Nanotechnology provides masks that address the Corona virus and chemical war gases

  • Time:Nov 14
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

Almost two years ago, our conditions changed overnight with the spread of the Corona virus and its transformation into a pandem.The most eye -catching is to provide protection from it, such as masks and preventive clothes.

In a study published in the American Chemical Society on September 30, a research team at the University of Northwestern University in the United States of America has developed a multi -use fabric, who can address biological risks such as the Corona virus,In addition to preventing some toxic chemicals.

Masters resist the virus in a short time

The researchers discovered that the time for the survival of the Corona virus is active on wooden surfaces and clothes is only one day, and on the glass and money 3 days, and on plastic and stainless steel 6 days, and on surgical masks 7 days, so there is an urgent need for masks that have the ability to resist the virus and the judiciaryIt is in a short period of time to stop its spread.

Omar Farha, a professor of chemistry of metal organic matter and the main researcher in the study, says, "The most characteristic of this fabric is not its double effectiveness towards chemical and biological risks in a short time, but its ability to reuse several times after processing and clean it in a simple way,".

تقنية النانو توفر كمامات تتصدى لفيروس كورونا وغازات الحرب الكيميائية

Omar adds, "The research depends on the metal organic structures, which are bilateral or 3D networks that consist of molecules of minerals connecting an organic substance (containing carbon atoms) and has a superior ability to absorb, because it contains holes and spaces in their internal construction such as a sponge".

"But the fundamental difference between them is that we can control the size of the voids and openings in the metal structures, unlike the sponge, which means we control how and the amount of absorption of the materials.".

Physical organic structures

In a previous study, Omar and his team added a nagnary substance to the metal organic structures that can address the nerve gas, which is one of the most toxic gases, and one of the most dangerous chemical war weapons, and leads to paralysis of the nervous system and may lead to death.

With some modifications, Omar and his team managed to add new materials that eliminate the Corona virus within 15 minutes, on bacteria within 7 minutes, and to toxic gases in 3 minutes.

Omar adds, "We designed numinary networks of zirconium metal molecules, and we used organic chlorine derivatives as a mirror between them, and these networks have many holes to absorb gases and fumes as the sponge absorbs water, and this new compound contains rusting materials that inhibit the effect of bacteria, viruses and some toxic gases, and can be combinedEasily with artificial fibers.

Thanks to the organic chlorine derivatives, the researchers found that the fabric manufactured of polyethylene works with great effectiveness towards the Corona virus and both bacteria, the bacteria of gram "coli" (E..COLI) and bacteria are Gram's "golden clusters" (s.Aureus).

In addition to addressing mustard gas, which was used for the first time in the First World War and caused burns to soldiers and ulcers in the skin, it also has long -term side effects such as genetic changes and cancer resulting from its inhalation, and has not been discovered effective treatment for it yet.

النسيج ودمج Physical organic structures به

Omar Farha continued, saying, "This material is subject to developing because combining it with the fibers of the textile requires only the equipment of the basic textile treatment used in the industry, and if it is combined into the fabrics of the masks, it will work in two directions, the first is to protect those who wear the muzzle from viruses in its surroundings,The second is to protect the individuals near any patient with a Corona virus wearing the muzzle..

Omar concluded his speech that "we were able to study and a deep understanding of every atom of the active zirconium minerals within the metal structures, which allows researchers later to create other physical organic networks.".