A new test that avoids breast cancer patients chemotherapy

  • Time:Aug 27
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Soon it may be possible to save tens of thousands of breast cancer patients without going through the experience of exhausting chemotherapy, after a new test showed how effective some new drugs are..

The new test -which sifted seventy genetic variables that increase the risk of cancer return -has revealed an effectiveness in predicting any patients that can be spared chemotherapy.

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The results showed that about 46% of the newly patient women in its first stages were classified according to the test that they are in a low -risk stage, called "Mammaprint", and they did not need a drug.

It is noteworthy that chemotherapy, despite its effectiveness in treating cancer cells, is harmful to healthy cells and can affect the woman with nausea, loss of hair, headache, some ulcers, chest pain, bleeding, and breathing problems.

Experiences of 6600 women over a period of five years in 112 hospitals across Europe showed that the test can accurately predict those who will not benefit from drugs..

"The experiment has proven, according to the highest level of evidence, that Mambrent provides an accurate and specific evaluation of the risk of repetition of breast cancer, which enables doctors to make reassuring and informed treatment decisions with their patients.

This test, which costs about 2645 dollars, is not generally available, and there are discussions to provide it through the health insurance system.