Pink divorce .. Why does Egyptian drama decorate women's lives after separation?

  • Time:Apr 22
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The network "Netflix" launched the teaser for its latest work a few days ago, which is the Egyptian series "Search for Ola", which is the second part of the series "I Want to Get Married" starring Tunisian actress Hend Sabry and Egyptian Sawsan Badr, which achieved unexpected success in 2010, and its events revolved around the diaries of the young pharmacist Ola Abdel-Sabour, who is over thirty years old and belongs to the middle class, and is looking for her life partner, and is subjected to pressure from society and the family for her delay in marriage, and then there are paradoxes and daily comic situations with every groom who proposes to her.

But according to the teaser for the second part of the series, Ola, after more than 10 years, faces a new challenge, which is divorce, as she - apparently - after she married and gave birth, separated from her husband, from here the series monitors how her life will turn upside down and change. Her character is due to divorce.

So, it is divorce, which has become a fertile material for Egyptian drama in its various forms, whether comedic or dramatic series supporting women, and it does not take much time because most series do not exceed ten episodes, so the case ends with the phrase “divorced me” to start a rosy journey of achievements, support and success in Integration with society, but rather the achievement of wealth, and the journey of searching for the ideal life partner also begins, the knight who waits for the heroine of work with flowers instead of heaven for her suffering in her previous marriage.

Perhaps the book of these works did not intend to facilitate divorce for women in this way, but dealt with a very dangerous social issue with this superficiality, ignoring the real challenges, marginalizing the most painful problems related to alimony and child custody, subjecting divorced women to harassment and harassment, and taking responsibility for the family after the wife becomes the breadwinner For her children, and the crises that children are exposed to, all of these things may promote a false image of the reality of divorce, and encourage portraying it as the only and easiest solution that married couples resort to.

fundamental change

Netflix revealed that the new series focuses on Ola's life after her husband unexpectedly asked her for a divorce, which caused her a great turmoil that shook her life, so she begins a new search journey, but this time she is not looking for a husband, but is trying to rediscover herself, and adapt to challenges Her new reality, such as raising her two children and financial independence, and setting out to experience and live new feelings and adventures, with an image full of parties, dancing, travel and adventures, ignoring the real suffering that divorced women in Egyptian society experience.

After the publication of the trailer, there were waves of criticism of the new series, which changed the look and lifestyle of Ola Abdel-Sabour, who we knew in the first part as a middle-class fighting girl, but her new appearance has nothing to do with this image, as she changed the way she spoke, and lived in a large house, She has a luxury car, wears expensive clothes and jewelry, and appears with different haircuts.

Divorce Rules

“Searching for Ela” is not the first Egyptian work that dealt with divorce in the form of an event that deserves experience and adventure, as the series “The 45 Rules of Divorce,” which is broadcast on the “Shahid” platform, starring actress Engy presented in a unique role, monitors the lives of 4 women in Their thirties and forties are all divorced for different reasons, but they are united by their divorce and the attendant problems.

الطلاق الوردي.. لماذا تُزين الدراما المصرية حياة النساء بعد الانفصال؟

The events revolve around the life of Farida, who works as a writer, and her last work before the separation was a book entitled "Your Smart Guide to a Happy Marriage", and how she lives a double life between her tragic reality in her home and her pretending to be happy to promote that she is a successful wife during television interviews to announce her book, but she is finally forced Announcing her divorce, her friends take her into the world of singles and together they face new challenges.

The heroine of the series stated that the work presents many models for divorced men and women, and aims to strengthen and empower women and encourage them to make the right decision, especially when separation occurs at the right time, and how to overcome challenges.

But at the same time, the series focuses mainly on the challenge of searching for a new life partner, and the drama moves to the relationships of the four girlfriends and the movement between men, and entering into multiple emotional relationships, and getting out of them easily and easily, as well as marginalizing the main problems faced by divorced women such as alimony and the upbringing of children. Between the parents and the rights of the wife after her separation.

Divorce infection

In the “Except I” series, which presented separate stories inspired by real stories and personalities, the majority of the series focuses on the issue of divorce, and how women resort to it for various and different reasons depending on their life circumstances and their financial and social level, especially the part titled “My Story with Time” starring Mervat Amin and Ahmed Khalil.

“My Story with Time” presents the story of Mervat, a woman who has a son and 3 daughters, and on the day of her youngest daughter’s marriage, she decided to ask for a divorce from her husband because of the harsh treatment she had received from him during more than 30 years she lived with him, but as soon as she asked for a divorce, it became like an infection. Her daughters start thinking about their mother's way instead of facing their marital problems, as if divorce is the magical solution to marital disputes.

pink life

As for the other story from the “Except I” series, which also focused on the issue of divorce, it is the story “Without Guarantee”, starring Hanadi Muhanna as Maryam, who decided to separate from her husband after a long love story between them and pressure her family to marry him, and here the story moves away About reality, as her husband quickly accepts to divorce her and gives her all her rights, and she did not go through any moments of sadness or grief as a result of what she went through, but rather quickly managed to start her life again as if nothing had happened, she plays sports and goes to meet her friends and thinks about her future.

She also starts her own project, which achieved unreasonable acceptance and success after its launch, and she met the rich and handsome knight of her dreams who fell in love with her quickly and wished for nothing but her happiness, and even her divorced quickly admitted his injustice to her and still begging for her approval and running after her and hoping that she would forgive him.

on the sidelines

As for a group of episodes bearing the name “On the Margin” of the series “Except I”, Nermin El-Fiqi presented the story of the submissive, innocent woman who is betrayed by her husband with her best friend, so she asks for a divorce, and the husband responds immediately, to discover that she has no right to anything bad, the back of a small friendship It is not enough to cover the costs of her life for two months, so she is forced to look for work, and after two quick work experiences, she moves to work in a large chain of stores, and after her role in work was a “cashier” saleswoman, she turns to the sales manager only because she is energetic and enthusiastic and moved the place of coffee packages. From the bottom shelf to the top shelf.

On the other hand, the husband returns to her regretfully after meeting her by chance at her new workplace, and makes sure that the woman he divorced a few months ago and did not work before, was able to become a successful businesswoman within a few months.

As for the episodes of "Quarter Carat", it revolves around Reham Abdel Ghafour "Mona" the authentic wife who is dedicated to sacrifice for the sake of her "traitor" husband, but he decides to marry another woman and divorce her, to start her new life in search of work, and of course she succeeds in her work, in which she meets a young man He admires her from the first sight, and after a series of events, the first husband regrets after losing his money to ask forgiveness from his wife Mona, who refuses him and accepts marriage to another person on the condition that she continues her work.

It seems great that artworks provide a dose of optimism and support for women going through the experience of divorce, and it is also good that the drama establishes that divorce is not the end, but the overdose of promoting divorce as an easy step, but immediately after it women are waiting for professional success, community support and true love Things that need more balance to monitor reality with its real problems, so that the drama does not become a deceptive mirror for the audience.