Rehabilitation of isolation rooms in Asir and Najran hospitals

  • Time:Sep 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Ministry of Health is seeking the assistance of specialized companies to implement two projects to establish and rehabilitate isolation rooms in health facilities affiliated with the Ministry in the regions of Asir and Najran. Viral and bacterial There are multiple forms of isolation, some of which include simple contact methods, while others include keeping patients away from Others. Isolation is usually applied when the patient has a contagious viral or bacterial disease (which is transmissible from person to person, regardless of whether the person has had this disease before or not). Isolation, and usually includes personal protective equipment, such as coveralls, masks, and gloves, and engineering controls, such as positive and negative pressure rooms, laminar air flow equipment, and various mechanical and structural barriers. Dedicated isolation departments may be built with the construction of the hospital, or isolation units may be allocated inside medical buildings temporarily when epidemic emergencies occur. Isolation in health care facilities is one of the many measures that can be implemented to implement infection control, so as to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases from a patient To other patients or health care workers and visitors, or from people from outside to one of the patients (counter-isolation). Quarantine requirements and controls - isolation. Adhere to the preventive protocols of quarantine headquarters. Basic services such as electricity and hot water are available in the room. Basic requirements such as food and water are provided. A cadre of specialists is available to take care of people under quarantine. Personal protection means, disinfectants and medical waste supplies are available. Entertainment means such as the Internet and television are provided.

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Rehabilitation of isolation rooms in Asir and Najran hospitals