A fine for Norwegian handball players for playing short games instead of a bikini.

  • Time:May 21
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The Norwegian Handball Federation (NHF) said in a statement that it will pay the amount if its players are fined.

According to the UEFA statement, a court imposed a fine of "150 euros per player, for a total of 1,500 euros."

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In a statement to the press agency, head of the Norwegian Handball Federation Kiir Geir Liu said that any fine would be paid. However, he added, "Sports uniform should be freely chosen within a unified framework."

"The most important thing is to have equipment and supplies with which athletes feel comfortable," said Geir Liu.

Before the tournament, Norway had contacted the European Handball Federation (UEFA) to ask permission for short-pants, but it was told that this was a violation of the rules punishable by fines.

The bodies concerned will discuss a Norwegian proposal to amend the current rules in the coming months.

"The Federation is committed to putting forward this proposal for discussion for the benefit of its members, but it must also be said that a change of rules can take place only at the level of the International Handball Federation (ITF)," the UEFA spokesman said.