"Metaavirus" ... overlapping the worlds of reality and imagination

  • Time:Oct 09
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

"Metaphors"...Overlapping of the worlds of reality and imagination

الجميع يسعى لامتلاكه... من «فيسبوك» إلى «مايكروسوفت» الثلاثاء - 18 شهر ربيع الثاني 1443 هـ - 23 نوفمبر 2021 مـ رقم العدد [15701]واشنطن: مايك سنايدر وبريت مولينا

The "metaphors" finally topped the most recent topics around the world, especially after the announcement of both Facebook and Microsoft about their participation in its next gift..But what is metaphors?And when it becomes a reality? The novelist Neil Stephenson invented the term "Metaverse" in 1992 in his novel "Snow Crash" in which he imagined virtual virtual personalities that meet in 3D buildings and other virtual reality environments.Since then, many developments have emerged that put prominent signals on the real metaphors road, which is an electronic virtual world in which virtual and enhanced reality interferes with three -dimensional Holgographic virtual personalities, videos and other means of communication.With its continuous expansion, the metaphysis will provide people with an excessive realistic world to coexist in it.Invented worlds, the features of metaphors spread today in the worlds of electronic games such as "Fortnite", "Mainkraft" and "Roblix", and manufacturers aspire to these games to the emergence of metaphors.> ما هو الميتافيرس؟ إنه مزيج من عناصر تقنية متعددة كالواقع الافتراضي والواقع المعزز والفيديوهات التي «يعيش» عبرها المستخدمون في عالم رقمي.Metaphors support its users as if they were working, playing, keeping friends and participating in everything...From concerts and conferences to virtual trips around the world.Matthew Paul, the administrative partner of the company, "Eiblion Indesrez", in an article published in February 2021 on his website that we are "today on the threshold of the next Internet".> ما هو الموعد المتوقع للقاء الميتافيرس؟ يقدر مارك زوكربيرغ، الرئيس التنفيذي لمنصة ميتا (فيسبوك سابقاً)، أن الأمر قد يتطلب بين 5 و10 سنوات قبل أن تصبح معالم الميتافيرس مألوفة بين الناس.But the manifestations of metaphors are currently present, most notably the highway speed speeds and head -backed header accessories and electronic elements that work all the time, even if they are not available to everyone.نماذج المستقبلما هي أبرز الأمثلة على الميتافيرس؟ تجدون فيما يلي بعض النماذج القائمة اليوم والتي يمكن أن تكون ميتافيرس الغد:> «ميتا» Meta: قام عملاق التقنية الذي عرف سابقاً باسم «فيسبوك» باستثمارات كبيرة في الواقع الافتراضي ومنها استحواذه على نظارة «أوكيولوس» عام 2014.Imagine a virtual world in which virtual personalities relate to work, travel or entertainment using head -backed header accessories..Mark Zuckerberg shows a great optimism about the metaphors for his belief that he is able to solve the internet that we know.At a conference on his announcement of changing the name of his company last month, Zuckerberg said: “The ocean and the next platform will provide more indulge and embodiment where users can be present at the heart of the experience, not just watching it, and this is what we call metaphors.”.> مايكروسوفت: يستخدم عملاق البرمجة الصور المجسمة منذ زمن وهو حالياً في خضم تطوير تطبيقات واقع مختلط وممتد بالإضافة إلى منصته الخاصة «ميش» Microsoft Mesh التي تجمع العالم الحقيقي مع الواقعين المعزز والافتراضي.Microsoft has reviewed in early this month its plans to introduce a mixed reality that includes holy images (Holgram) and virtual figures to its application "Microsoft Times" next year, which will also witness the launch of three -dimensional virtual exploratory spaces connected to each other in the fields of retail and work trade.In addition, the company today is cooperating with the American army to develop the head -backed Holoulins 2 headquarters..Also, the company owns the Xbox Live platform, which connects millions of video games fans around the world to each other.تقنيات الألعاب> {إيبيك غيمز Epic Games} يقول تيم سويني، الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة المطورة لـ«فورتنايت»: «ليس سراً أن «إيبيك» استثمرت في بناء الميتافيرس، «فقد عمدت الشركة إلى تنظيم حفلات موسيقية يحييها أشباه آريانا غراندي وترافيس سكوت، بالإضافة إلى إعلانات ترويجية للأفلام وإطلاقات موسيقية وحتى تجسيد انغماسي لخطاب «لدي حلم» لمارتن لوثر كينغ جونيور من عام 1963.The company is currently working on developing digital human beings with realistic images by its "Meta Human Kyitor" program, which may be a way that allows you to allocate your digital similarities in the world of open games.> {روبلوكس oblox»: تضم هذه المنصة التي تأسست عام 2004 الألعاب المدفوعة بوجود المستخدم كعروضات تجسيد الأدوار كـ«بلوكس بورغ» و«بروك هيفن» حيث يستطيع المستخدمون بناء المنازل والعمل واللعب.The market value of "Rublix" exceeded the threshold of $ 45 million, after it became available to everyone this year.After its launch in the stock market in March, its founder and CEO David Baszuki published a tweet in which he thanked everything that helped "bring the platform an additional step in achieving its vision of metaphors.".Since then, the company has entered into cooperation with the company «Vans» to innovate the “Vans” world - which is a virtual park for tablet skiing in which the players can wear new Vanz equipment..The Gucci Park Ltd. has also opened where users can experience and buy clothes and accessories for their virtual character.> {ماينكرافت Minecraft}: تقدم هذه اللعبة نسخة رقمية من لعبة «ليغو» وعالم افتراضي آخر يعشقه الأطفال لأنه يتيح لهم ابتكار شخصيتهم الرقمية الخاصة وبناء الشكل الذي يتمنونه.The number of users of "Mainkraft" has increased since August by 140 million active users per month.The platform has gained great popularity during the children who have increased dependence on virtual communications.> شركات أخرى.And companies also began to launch their own electronic worlds, including the world of fantasy "Sakand Life", which was established in 2003 and this year entered its second contract as an alternative reality..In turn, the electronic platform "Noir" has permanent and temporary virtual spaces - for public or private use - to hold concerts, festivals, meetings and conferences."Winfamil Factory", the production company that started to develop a year ago in New York, has designed projects for singers Lady Gaga and "Nine Inc Niles".Last but not least, the "The Sensorium Galaxy" platform opened at the beginning of this year, one of two galax.This galaxy, which the developers have given the name "Brazra", focuses on music - that is, music coordinators and virtual bands in environments inspired by the future.* USE Exoday services, "Tribune Media" services


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