Flowers are produced instead of garbage ... face masks that turn into roses when disposed of them

  • Time:Mar 02
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN)-The thrown masters have become a natural scene with the continuation of the "Kofid-19" pandemic..An innovation of a Dutch designer may be one of the solutions to face this problem.

Fears about the personal protection equipment related to the new Corona virus, which have become scattered in the streets and waterways, are increasing, because they contain accurate plastic materials that can take hundreds of years to degrade.

To further understand the size of this challenge, a study was estimated from 2020 in the Magazine of the Environment, Science and Technology using 129 billion muzzles, and 65 billion gloves every month in light of the pandemic.

The environmental pollution caused by this equipment designed Marian de Groot-Bonns has inspired 100% degraded masks..

Coamings turn into flowers

These masks are not only biased, but they are also turning into flowers.

In an interview with CNN in Arabic, Marian de Groot-Bonns said: "If we all have to wear masks anyway, let us take the opportunity to do something good with her after wearing it.".

The designer added: "For example, it can be planted and the world is thrived.".

The masks designed by De Groot-Bons contain a mixture of flowers that grow in the meadow.

تنتج الزهور بدلاً من القمامة.. أقنعة وجه تتحول إلى ورود عند التخلص منها

You only have to grow the muzzle and provide water to it, as the designer emphasized: "Be patient, and during the summer, the flowers will appear.".

An environmentally friendly option

According to the official website of the United Nations Environment Program online, the Coffee-19 virus brought additional challenges with increasing the use of medical products, smuggles, and gloves made of plastic, tissues, and other products with a single use that are disposed of in the open environment, or inExisting drainage systems.

This contributes to increasing the already worrying quantities of plastic pollution, fine plastic materials, and microblasts in wastewater, according to the site..

The harms of these substances also extend to wildlife, as researchers indicated that animals feed on neglected gloves made of "latex", and the smooths that are used once, or clash with them, while other animals began to build their homes with these materials with these materials.

This increases the importance of resorting to materials that are more observed to the environment in our daily life.

The masks designed by de Groot-Bonz are more environmentally friendly compared to the one-use masks, which many people resort to in light of the pandemic to protect themselves from the "Coveyd-19" virus..

So you are curious about the materials that make up this product, it consists of rice paper full of flower seeds, and its strings that are placed around the ear consist of wool.

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As for the small flowers that are used to adjust the tight strands, and make them more suitable for one, they are made of egg cartons for eggs.

These masks are characterized by being decomposed in a "short period of time", according to the designer.

Under the appropriate circumstances, the masks disappear completely within a few weeks, and their seeds grow.

The designer confirmed that her idea received a lot of positive reactions.

So far, these masks are shipped to all European Union countries, in addition to the United Kingdom.

However, the designer hopes to be able to charge the masks to the rest of the world as well soon.

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