Police departments review the outcome of a year of ensuring security on the national territory

  • Time:Mar 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

A continuation of the communicative approach that the national security interests have pursued over the past five years, in which they review the efforts made to ensure the security and safety of female citizens and citizens, the achievements in the field of modernizing security services and structures, and mechanisms for implementing governance in the management of human and financial resources in the police public facility, as well as the projects established in In the field of public security for the coming year, the General Directorate of National Security is keen to highlight the broad lines of the outcome of the work of its interests during the year 2020.

In the field of strengthening the territorial structures of the proximity police and continuing to generalize the security coverage in the new urban poles, the General Directorate of National Security created in the year 2020 fourteen (14) new security structures, which included the completion of the download of the new division of the regional security interests in the city of Salé through the creation of the fourth security zone “Sala City” This enabled the intensification of the security presence and the approximation of police services in this city.

A regional police commission and a security department have also been created in the city of Imouzzer Kandar, in response to urban expansion and demographic growth in this city, as well as the creation of two police departments in the cities of Meknes and Souk Arbaa Gharb, and three regular groups to protect sensitive facilities in the cities of Oujda, Meknes and Nador, and a mobile group to maintain order in the city of Beni Mellal. and five mobile teams to maintain order in the cities of Khouribga, Taza, Ouarzazate, Jdeideh and Safi, in addition to the restructuring of the National Security Cavalry School at the organizational and functional levels, as it was upgraded to a central department of the Public Security Directorate, which made it supervise field units charged with conducting mobile patrols. Nor in security and order-keeping operations.

In response to the accelerating challenges posed by terrorist threats and security challenges in general, the General Directorate says, the decentralized interests of national security have been strengthened by a group of units and teams specialized in monitoring, dismantling and dealing with explosives. The security of Rabat, Marrakesh, Casablanca, Tangiers and Agadir, and its technical and practical composition; As well as equipping it with eight high-tech vehicles, carrying robots and advanced means to monitor and treat explosives from a distance, as well as ensuring precautionary handling of all dangers and threats associated with explosive objects.

To ensure the efficiency and readiness required in the field of combating emerging criminal patterns, five new anti-gang teams “BAG” were created in the cities of Casablanca, Kenitra, Tangiers, Oujda and Agadir, and equipped with the necessary human and logistical resources, as units specialized in combating criminal networks; As well as the establishment of a regional laboratory to analyze digital effects in the state of Tetouan security as a new technical supportive mechanism in the field of digital and technological expertise, in addition to supporting the regional interests of the scientific and technical police through the establishment of eleven (11) new departments for judicial diagnosis in the security area of ​​Mahdia and police commissions in the villages of Bamhamed, Guelmaima and Ain Bani Mutahar, Zayo, Al-Aroui, Fikki, Bani Ansar, Takween, Awlad Tayma, and Targest.

In the field of combating crime and enhancing a sense of security, the National Security Services handled in the year 2020 a total of 851,343 injunctive cases, of which 817,259 cases were clarified; This is an increase of about 33 percent compared to the number of injunctive cases that were registered in 2019.

This increase is mainly due, according to the directorate, to the outcome of the security operations carried out in the context of combating acts and violations that constitute a violation of the state of health emergency, especially the dissemination of false news, the promotion of counterfeit masks and illegal disinfectant materials, crimes related to modern technologies, as well as the violation of quarantine measures.

In contrast to the growing indicators of this type of violations and crimes related to the context of the “Covid-19” pandemic, a clear decrease was recorded in the graph of the general appearance of crime during this period, as a 30 percent decrease was recorded in cases related to property, and minus 4.72 percent in cases people, and minus 22 percent in financial and economic issues. As for the rate of reprimand, i.e. the rate of solving crimes, it has witnessed a remarkable development of nearly 96 percent, in a unique precedent compared to previous years, which is a very high percentage, which was mainly contributed by the systematic reliance on scientific and technical police techniques to support criminal research and intensification of field operations against the persons sought. The number of arrests reached 117,494, and the strengthening of the police structures in charge of combating crime, especially the mobile emergency police units and anti-gang squads, in addition to a marked decrease (within 14 percent) in the number of victims of criminal acts.

With regard to combating violent criminal networks, the year 2020 witnessed the arrest of 779 people suspected of being linked to 469 criminal networks that are active in committing robberies by violence or under threat of it, and the arrest of 466 organizers of illegal immigration suspected of being linked to 123 criminal networks specialized in human trafficking and the regulation of clandestine migration; In addition to the arrest of 9,179 irregular immigration candidates, including 6,162 of foreign nationalities, and the seizure of 663 forged travel documents or identity documents.

As for the number of people arrested in drug cases, it reached 97,564 people, recording a 23 percent decrease compared to the previous year, as well as a noticeable decline in the indicators of seized strong drugs due to the repercussions of precautionary measures taken at the national and international levels to prevent the spread of the pandemic, and what accompanied it From pivotal shifts in the international geography of drugs, and the neutralization of the usual smuggling routes.

The quantities of cocaine seized during the current year amounted to 132 kilograms and 167 grams, a decrease of about 75 percent compared to the previous year, while the number of seized pills and psychotropic substances amounted to 476,923 tablets, including 145,848 tablets of ecstasy smuggled from European countries. A limit of 66 percent compared to the reserved quantities in 2019.

As for heroin, it remained at the normal seizure level with an amount of eight kilograms and 501 grams, while the seizures of “hashish” and its derivatives rose to 217 tons and 323 kilograms, an increase of 37 tons compared to the previous year. This is as a result of the joint and qualitative operations carried out by the interests of national security and monitoring of the national territory during the quarantine period, which targeted the new smuggling routes that smuggling networks tried to open in the internal or southern Atlantic beaches of the Kingdom, or through the road axis linking the north and south of the Kingdom, passing through the urban pole of the city of Al-Dar Al-Bayda, taking advantage of the licenses granted to the movement of vehicles transporting goods and basic materials.

With regard to the remaining types of crimes, the Judicial Police of the National Security referred to the competent public prosecutors 21 persons suspected of involvement in terrorism and extremism cases, and 300 persons in cases of sexual extortion via the Internet that targeted 458 victims (including 107 victims of foreign nationalities), and 231 persons in embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds; As well as addressing 250 cases related to counterfeiting the national currency and presenting it for circulation. As for the criminal investigation and technical support teams, created by the General Directorate of National Security at the level of the decentralized interests of the judicial police to support criminal research, analyze indicators of convergence and intersections between criminal networks and activate research on the persons sought, they have handled 34,047 cases during the current year, and completed 11,822 research in the field and contributed to identifying the identities of 2,460 people involved in pending cases; In addition to providing 27,249 technical support and support to the rest of the crime-fighting teams and units.

With regard to security measures to ensure the imposition of a state of health emergency to confront the outbreak of the “Covid-19” epidemic, the General Directorate of National Security has adopted measures that are compatible with the context of the pandemic and its challenges at the level of public security, and in turn, it has maintained its classic work plans of combating crime and preserving the foundations of Public order and provision of basic security services to citizens. In this regard, 154 judicial dams have been installed in various major road axes in urban and tropical areas, supported by more than 1,699 fixed and mobile points to monitor exceptional movements and facilitate the movement of goods and basic materials, among which 15,658 police employees were mobilized to work around the clock, seven days a week. These units were also assigned with 2,980 mobile emergency police patrols, comprising 11,360 female employees and security personnel, who were supported by elements of the border police and identification data registration centers, who were redeployed to field work after the international travel movement stopped and the work of the identification card issuance centers was suspended.

In terms of the numbers related to the indicators of the pandemic at the security level, the national security interests monitored 968,967 violations of the exceptional requirements to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, which resulted in the subjecting of 196,972 people to judicial research, and 408,705 fake medical masks or non-compliance with safety and prevention standards were arrested, and 284 suspects were arrested. In its manufacture, preparation and promotion, in addition to seizing 1,383 liters of sterile materials made of suspicious chemical preparations harmful to public health, and the arrest of 28 people on suspicion of being involved in displaying it to promote it in the markets.

As for the activities of the Institute of Science and Forensic Evidence for National Security, which holds the ISO 17025 international quality certificate, and which undertakes the task of providing technical support and scientific evidence in forensic research, its technical laboratory has accomplished 213 ballistic expertise, including 118 firearms and 47 counterfeit pieces (Armes de réplique). And 4,308 munitions, as well as 471 experiences in the field of verifying lines, focused on 728 documents ranging from credit bonds, bank checks and identity documents, and 5,167 securities of different currencies.

As for the Central Laboratory for the Analysis of Digital Effects and its regional laboratories, it handled 3,225 cases, in which mobile phones and information devices were used, while the Robot Portrait Division contributed to clarifying the truth of 44 criminal cases. With regard to the Scientific Police Laboratory, it reached 9,477 cases, compared to 10,044 in the previous year, represented by requests for DNA samples analysis by 80%, and the number of cases amounted to 7,557 cases, the Fire and Explosives Division 802 cases, and the Toxicology and Narcotics Division 928 cases...etc.

With regard to visual diagnostics using facial features and fingers, the Fingerprint Diagnostics Division handled 13,420 requests, which resulted in the identification of 6,264 suspects, while the Visual Diagnostics Division handled 940 requests, compared to 1,151 over the past year, which enabled the identification of 134 people from Facial features and image.

With regard to the mechanisms of international security cooperation, the year 2020 witnessed a freezing of activities related to cooperation in the field of specialized police training, as well as a significant decline in the operational aspect of this cooperation, due to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, as only 04 operations were carried out for the controlled delivery of drugs, compared to 8 similar operations In 2019, it resulted in the arrest of eight people and the seizure of 11 tons of chira. Also, the national security services reached 116 international judicial representations issued by foreign judicial authorities, compared to 157 international judicial representations in 2019, including 31 international representations related to cases of illicit trafficking in narcotics and psychotropic substances and money laundering crimes.

Also, the National Central Bureau (Interpol Rabat office) circulated 113 international arrest warrants issued by the Moroccan judicial authorities against persons sought at the international level, which culminated in the arrest of 29 persons who were the subject of international arrest warrants. It also published and published 3029 issued search warrants. Information about foreign judicial authorities within the nominal databases of persons sought at the national level. As for the international security cooperation pole, it handled 3,562 files within the framework of international operational cooperation, which mainly concerned issues of clandestine immigration (19 percent), international trafficking in narcotics and psychotropic substances (16 percent), terrorism and extremism (2%), requests for diagnosis and information (16 percent), and issues of Delivery (4 percent), etc.

On the other hand, and specifically for road security indicators, the year 2020 witnessed a significant decline in various traffic safety indicators; This is a direct result of the security arrangements and precautionary measures taken against the background of the application of the state of health emergency, as 58,785 physical traffic accidents were recorded, compared to 70,915 accidents in 2019, a decrease of more than 18 percent, an indicator that was directly reflected in the decrease in the total number of people with serious and light injuries. By more than 23 percent, and the same is true with regard to the statistics of traffic accident fatalities in urban areas, whose decrease exceeded 26.40 percent during the current year compared to 2019.

In the same context, this decrease also included the outcome of road monitoring operations, as 454,399 reports of violations of the Traffic and Golan Law were completed during the current year, compared to 567,714 in 2019, a decrease of approximately 20 percent; This is the same percentage by which the records of the collected ATF violations decreased, from 1,456,517 violations during the past year to 1,176.954 violations of the current year.

In contrast to this decrease, the traffic police continued to circulate informational applications for the digital management and storage of road control documents, to include this year the cities of Rabat, Salé, Kenitra, Tangiers, Tetouan and Al Hoceima; The information management program for traffic accident records in the city of Quneitra has also been launched as a pilot phase on the horizon of its generalization at the national level, in the context of a short-term project that bets on the generalization of the information infrastructure to include all documents related to traffic safety, and the computerization of their monitoring and inspection procedures.

The national security services have continued the process of providing traffic and patrol teams with advanced equipment for road monitoring, which included, during the current year, the second batch of distributing 140 mobile radar devices to monitor speed, with high technologies for monitoring around the clock and in various climatic conditions, as well as the completion and circulation of an updated and revised version. From the road control guide for police officers and employees, to ensure systematic training in the field of traffic safety.

As for the aspect related to managing the professional life of the National Security staff, which currently number 74,520 employees, including 4,884 women, the year 2020 was characterized by updating the system of police recruitment and training in line with the precautionary measures imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, as it was announced that six (06) external matches for the recruitment of 7,947 police officers, including 89 excellent brigadier generals, 100 police brigadier generals, 800 police officers, 70 security officers, 2,384 police inspectors, and 4,504 security guards; These are the matches that have been nominated through an electronic portal available to the public on the Internet, as well as expanding the scope of the advertised publicity to include television channels, modern means of communication and many national newspapers, in order to ensure equal opportunities for all candidates and candidates.

Among the developments that were introduced to the recruitment and matches system during the year 2020, new academic specializations and competencies were opened to enhance the quality of police human resources, and the adoption of a pre-selection procedure for candidates to choose those with the highest rates of passing matches; As well as canceling written exams and replacing them with oral and sports exams and discussions, in the interest of practical embodiment and strict adherence to health security measures.

At the level of police training, a comprehensive review of the structure of the Royal Police Institute was carried out, which consisted in introducing fundamental changes to the organizational structures charged with police training at its three levels (basic, continuous and specialized); This is in a way that ensures the compatibility of these trainings with the emerging programs at the international level in the field of developing the professional and knowledge competencies of the trainees, and a combination of theoretical training and field training; As well as increasing the number of training hours in various scientific and technical disciplines. During the current year, 7,822 trainees of various police ranks and grades benefited from basic training sessions at the Royal Police Institute and various training schools.

Regarding the administrative incentive measures, the directorate said that the promotion committee is currently studying the files of 22,505 employees registered in the promotion lists for the year 2020, with the prospect of announcing them in the near future, with special attention to employees classified in the small and medium grades to ensure that they benefit from important incentives. In the field of career advancement.

Also, in 2020, the National Security Services continued to download their plan to bring employees closer to their social and family surroundings, as a total of 3,038 transfer requests were responded to, including 1,182 requests that were processed within the framework of the urgent mechanism for requests to move for social or health motives or to join the husband or wife. 1050 employees were also received and their requests were heard within the framework of the “interview requests” mechanism guaranteed to all employees, and 45 letters of acknowledgment were given to the benefit of distinguished employees or those who demonstrated a high sense of professionalism during the performance of their duties, in addition to providing defense and support rights for 2,962 female employees and police employees; This is a dedication by the General Directorate of National Security to the principle of “state protection” that is legally guaranteed to security personnel as a result of physical and verbal attacks that may affect them while carrying out their duties.

On the other hand, and in order to ensure the rationalization of the disciplinary procedure and its immunization against any possible transgressions, the national security interests have adopted during the current year a new evaluation mechanism to address professional errors made by police officials, whether during the exercise of their job duties, or those related to their police capacity when the duties of reservation and integrity are violated. And personal integrity imposed in the men and women of the police.

This new evaluation mechanism enabled the processing of 5,017 administrative files in 2020, and the issuance of 1,010 disciplinary sanctions, including 102 decisions of dismissal, compared to 179 in the previous year, and 4,221 corrective measures such as observation and reconfiguration letters. Also, the General Directorate of National Security was keen to strengthen administrative grievance mechanisms, as an additional guarantee to achieve job fairness, as the Central Grievance Committee reached a total of 428 grievances, and subsequently issued 505 recommendations, an increase of more than 300 percent compared to the previous year, which decided to review or cancel 33 percent. of the disciplinary sanctions taken, while it recommended ratifying 67 percent of the prescribed penalties and procedures.

مصالح الشرطة تستعرض حصيلة سنة من ضمان الأمن فوق التراب الوطني

In consolidation of the efforts of crank synthesis, the national security interests continued to download the constitutional requirement that links responsibility to accountability, as the inspection committees conducted 487 administrative research, including 174 research conducted in the light of rumors that were dealt with with the necessary seriousness, and 21 research concluded that there are foundational elements for acts in violation of the law. The criminal investigation was referred to the judicial police for judicial investigation.

This research included 1,755 police employees, compared to 1,321 employees during the previous year. The interests of the General Inspectorate also conducted 18 monitoring and inspection operations, compared to 55 during the past year, distributed between 11 functional control operations and 07 sudden and secret surveillance operations, which included various security facilities and regional leaders, and aimed mainly at evaluating the policemen’s interaction with citizens on the public street and in security facilities, and the extent The proper application of health emergency measures, as well as the speed of response to citizens' calls received on the phone line 19, and monitoring of the conditions of deposit and health safety conditions in places of detention under custody.

With regard to the procedure for examining complaints and rumors registered against police officers, the General Inspectorate handled 652 files during this year, including 565 files that were kept because administrative abuses and supposed breaches were not proven, and 87 files concluded with imposing disciplinary sanctions or a petition to open judicial investigations regarding violating employees, or Requesting supplementary research to be conducted to clarify the truth and verify the alleged abuses.

In the field of social and health support, and as a contribution to the national solidarity efforts to combat the new epidemic of Corona, the General Directorate of National Security and the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance contributed 40 million dirhams to the fund for managing the “Covid-19” pandemic, as well as the Fraternal Association of Employees and Orphanages National Security and the Mohammed VI Foundation for Social Works for National Security Staff in the amount of one million dirhams each, as an engagement by the interests and employees of the national security and the control of the national territory in mitigating the repercussions of the pandemic.

The social business interests of security staff also provided direct assistance, represented in financial and in-kind grants for the benefit of its members, to meet the exceptional circumstances accompanying the state of health emergency, which benefited 402 retired policemen and 2,672 widows of security staff, as well as providing the necessary support and assistance to a group of police employees who were present. Abroad when international travel is suspended.

The Mohammed VI Foundation for Social Works for National Security Employees continued to support initiatives aimed at improving the social conditions of the security family, employees, retirees and those with rights, despite the many constraints imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic regarding the freezing of summer camps for sons and daughters of the National Security, as well as the failure to perform this Hajj obligation year in the Holy Land. Despite all this, the social services disbursed financial aid to 808 beneficiaries who suffer from serious health diseases or social problems. Financial aid was also granted to 3,219 women from the National Security widows, and 230 vouchers were presented on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

In the field of housing, two partnership agreements were concluded with national construction and reconstruction contractors, to enable police employees to obtain housing at preferential prices, and cooperation agreements were signed with three banking institutions to obtain loans at low tariffs. With regard to the aspect of recreational and motivational initiatives for the benefit of police employees and members of their families, a distance learning ceremony was organized in honor of the top achievers in the baccalaureate exams in its literary, scientific and technical divisions, as they were granted financial rewards, with the distribution of 135 incentive prizes. Also, this year was marked by the signing of partnerships by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Social Works for National Security Officers with doctors and radiological examination centers at the national level, in order to facilitate the police employees' benefit from integrated medical services on preferential terms.

With regard to health services, the Inspectorate of Health Services for National Security in 2020 implemented an urgent action plan to confront the outbreak of the new Corona epidemic among female police officers and employees. 696 units of sterile materials and means of protection for employees and companions in the various central and regional police headquarters; In addition to the adoption of a strict protocol for the early detection of cases of this virus among employees, which enabled 98,611 tests to be conducted, and 11,741 confirmed infections were diagnosed among them, which were kept up at the therapeutic, hospital and psychological levels in a way that allowed a cure rate of nearly 94 percent.

In support of this effort, the General Directorate of National Security reports, a medical unit specialized in laboratory detection of the Covid-19 virus has been established at the level of the Radiological Examination and Medical Analysis Center in the Riyadh neighborhood of Rabat. The number of tests completed in this specialized unit reached 3,124 tests.

The Radiological Examination and Medical Analysis Center in Rabat, whose inauguration by His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him and his support on April 24, 2019, has also enabled the strengthening of the medical services provided to the employees of the National Security and Territorial Surveillance and their rights. During the current year, it provided 41,346 consultations and medical examinations, with an increase rate It exceeded 69 percent compared to the previous year, and was distributed among 25,365 biological analyzes, and 12,857 radiological examinations. In view of the steady development of this center and its importance in the development and improvement of medical care for the family of national security, preparations are being made to create similar centers at the regional level.

As for the rest of the basic health services, the National Security Health Services Inspectorate has concluded a partnership agreement with the Mohammed VI Foundation for Social Works for National Security Staff, to equip and develop various health centers and inpatient clinics for the benefit of working and retired police employees and members of their families. It also provided 273,699 consultations and medical interventions. This year, it varied between 76,948 consultations in the field of general medicine, 36,838 consultations in occupational medicine, 3255 specialized consultations, 9,143 first aids in dentistry and 30,287 consultations in the field of psychological support ... as well as providing 51,142 medical assistance and support in various national hospital institutions and 15,558 emergency medical transfers for police officials and members of their families.

In addition to these services and medical advice provided, the Health Services Inspectorate for National Security continued to activate the medical vigilance system in places of custody, as health monitoring operations for the people in custody were strengthened, which this year amounted to 1,477 examinations and monitoring of the health status, as well as 1,119 control operations. To the extent to which preventive measures and rules of health and hygiene are respected in the security rooms designated for placement under theoretical guard.

In the field of security governance and the modernization of the police public facility, the current year was marked by the continuation of construction works for the new headquarters of the General Directorate of National Security on an area of ​​20 hectares in the Riyadh neighborhood of Rabat, with advanced engineering and urban specifications. Work has also reached an advanced stage in the construction workshops of the new headquarters of the National Judicial Police Division, the Institute of Science and Forensic Evidence of the National Security in Casablanca, and the Cavalry School in Kenitra. Projects to build 25 new security headquarters have also been completed, including the regional security headquarters in Taza, the regional security area in Tan-Tan, the regional commission Ait Melloul and the police departments in the cities of Oujda, Khenifra, Berkane, Agadir and Sefrou, as well as the preparation of a headquarters for the police commission in Tamesna.

Urban projects have also been launched to restructure 16 headquarters and security buildings, including the Fez Security Province, the headquarters of the Judicial Police Department in the city of Settat, the regional security area in Bouarfa, and the police commissions in the cities of Souk El Sabt, Awlad El-Nama, Mediouna and Jarf El Malha; As well as initiating the process of acquiring 17 real estate containers for the purpose of allocating them to build security facilities in Oujda, Agadir and Casablanca.

Regarding the rationalization of expenditures, the National Security Services recorded a 24 percent decrease in the expenditures of water and electricity consumption, despite the creation of many new police structures. The number of cars placed at the disposal of the regional security services during the last five years reached 6,987 vehicles of various sizes and types, while the distinctive visual identity of police vehicles and bikes was circulated on 1,648 new vehicles, bringing the percentage of vehicles that have undergone the new paint system to more than 97 percent.

The current year was marked by the implementation of a set of structural projects that are directly related to security issues in its service dimensions, as the General Directorate of National Security launched the new generation of the electronic national identification card in its secured and service version, which provides citizens with a secure digital identity, thanks to its physical and digital characteristics that make it More secure and reliable, and provides simplified and secure access to digital services for all citizens.

This new identification card also provides the ability to read it electronically and verify the identity of its owners, which allows public and private institutions, especially banks and e-commerce platforms, to launch a new generation of digital services, while benefiting from the possibility of full verification of the identity of remote dealers.

In order to ensure the download of this integrated workshop, the national security services have engaged in a comprehensive modernization process of the system for the completion of the electronic national identification card, as the interactive electronic portal “www.cnie.ma” has been launched, which, since its activation, has received more than 4,680,000 users, who have included their personal data in an appropriate manner. Ani included in the information form and they received advance appointments to complete or renew their ID cards.

The identification data registration centers were also supported with the human resources, informational and logistical equipment necessary to keep pace with this large workshop, and the identification data registration centers were opened in tropical urban assemblies, such as the “Tamsna” center on the outskirts of Rabat, in addition to an increase in the number of daily working hours, including on Saturdays; This is to facilitate and speed up the access of the users to this document in safe conditions, and in a manner that respects the provisions of the state of health emergency. The national security interests also took an integrated communicative approach to introduce the advantages and peculiarities of the new identification card, represented by broadcasting an advertising link on television channels, national radios and communication networks, in three languages, namely Arabic, Amazigh and French, as well as an advertising link accompanied by sign language.

In a related context, the General Directorate of National Security launched an exceptional national campaign during the period of health emergency, which focused first on circulating the new national card to first- and second-year baccalaureate students, to enable them to pass the annual exams and fill out nomination applications that require the submission of this introductory document, as well as targeting Moroccans. Residents abroad whose cards have expired during the quarantine period in Morocco, in order to facilitate their obtaining of passports and to schedule their return to their countries of residence.

And the year 2020 also defined the initiation of issuing a new insured copy of residence bonds for foreign citizens, which includes registration cards and residence cards granted to foreigners who are habitually residing in the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as the movement document granted to their minor children to prove their identity in a secure and reliable manner during their stay in the Kingdom. Moroccan. In this regard, 22,638 residence documents, 17,516 entry visas for the national territory and 1,389 exceptional residence permits of the new generation of residence documents were issued.

To complement the digitization workshops of the police public facility, which will reflect positively on security performance, the engineering and technical teams of the General Directorate of National Security have developed several applications and informatics solutions to enable police employees to carry out their duties optimally. An informational application was developed to monitor exceptional movements during the period of health emergency, It is downloaded to the mobile phones of police officers, and is used as a reference for security control points deployed in urban areas. This application was downloaded to the phones of 13,732 police employees, and enabled 2,958,872 surveillance operations to be carried out nationwide.

Also, this informational application was supported by the launch of an interactive electronic portal that aims to involve citizens in the real-time reporting of cases of violations of the state of health emergency, while protecting and maintaining their personal data, which in turn enabled the registration of 3,212 notifications during the quarantine period, which the police interests dealt with immediately and according to dictates. Protecting the health security of citizens.

In the aspect related to legalization, the national security services, in coordination with the territorial authorities, the customs administration and the National Health Safety Office for food products, began control operations that included 41 restaurants and classified tourist establishments and 03 warehouses, which enabled the seizure of 365 violations of health and preventive standards to limit the outbreak of the new Corona epidemic, and 750 Violation of the legal and regulatory controls related to the provision of alcoholic or mixed alcoholic beverages, seizing 1,219,329 bottles of alcoholic beverages, including 16,925 bottles without customs duties stamps and 11,472 bottles bearing customs stamps that do not match their actual capacity; In addition to seizing 62,200 bottles of beer, 1116 bottles of soft drinks, and important quantities of expired food...etc. The territorial authorities issued decisions to temporarily or permanently close 74 restaurants and hotel establishments, and 248 administrative decisions divided between warning and warning and the final or temporary withdrawal of licenses to serve alcoholic beverages.

In line with its communicative approach, and in support of its openness to the media and civil society, the police departments and public security services held in 2020 coordination and consultative meetings with 11,025 civil societies and 104 local trade union bodies, in order to study problems and topics related to the security issue, and the police departments in charge of security media completed 4,202 communication activities, including 1,385 media coverage for the benefit of various national media platforms, channels, foreign press agencies and film production companies, 689 tweets and blog posts on the official accounts of the National Security on Twitter and Facebook, 152 statements of fact, and 1,976 reports, news and a press file on various issues of concern. Citizens and their expectations from the police public facility.

The security media, according to the directorate, played a major role in downloading security measures related to the state of health emergency, as a mechanism for information vigilance was established to combat the dissemination and promotion of false news that affects the sense of security and the foundations of public order, so that 445 press reports related to the state of health emergency were circulated, and the preparation of 797 reports and informative material about the efforts of national security services to protect citizens from the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, and the publication of 92 factual statements and 621 press releases on combating emerging crimes that accompanied this pandemic, especially the dissemination of false news and the illegal trade in sterile materials and medical masks that do not conform to safety specifications. health.

In continuation to the option of diversifying institutional communication mechanisms, the General Directorate of National Security was keen to strengthen its presence on social media platforms and in alternative media, as the followers of the official account of the National Security on Twitter reached 225,191 users during the year 2020, an increase of nearly 574 percent compared to the year 2019. This account also managed to reach an average of 771 tweets during the current year, after it was within 358 tweets during the past year. Also, the official account of the National Security on Facebook continued to gain new users and interactions, reaching 191,903 users during the current year, compared to 20,010 participants only in 2019.

As for the Police magazine, the year 2020 saw the publication of four copies of it in both paper and electronic formats, available on the “IOS” and “Android” platforms, which included topics marked with the current and interacting with the expectations of readers, such as the involvement of security interests in the international mechanisms to combat violence against women and bringing closer Citizens from the media communication system within the General Directorate of National Security, and to present an integrated file on the humanitarian and service dimension in the work of mobile groups to maintain order, in addition to a special file on the developments of transnational organized crime during the health emergency period.

In support of the pillars of the proximity police, the National Security Services organized a series of initiatives with a humanitarian dimension for the benefit of 17 children who expressed in the media and communication networks their connection and pride in the police profession, and their hopes to wear police uniforms in the future, where receptions were allocated in their honor in the security states and district headquarters. Security and police commissions, and giving them integrated police uniforms, as well as souvenirs that are electronic boards used in distance learning processes. The national security services also continued their steadfast contribution to the support of the national blood reserve, by organizing regular blood donation campaigns in which 3,683 male and female police officers participated.

In return for the achievements made under the exceptional circumstances of the current year, the General Directorate of National Security looks forward in 2021 to achieving a new start in the completion of a set of short and medium-term structured projects, which will have a positive impact on public security issues, as it intends to continue circulating halls Command, coordination, and mobile police units to immediately include the security province of Kenitra and the various security areas affiliated with the security state of Casablanca, and to create new anti-gang teams in the security states of Marrakech and Meknes, similar to the successful experience and positive results on which these teams were silent in each of Rabat, Salé, Fez and Tangiers. Casablanca, Agadir, Kenitra and Oujda.

It is expected, according to the Directorate, that the coming year will know the generalization of criminal investigation and technical support teams in a number of decentralized services of the judicial police, with the aim of assigning them in the field of investigations and technical research, as well as the creation of two regional police training schools in Tangiers and Marrakesh, to be added to the list of schools currently in each From Fez, Oujda, Laayoune, Quneitra and Ifrane, whose creation falls within the context of the General Directorate of National Security’s plan to bring police training and training centers closer to female candidates in the various regions of the Kingdom. Preparations are also underway to create a fifth security zone in the security states of Rabat and the security states of Marrakesh, with the aim of increasing the rate of security coverage in these cities, and bringing the police services closer to their new urban neighborhoods and poles.

In the field of supporting the equipment and equipment that are at the disposal of the national security services, it is expected that the coming year will know the receipt of the works of the security complex dedicated to the National Division of the Judicial Police and the National Laboratory of the Scientific Police in the city of Casablanca, and equipping it with the necessary office and technical equipment, marking the start of work with it. Renovation of the car park for teams of police trained dogs, specialized teams of the newly created judicial police, as well as public security services, especially law enforcement units and mixed teams charged with securing the perimeter of educational institutions. The technical interests of the National Security will also be devoted to keeping pace with the use of the new national card by the bodies authorized by law to certify and diagnose individuals, and to support and develop mechanisms to simplify services provided to citizens, especially the procedure for obtaining record cards and residence certificates, as well as the procedure for completing or renewing the national electronic identification card by Moroccans living abroad.

In the field of institutional communication, the national security services are currently working on developing the pedagogical bag that is available to male and female students who benefit from sensitization campaigns in the school environment. its serious repercussions; And that is basically betting on awareness and raising the level of self-immunity among the recipients.

While the General Directorate of National Security reviews this summary of its annual outcome, in its aspects that are related or intersect with the security of the citizen and ensuring the safety of his property, it reiterated its commitment to continue efforts aimed at consolidating public security, strengthening a sense of security, and improving services provided to citizens, foreign residents and tourists, as well as عن النهوض بالأوضاع المهنية والاجتماعية لكافة منتسبي أسرة الأمن الوطني.