The new Corona virus .. a list of symptoms and when to seek help

  • Time:Aug 05
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Atlanta, USA (CNN)- What are the clear signs that confirm your infection with the new Corona virus (Kovid 19)?

The main menu of acute symptoms at this time is actually very short, and it can appear at any time during the period from two days to 14 days after exposure to the virus, according to the American centers to combat and prevent diseases.

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Is it allergic, flu, or Corona virus?How do you know the difference between these cases?

"We emphasize the fever in addition to noticeable symptoms in the lower respiratory system, such as coughing or difficulty breathing," said infectious disease expert, Dr. William Shavener, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at the University of Vanderbelt University in Nashville..

The ability to determine these symptoms and behavior when necessary..Here is what you need to know:


Experts say fever is a major sign.Know that it is not a fever until your temperature reaches at least 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 ° C) for children and adults.

"There are many misconceptions about fever. يبلغ متوسط ​​درجة الحرارة اليومية 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 ° C), but it rises and decreases slightly during the day by half a degree or degree ".


Chavener said the cough is another major sign, but it is not just any cough.The dry cough you feel in your chest should be.

He added that the cough is annoying, as it comes from the bone of the chest or the chest cage.And you can notice that the bronchi is inflamed or irritated.

breathing difficulties

Narrowing can be a third - and very dangerous look for Covid -19, and it can happen on its own, without coughing.Experts say that if your chest becomes tight or you start feeling as if you cannot breathe enough to get a good breath, this is a sign that you should act.

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In addition to the difficulty of breathing or shortness of breath, the control and prevention centers indicate the emergency warning of Covid -19, which includes "pain or continuous pressure in the chest" or "lips or bluish face" - which indicates a lack of oxygen - and any sudden mental confusionOr inactivity and inability to wake up from sleep.

Symptoms of influenza and cold

These three symptoms - fever, cough and shortness of breath - are not the only signs of the disease that appeared in Covid -19 cases.

It can resemble many other symptoms influenza, including headache, digestive problems, body pain and fatigue, which can be severe.Other symptoms can resemble a cold or allergy, such as runny nose, sore throat and sneezing.

Experts will likely say that you have a cold or influenza.However, one of the potential signs of the possibility of Covid-19 is that your symptoms are not improved, especially shortness of breath, after a week or so, or actually aggravated.

Unusual symptoms

One of the strange symptoms that may indicate the possibility of Covid-19 has been identified in its early stages, by the American Academy of ENT, head and neck surgery.

In a statement on their website, they said that symptoms of anemia, or a lack of smell, and the flaw of taste, should be used to determine the potential Covid-19 infection..

It is long known in medical literature that sudden smell loss may be associated with respiratory infections caused by other types of coronary viruses.

The same applies to conjunctivitis, which is a very infected condition known as the pink eye.Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the delicate, transparent layer of tissues, which cover the white part of the eye and inside the eyelid.

Reports from China and around the world show that about 1% to 3% of people with Covid-19 also suffer from conjunctivitis.

But this new virus, also known as SARS-COV-2, is only one of the many viruses that can cause conjunctivitis, so it was not surprising to scientists that this newly discovered virus would do the same..

However, the pink or red eye can be another sign that you should contact your doctor if you also have other symptoms for Covid-19, such as fever, coughing or shortness of breath.

So what should you do?

At this moment, the current guidance - this may change - is that if you have symptoms similar to cold and influenza symptoms, which are mild to moderate symptoms, so stay at home and try to control them, with comfort, moisture and the use of fever that reduces fever, according to Dr. Patrice Harris said, President of the American Medical Association.

لا تنطبق هذه النصيحة إذا كان عمرك يزيد عن 60 عاما، لأن أجهزة المناعة تضعف مع تقدمنا ​​في العمر، أو إذا كنت حاملاً.

It is unclear whether pregnant women have a greater opportunity to develop a severe disease than the Corona virus, but the centers of disease control said that women suffer from changes in their bodies during pregnancy may increase the risk of some infection.

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Why should you worry about the new Corona virus if your loved ones are over 60 years?

In general, Covid-19 infection is more dangerous if you have underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, chronic lung disease, asthma, heart failure, heart disease, sickle cell anemia and cancer (or they are under chemotherapy) and kidney disease with dialysis and body mass indicator(BMI) above 40 (suffering from obesity) or autoimmune disorder.

In order for things to be clear, you are in a greater danger - even if you are young - if you have basic health problems.

The history of traveling to an area where the new Corona virus is spread (and those parts of the world increase, including the United States every day) is clear that it is another major factor in deciding whether your symptoms are Covid-19 or not.

How are you evaluated?

If you do not have any symptoms, please do not request a test or add a large number of accumulated calls in test centers, clinics, hospitals and the like, experts say.

As for people who suffer from the following important symptoms - fever and anything related to the lower respiratory system, such as coughing and difficulty breathing - they must undergo evaluation.