Perverted cams chasing girls on beaches

  • Time:Apr 26
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

With the advent of the summer, the media focuses its attention on the problems and demands of citizens and asks a lot of ink about the free beaches, and the appropriate prices for food and hotels, at a time when many negative phenomena are growing that put us before the inevitability of interest in building the Algerian individual from the moral aspect and elevating him to become a good and useful citizen, before the We provide him with entertainment and recreation spaces.

Among the most prominent problems that have become a source of inconvenience and terror for Algerian families in various public spaces is the phenomenon of women being photographed without their attention, and their images are transmitted via Bluetooth or posted on social networking sites. This deviant behavior has become the hobby of many teenagers and young adults; Especially in the beaches where they find what they want by photographing what they enjoy seeing of the bodies of the fair sex for the purpose of defaming them or for entertainment.

كاميرات المنحرفين تلاحق الفتيات في الشواطئ

This phenomenon has led to the growing fear of many families, and forced them to take the necessary precautions by preventing their women, especially young women, from swimming in beaches where there are many young men. As happened with Mrs. Souad's family, who says that her husband prevented his three daughters from swimming because he saw some teenagers disappearing into the tents and filming the young women who went into the sea.

Revenge comes at the forefront of what drives the perverted teenager to photograph girls, as the easiest and most dangerous thing is to respond to those who refuse to talk to him or insult them, which is what happened with Sarah (19 years old), who was the victim of filming by a young teenager and his friend who were chasing her while she was swimming in a beach Jijel, so she insulted them, which made them go out to the beach and photograph it.”

As for Aya, she prefers not to pay attention to these perverts and enjoy her time swimming freely, and expresses this by saying: “The wise person when he sees a picture of a girl in a wedding hall or on the beach spread on social media or YouTube despises her publisher and does not despise the girl. We came to the sea to swim and enjoy our time, and it is not our fault for those who came specifically to observe women’s bodies.”

While some girls assert that they are subjected to such harassment, despite their concealed clothing. These young people raise the veto of society in their objection to women's makeup and sexy dress to allow themselves to harass her, and infringe on her personal freedom through portraying her and trying to defame her. This is the behavior that those concerned consider an infringement on their personal freedom, including Scheherazade, who says: “The sea is for swimming. Whoever wants to protect his eyes from seeing women’s bodies is better for him to stay at home because we are harassed in all cases. For example, I wear a burkini while swimming, and my sister is not veiled and wears pants.” Short and we both get harassed.”

The phenomenon, in the eyes of specialists in social affairs and psychological studies, is a face of moral decadence that has exacerbated with the spread of technology and smart devices. Professor Mahdi bin Amara (a psychological consultant) describes the behavior of these young people as an expression of repressions, and a revealing of the state of intellectual and moral deterioration that a significant percentage has reached. of the younger generation”