Omekron is more able to escape the immune system ... and scientists seek to detect the reasons

  • Time:Jul 04
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The countries of the world are racing to announce the emergence of the "omekron" conversation of the new Corona virus, in a scene that restores the beginnings of the outbreak of the "Coveyd-19" epidemic, whose spark was launched from China in late 2019.

Despite the availability of several approved vaccines to confront the spread of the epidemic, and the acceleration state that the countries of the world move in order to vaccinate their inhabitants with two doses of the vaccine, the last overseer "Omekron" sparked controversy over the continued effectiveness of the two doses in preventing infection, and the need to add a reinforcement dose, in light of the riseUnprecedented in the number of injuries in the continent of Europe and Britain in particular.

The World Health Organization has warned that increasing cases of omecron's infection will push European health systems towards the brink of the abyss, and that a "other storm" is coming, and governments must prepare well.

Omekron appeared for the first time in South Africa on November 26, and from there he moved to the world at a tremendous speed despite the travel ban imposed by several countries to and from South Africa and neighboring African countries, and until December 19, Omekron reached 89 countries, according to the organization that classified it with an exciting conversation.For anxiety;Because it is spreading faster than the "Delta" dynasty, which scientists have previously classified as "the most dangerous breeds of Corona."

Initial data indicates an increase in the risk of infection again infection with this museum compared to other mosaic, while the virus diagnosis tools are still by testing the PCR reaction (PCR) is able to detect this museum.

In light of its rapid spread, the most important question arises: Will Omekron be inserted from the current immunity that a huge number of world population has gained during the past twenty months, through natural infection or by vaccination with two doses of vaccine?

A Chinese research team led by scientists from the National Food and Drug Control Institutes in China, who tried to answer this question through a new study that revealed that Omekron "exceeds" all other strains in its potential ability to evade the protection gained from the previous infection or vaccination with two vaccine doses.

وأوضحت الدراسة، التي نُشرت في العدد الأخير من دورية (Emerging Microbes & Infection) أن العدد الكبير في Omekron mutations سهّل عملية الهروب من المناعة المكتسبة بفضل العدوى السابقة، لكن الحماية تظل موجودةً جزئيًّا رغم انخفاض مستوياتها.

The results of their studies support the recent data from South Africa, which highlights that Omekron was "easy to evade immunity."

In an interview with "Science", he adds: "We found that a large number of mutations in the omekron variable may have caused major changes in the response of the immune system in people who have already been afflicted with" Kovid-19 ", so the penetration of omecron infection will occur in a certain degree."

He added that these results warn us of the necessity of applying precautionary measures, such as wearing the mask and washing hands tightly, and that it represents a very important step for prevention.

Omekron mutations

Omekron conversation contains the largest number of mutations among all the "SARS-Coff-2" interlocutors, most notably "Alpha", "Beta", "Gama" and "Delta", in particular, there are 32 booms inside the spike protein, which is the viral componentThe main one that determines the ability of the virus to overcome immunity and interact with its anti -itself, according to the study, and these mutations cover almost all the main mutations of the previously discovered strains, which have been shown to change the virus sensitivity to neutralization by the antibodies acquired from the previous infection or vaccination with Corona vaccines.

To test the extent of the immune system's ability to repel the Omekron attacks, the team took 28 chapel samples from the original strain of the "SARS-Coff-2" virus, collected within a month to 3 months of recovery.

They also designed a fake model of Pseudotyped omicron virus containing all its 32 mutations inside Spike Protein, a laboratory developed model for testing on it in order to maintain the safety of researchers from the risk of infection.

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According to the study, previous research has proven that there is no significant difference between the results of the experience based on the fake vaccine model and the experience in which real viruses are used, in addition, the reviews of the "Coffee-19" vaccine demonstrated that the testing tests in the laboratory are good indicators of the vaccine effectiveness in protection.

The team tested these samples against the Omekron model, which they developed in the laboratory, in addition to 4 other actions from Corona, which are "Alpha", "Beta", "Gama" and "Delta", described by the World Health Organization as "worrying", and conversationThey were distinguished as "interesting", which are "Lambada" and "Mo" (MU).

The team found that the alumarron sensitivity to the neutralization by antibodies decreased by 8.4 times compared to the main strain of "SARS-Coff-2", which is the first discovered breed of the virus when it appeared in late 2019, while the decline was only 1.6 times for the "Delta" conversation,And 1.2, 2.8 and 1.6 times against "Alpha", "Beta" and "Gama", respectively, the decrease was 1.7 times against "Lambada", and 4.5 times against "Mo", and thus Omekron outperforms other axes inEvoke the immunity resulting from the previous infection.

The results of the study are consistent with the results of several studies recently published on the decrease in the effectiveness of vaccines over time, according to Sami Qasim, assistant professor of virus at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Kafr El -Sheikh University, and consultant viruses at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

He added to "Science" that there are studies that resulted in results indicating a decrease in larger proportions of the current study, in the effectiveness of two vaccine doses against omecron, including an Australian research that revealed that a decrease ranges between 15 to 20 times, while a second study showed a decrease of 40 times the abilityAntibodies in people who received two vaccine doses, and there is a third study conducted in South Africa indicating a decrease of 41 times against the omecron variable, compared to 3 times against the "Delta" variable, which indicates that omecron evades much strongerly stronger, and thus we needTo a third reinforcement dose of the Corona vaccine.

Ali Al -Labidi - Researcher at the Department of Pathology and Immunology at the School of Medicine at Washington University of Washington - says: The current study and other studies that go on the same path, all of which generally draw a similar image, that the Omekron conversation is very capable of avoiding the neutrality of the antibodies that have been produced.In the people who were injured (but they did not feed) or were bored twice (by any vaccine but they were not infected).

He added to "Science": "It was easy to predict the return of the protection provided by vaccines based on the wide mutations that the Omekron conversation has.

Omekron and the third dose

With the emergence of omecron, the World Health Organization revealed that the currently available vaccines should provide protection so far for people who are infected with this jewelry, and prevent severe cases of "Kovid-19", but they have returned to confirm that the vaccines may be less effective in protecting from "omecron"And that more data is required for a better understanding of the degree to which this resulting immunity is either either from receiving the vaccine or the previous injury.

There is another dimension, as scientists indicate that the protection granted by vaccination with a Corona vaccine or the previous infection decreases over time, and that the reinforced dose can provide protection against the serious symptoms resulting from the new museum by approximately 85%, so the countries of the world have started campaigns to grant the populationA third reinforcement dose.

Wang says that since the protection that the body acquires in the form of an infection or former vaccination is gradually decreasing over a period of 6 months, Omekron may be "able to escape immunity better."

In addition, Wang expects that "while the third dose strategy can significantly enhance immunity, Omekron protection may be at risk."

While "Qasim" confirms that the study supports the need to obtain a stimulating dose to repel the widespread omeirron -wild attacks, a vision enhanced by other research, including a laboratory study conducted by Phazer, which developed a vaccine against Corona in cooperation with Payontec, revealed that the third dose of the vaccinePfizer-Pionitic raises the immune bodies against the omecron variable by 25 times, compared to two vaccine doses.

He pointed out that the information available so far indicates that the vaccinated and the injured still have immunity against "Kovid-19" that can protect them from the serious effects caused by the disease and reduce patients entering the intensive care rooms.

A recent study of 78,000 Corona cases demonstrated that obtaining two doses of the Pfizer vaccine may provide 70% protection of the need for care inside the hospital due to omecron, compared to 93% during the previous "Delta" wave, and also revealed that the Fayzar doses were effective33% against omecron infection, compared to 80% during the "pre -omecron" era.

While "Al -Labidi" indicated that immunity against omecron was improved in individuals who were exposed to the virus 3 times (one injury + vaccination with two vaccine doses) or vaccination with 3 doses of the vaccine, especially with the most powerful vaccines based on the RNA (MRNA) For the virus, such as the "Moderna" vaccine and the "Pfizer-Punite" vaccine.

He added that our immune response is much more than just neutralizing antibodies, so it is likely that people who have been boring are better protected against the severe Corona mosques, including omecron.

On the next steps of the team, Wang indicated that the team will continue its research to reach information about the reason that led to a change in the response of the immune system to the omekron infection, compared to other changes from Corona.