a comic way.

Away from the comedy, some stars of art opposed the Prime Minister's decision, and announced their continued sitting at home in order to preserve their health, and they were not satisfied with that, but they were keen to provide advice to the public not to go down except for the utmost necessity.

At the head of these stars, the artist, Myriam Fares, who was keen to respond to the question of one of the followers about the country that you prefer to travel to after the return of flying again, saying to her: "You will travel, where is the first thing the airport opens and do not prefer to travel now."

Myriam responds to her, saying: "Sure, I will not travel, and I will not submit my current nor my family to danger ... And I wish every person standing like us and I do not have to stay, and that with a personal initiative, he is still committed to the house in order to preserve his health and the health of all those around him, let you be at home."

After announcing his recovery, the artist Mustafa Darwish published a picture of him on his official account on "Instagram" and wrote on it: "Congratulations on us to break the ban ... may God cover up."