Modern medical tools may sing about traditional treatment methods

  • Time:Jul 08
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The cardiovascular system currently being used is a medical miracle, as it can send electrical impulses to the human heart, in order to continue the palpitations regularly, although its size does not exceed the size of the tube box.

Statistics indicate that the world is witnessing an annual installation of 1.25 million of these devices, which lead to the use of those suffering from heart rhythm disorder, with a significant improvement in the "quality" of their lives, as this is the average life expectancy of some people, to its usual rates.

Although this device has evolved steadily over the past decades - specifically since the first model of it was installed fully implanted in the human body in 1958 - the main idea behind its work has not changed.The electric poles planted in its frame monitor your heartbeat, and when you find that they are uncommon, the device issues electric pulses that stimulate the heart muscles to contract, until the blood continues to pump to different parts of the body.

This device is guaranteed that your heart continues its pulse with its usual rhythm in all cases, whether you are asleep or even participating in a marathon race.

But there are those who see that the cardiac device can do much more than just pushing the heart tissue to work, when you fail to do this on its own.In the opinion of these people, a device like this can be implanted in the body, monitor the health of the human being, monitor the indicators of the disease, and help to deal with chronic diseases, and even provide new forms of treatment, which we may be able to in the future, simply download them as we carry the existing applicationsOn our smartphones.

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Thus, we may be able to fight diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and Parkinson's (Parkinson's disease), through the use of a new generation of modern devices similar to the cardiac system, which directly benefits from the nerve network extending everywhere in the human body.

These electronic tools can also improve our ability to face any problems we suffer from in the bladder, and enable us to deal with pain, which we may feel better.

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Currently, some companies are developing a new generation of medical tools that are planted in the body, such as the start -up company "Pius" operating in the field of biomedics.

"The innovators of the cardiac system did a great job in terms of facing the problem of irregularity, but they did not deal with problems such as high blood pressure, and other chronic diseases and conditions.".

How can we increase the effectiveness of this device?

Initially we have to realize that the human body contains - naturally - devices that control its rhythm, which is a network of biological wires, which we call "nerves", and they send electrical signals along with chemical messages to all our main members and tissues.

For nearly 20 years, researchers in a scientific field, called "biomedics", are seeking more directly and directly from these signs and messages.

Electronic tools, which were being denied by specialists in this field, are the development of heartbeat.The cloning of nerve signals, as well as interacting with the body, aims to control the activity of neurological circuits infected with a defect, which increases the incidence of the disease.

Among the well -known models of these tools are the devices used in what is known as "deep stimulation of the brain", which bears the name "implanted pulse generator", and helps to control health problems caused by Parkinson's, such as moving hardening or trembling during movement,In this case, an electrical signal is sent to the brain, to treat it.

The "implanted pulse generator" can also be used to treat diseases such as epilepsy, if drug drugs fail to achieve this goal.

But the problem is that the devices created by the "vital electronics" scientists to plant them in the body are not characterized by sufficient "intelligence", in light of that they do not take into account some important changes in our bodies.This is due to the fact that the scientists have long suffered the Americans, in order to accurately understand the patterns of nerve signals, which affect our health, and are known as "biomedical indicators."

We have considered "vital indicators" as the vocabulary that composes the language in which our bodies are "speaking".One of its types is the "biomedical indicators".The more we understand these indicators, the more we can initiate the language of our nervous system, and what tells us about what is going on inside us.

Also, understanding nerve signals makes us "modern" with our bodies "and respond" to them, using the devices cultivated in them, which provide patients with "treatment methods that work independently", by stimulating specific nerves in their bodies.

It is not difficult for one to understand the reason for the attractiveness of such devices, as their performance of their work properly will make them able to automatically monitor what is going on in the body, and enables them to provide - automatically as well - the treatment of one of the diseases, without the patient being aware ofThe same.

"The cardiovascular system treats this problem in the same way that the drug drugs used for this purpose. But the device has greater capabilities, because its use relieves the patient from thinking about the pathological problem, which he suffers from from the original," Armitage says in this regard.

The use of this advanced device can help avoid problems, such as the patients' lack of commitment to the medications prescribed to them, whether with regard to the timing of their intake or their dose.

Studies reveal that the lack of adherence to the prescribed dose resulted in the United States alone, to about 125,000 deaths, and also caused 10 percent of patients' transport to hospitals.

From this standpoint, it is assumed that the new generation of implantable devices in the body is able to monitor the health status of the human being and provide treatment for it whenever this is necessary, by deciphering the messages, which pass through his nervous system and interact with the information it includes.

Installing your nervous system signals, makes the implanted system in your body, to identify the change that occurs on these signs, as a result of practicing some hard exercises, for example, and then increasing the number of your heart strikes to match the level of physical activity that you make in this case.

If your heartbeat needs to be slowly slowing with your age, the device can make it compatible with this physiological change.Besides this and that, such devices can alert doctors that a heart attack is in the process of forming within your body, which gives them the opportunity to intervene in a timely manner.

However, there are problems surrounding this, in light of the fact that nerve data is hugely complicated and chaos.The human heart - for example - does not work in a vacuum, but is affected by other factors and messages that come from different organs in the body, such as how quickly its owner breathes and the nature of the food that it has just etc. and so on.

Therefore, if we want to decipher this information accurately, we will need more nervous data, and that we have better techniques for interpretation and understanding, which will make we can listen to the "correct vocabulary" received from within our bodies, which are the vocabulary necessary to understand the language that the body speaks.Pius has resorted to a form of artificial intelligence known as "machine learning" to help it achieve this goal.

In this context, a team of the company's researchers is working on recording raw nerve data through nervous media developed by the company, and placing these data in parallel with records related to physiological signals, such as heart rate, blood pressure levels, glucose, body temperature and level of physical activity.

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The researchers were able to set a timetable that includes nervous and physiological data, which occurred simultaneously over months, with the aim of providing a large amount of data, allowing artificial intelligence algorithms to monitor patterns that indicate continuous biological indicators.This also aims to enable these algorithms to identify how these vital indicators interact, with changes that occur in the work of this device from the body's organs, or that.

Armitage explains what his company is doing in this regard by saying: "What we do in this regard is to provide medical tools planted in the body, with advanced algorithms and capabilities related to 'machine learning'."

The acquisition of these algorithms leads more information about a patient, to enable them to crystallize "automatic responses that are compatible with his health condition and needs specifically."Also, the "two -way nervous media" developed by Pius, draws a "clinical image" for the patient over time, and determines how his illness develops, allowing doctors to develop a care program that is appropriate to his condition accurately, not that these care plans are in general, and notTake into account the differences between patients.

"We are essentially looking to how we can provide effective treatment methods that are able to deal with chronic diseases, by using algorithms that make us able to benefit from the nervous system and its components, instead of relying only on medical products," says Armitage.

During the next few years, the devices developed by Pius will undergo clinical tests where humans are used.But Armitage is expected to see in a period ranging between two and five years "medical tools that can be implanted in the body, which have been adapted to complete the condition of each patient", and it can be used to treat a variety of diseases and health problems, which include high blood pressure, diabetes, bladder troubles and a feeling of painChronic.

The company hopes that its products will eventually provide a base, which doctors can build on it to develop new treatment methods, turning the chronic pathological condition into a mere algorithm equation, no more.

Armitage explains this, saying: "The technique that we develop in reality is a program, which enables us to read (the state of the nervous system) and write to it (in response to that), which makes the pathological condition that we treat, a algorithm equation only."

But this does not deny that both of these methods will be subject to the necessary medical tests, and for the appropriate organizational procedures as well.

In any case, the main component of this new therapeutic method is the ability to convert the disease into an algorithm that can be dealt with, by sending messages that pass through the human nervous system.

Scientists use "machine learning" techniques to understand how a variety of indicators of vital indicators in the blood - such as hormones or biochemical substances - can indicate that there are specific pathological problems, whether in the heart or in other parts of the body.

The researchers have already benefited from this method, in an attempt to understand the reasons for what statistics indicate, that diabetics are more likely to die due to heart disease - by weakness - compared to their counterparts.Although they know that diabetes harms the heart and undermines its ability to generate energy at the cell level, they are still unable to accurately determine the cause of this.

Therefore, a research team from the University of West Virginia recently conducted a study on vital indicators associated with diabetes, in which they used "machine learning" algorithms, with the aim of searching for the indicators of protein and metabolism found in tissue samples taken from diabetes patients and other people who are not infected.

"In the beginning, we did not find any clear difference between the group that includes diabetics and the other control group. But the use of algorithms' automated 'learning' algorithms gave us the opportunity to extract more details" inthat matter.

The research efforts made by this man may lead to improving the methods of diagnosis and treatment available to diabetics who suffer from cardiovascular problems, as it may make the doctor can recognize by examining a sample of the body's tissues, on the possibility of certain diseases in the heart,By monitoring specific vital indicators in these tissues.

Hence our future ability to determine vital indicators with sufficient accuracy, will make a simple blood sample test enough, to determine whether someone is sick with diabetes and faces the risk of facing heart problems or not.

The next step is to continue to "train" algorithms "machinery", by providing them with more data.But this involves challenges - says Hathaway - as experiments may include thousands of patients, to monitor one vital index.

John Hollande, the supervisor of Hathawi's message and professor in West Virginia, says that identifying a vital indication is not the end, but rather that it is necessary to study this indicator well to understand it in a more comprehensive way."The difficult part is not really about obtaining data, but rather an understanding of what it means in a wider context," Hollande explains.

However, there are those who see that this approach involves greater possibilities.Among them are researchers in the United States, who conduct studies on the possibility of developing treatment tools that can adjust electrical activity in the nerves, to improve the ability of a large number of body systems to work.

These researchers expect that it will be used within two or three years, some of the tools of deep stimulation of the brain, from those that are adapted according to the condition of the patient who is planted inside and aims to treat specific diseases.Among the most promising devices in this regard is a device that is developed to treat neurological diseases such as Parkinson's or Parkinson's disease.

To deal with this disease specifically, Helen Bronte-Stuart, director of the Stanford Center for the Treatment of Movement Disorders in the United States, and its researchers team, are developing a deep brain stimulation system that can be adaptable to the patient's condition, including wearing a Park of Parkinson's sensor on the wrist, to monitorThe symptoms that may be affected during movement, such as trembling and walking, solidified.

This inaugurated bracelet is connected to the wrist through Bluetooth technology with a device implanted in the brain, which enables it to launch weak electrical signals inside the brain, to deal with the symptom, which is monitored shortly shortly.

Monitoring and treating diseases accurately through this method requires that researchers have the ability to benefit very accurately, from neurons separately.It is something that is shrouded in difficulties related to the technologies of the electrical electrodes that are planted and used at the present time, in light of the fact that the mechanisms used in this regard now are used by electrodes to stimulate signals that differ from those that are used to register.

To face this problem, a research team from the University of Australian Melbourne uses a diamond -coated carbon fiber, hoping to develop descriptions of electrodes capable of performing the two jobs together, for each nerve cell.

"With the use of the poles that we develop, there is an opportunity to deal with diseases and pathological conditions that weaken human health, such as Parkinson's disease, dementia, chronic pain and possibly depression," says Melanie Stamb, who is among the team members.

Of course, these poles must be vital, that is, the patient's refusal rate is shrinking to plant it.As Stamp says - it must be subject to all the required clinical tests, which will reveal whether this new type of it is able to perform its duties efficiently and safely as well.

But there may be a way to avoid the need to perform any surgical intervention from the original.

In this regard, Floor Lisabst, a neural physiology at a Dutch university, says that techniques for stimulating the brain using "concentrated ultrasound" are developed, so that there is no need to plant electrical poles in the head.

"This can be a tremendous help for patients, given that the transplantation of electrodes always involves a degree of risk. But it means at the same time, that it will become easier to control brain activity, with all the consequent ethical implications."

On the other hand, there will be limits for the number of diseases that can be treated through interventions such as these, given that the brain - as the dermatist says - is not in a closed silo, but rather it is a "very intertwined system".

The problem facing scientists here is the ability to develop a way that can stimulate specific neurons in different places, without this affecting the cells adjacent to them, which is not available at the present time.

But despite the presence of many technical and regulatory obstacles, which are still based on the use of that new generation that is being developed from implantable medical tools in the body and is able to send signals to the nervous system, a recent report by the Royal Assembly in the United Kingdom, has been evacuatedUntil these devices - upon completion of their development - will achieve wide benefits.

The report said that "these tools during the coming decades reach the stage of maturity and that their scope will expand significantly, which makes it possible to excel in their effectiveness over pharmaceutical products in some areas."

Hence this may make this possible visit a doctor from the past, and end up to load an algorithm, instead of taking the medicine, if we want to feel that we are in a better health condition.

You can read the original topic on BBC Future