Main Menu, can you believe what you will read or say what is reasonable

  • Time:Jan 25
  • Written : smartwearsonline
  • Category:Smart clothes

The World Health Organization has stated that it has not yet been clear whether the new museum of the Corona virus "Omekron" is the most severe infection compared to the "SARC Cove-2" museum or if it causes more serious disease.The organization added: “Initial data indicates that there are increasing rates of hospital entry, but this may be due to the increase in the total numbers of the injured and not the result of their specifically injury to the niche of omecron..However, she confirmed in a statement that the initial evidence indicates that there is a greater possibility of developing the mutior, despite the absence of symptoms related to the microscopic omekron that differs from the symptoms of other mutamations..It is also afraid that the worst variable of the Kofid-19 is determined so far and has a large number of mutations and anxiety is that when you have a lot of mutations it can have an effect on how the virus behaves.The new strain bears twice the number of mutations in the "Delta" dynasty, among them is linked to avoiding the immune response resulting from both the previous infection and vaccination, as well as mutations related to an increase in infection..The scientists stated that this strain contains a "very unusual group" of mutations, which raises anxiety because it can lead to avoiding the body's immune response and making it more possible..Omekron is very widespread and causes terrifying leaps with the number of injuries, do not underestimate it because its symptoms are mild. It remains a danger to those who did not take the vaccine..The injuries will rise quickly, so it must: 1- Take the vaccine: The reinforced dose is very important for those who suffer from chronic diseases and those above the 60 and those who work in health and whoever desires.2- Wearing two hands on top of each other when there is a crowd, omelarron is very widespread. ٣- متابعة تركيز فيتامين D3 في الجسم ممن يعاني النقص واخذ نصيحة الطبيب او الصيدلاني.4- Follow the well-known health rules and caution is obligatory and it is expected that the wave is high and the majority is exposed to injury, whether taking the vaccine or infected previously.The percentage of injuries is increasing, and everyone must adhere to the methods of prevention to protect itself. Yes, there is a clear increase, but we are still the first way and the control is still possible if the conditions are adhered to.. ف اوميكرون ليس مزحة .

The world celebrates, the World toilet Day, after the United Nations Organization announced today 19 November, a global day for toilets, at a time when some citizens have become a private toilet, with it is one of the exaggerated luxury even though it is considered one of the simplest human rights.

The data of the United Nations Organization indicated that there are more than 2.5 billion people around the world have no sanitation facilities, and that 1.1 billion others are forced to resort to the open, and the open places to spend their needs, while the same data confirmed that providing toilets for these groups will contribute to saving the lives of more than 200 thousand children annually..

تتنوع مخاطر المخدرات على الصحة الجسدية لتشمل معظم أعضاء وأجهزة الجسم، وإليك في نقاط سريعة أبرز أضرار المخدرات على الصحة الجسدية:

Destruction of the central nervous system, as the drug causes it to be inhibited or stimulated it exaggerated.

Increased chances of sudden strokes, which often causes death.

Dopamine secretion, which controls the individual's feeling of happiness, and thus a defect in perception and feeling.

Heart palpitations or slow strikes, causing a sudden heart attack.

Harming the arteries of the heart, which causes its hardening, and the addict may develop weakness in the heart muscle.

Liver cells are damaged, which causes a defect in its natural functions and weakens its ability to get rid of toxins.

الإصابة بأمراض خطيرة مثل الفشل الكلوي أو الإيدز أو فيروس “سي“.

Pneumonia or lung cancer, or suffering from respiratory problems and severe chest pain.

Digestion disorder, suffering from vomiting and frequent nausea.

Hair loss, with yellowing of the face color, the appearance of dark circles around the eyes, along with the breaking of teeth, and the appearance of signs of premature aging.

The risks of drugs on mental health

إذا كنت تتعاطى المخدرات بهدف تحسين حالتك النفسية والشعور بالبهجة والنشوة يجب أن تعلم أن هذا التأثير ليس إلى شعور مؤقت ينتهي بعد ساعات قليلة من تعاطي المخدر، ولكن ما يستمر بعد ذلك من هلوسات وحزن واكتئاب شديد يجعلك تفكر ألف مرة قبل أن تتعاطى المخدر، وإليك أبرز أضرار المخدرات النفسية:

Feeling anxiety, stress and depression all the time, which loses you the ability to make any personal decision or related to work.

Suffering from severe depression caused by reliance on drug, isolation and introverted from others.

Hearing and visual hallucinations that make a person look like someone who has completely lost his mind.

Loss of the ability to focus, with slow absorption, poor memory, whether in the short or long term.

The tendency to act aggressively towards others, along with violence and sharp mood swings.

Infection with some serious diseases such as schizophrenia, which takes a long time in treatment, up to years, not months.

Drug risks to the family

لا تقتصر مخاطر المخدرات على الشخص المدمن فقط، بل تمتد لتشمل جميع من حوله من أفراد عائلته، لأنه حينها يفقد القدرة على التعامل مع الآخرين بصورة صحيحة، وتظهر آثار المخدرات السلبية في تعامله مع من حوله، وإليك أبرز أضرار المخدرات على الأسرة:

The deterioration of the marital relationship due to the quarrels and disputes that arise between the spouses, which may reach divorce.

Loss of work as a result of the inability to focus or make important decisions related to the function of the addicted person.

Children have some mental disorders such as anxiety or depression as a result of the father or the bad and violent addictive mother.

He pushed family members to use the drug, either with or unintentionally, especially since the children tend to imitate parents in many behaviors.

The deterioration of the educational level of family members, while attaching them to a societal stigma that lasts for a long period of time.

Drug risks to society

هل تساءلت ما هي أضرار المخدرات الاجتماعية؟، الحقيقة ليس المدمن فقط من يدفع الثمن بل المجتمع بأكمله، لأن تصرفاته وسلوكياته تؤثر على الجميع، خاصة العنف أو نقص الانتباه المتسببين في كثير من الحوادث والجرائم، وإليك أهم أضرار المخدرات على المجتمع:

Increased crime rate, whether killing, theft, or violence, with a high number of addicts.

The high rate of road accidents resulting from driving cars under the strong impact of the drug, which causes loss of concentration and attention.

Lack of production rates for the decline in the efficiency of employees who work under the influence of the drug, and they cannot achieve distinguished or even medium results.

Allocating huge funds to create hospitals and clinics to treat addiction instead of directing them to serve other sectors such as education.

عندما تسمع علماء يقولون “ سنستوطن المريخ في عام 2117 “ ستعتقد أنهم بعض جهابذة فضاء أمريكا أو روسيا وربما الصين، لكن لن يخطر على بالك أن تكون هذه خطة فضاء إماراتية بمئات مليارات الدولارات لاستعمار الفضاء، إليك تفاصيل وحقائق مدهشة!!

ناصع، كبياض الثلج“، هذه هي الجملة التي يستخدمها الجميع عند وصف شيء شديد البياض، فلا يوجد ما هو أكثر بياضاً من الثلج، ولا يوجد مكانٌ في العالم يغطيه الثلج كصحراء “سيبيريا“ الروسية، التي تعرف بأنها من أكثر – وربما أكثر – مناطق العالم برودة وتكسوها الثلوج بأكملها.But it seems that this matter and this whiteness became from the past, after the region invaded a strange phenomenon that turned all the scales.

What was expressed in the past as "black snow", a metaphor for the impossibility of the matter, has now become a real reality in the city of "Kemrovo" in the Russian "Siberia" region, where it spread like wildfire, news of "black snow" on the city, which transformed its whitenessIt is known to a dark darkness, so everything in it became black, from homes to cars and streets, all the way to people who are rich in their roads.

This strange phenomenon, which has not previously happened, has sparked widespread panic in the country, and anxiety and tension became permanent companions of the city's residents during the past periods, but the scholars of researchers, who strike legends the wall, decided to know the true and scientific reason for this phenomenonWonderful, and why the snow falls black on this Russian city.

This is what the researchers discovered

بعد وقت قليل من البحث في هذا الأمر، اكتشف أصحاب الإختصاص، بأن السببوراء هطول الثلج الأسود هو وجود عدد من محطات الفحم في منطقة “كيميروفو“ الصناعية، التي تسببت بحالة كبيرة من pollution، أدى للتغير الغريب في لون الثلوج الهاطلة على المدينة وعدد من المدن المجاورة مثل: “بروكوبيفسك“ و“لينينسك كوزنيتسكي“ و“كيسليوفسك“.

Environmental supporters..They enter a new war

Many associations against the preservation of the environment, and the activists specialized in this field, ignited a war of condemnation and rejection against those responsible.Until some of these activists indicated that he no longer stumbles on any white snow during the cold winter, and that the Russian cities adjacent to mining factories are covered by all of the black snow.

Several international media, including the Arabic -language "Euronews", confirmed that the environmental defenders complain about the high percentage of coal in the air all the time because of these mining factories, which was a major cause of this phenomenon and black snowfall occurred.

pollution..Open charcoal dug

According to the same site, the aforementioned Russian region is witnessing a lot of coal digging in the "Koznitsky" basin, which is the center of the coal industry in Russia as a whole. وكان الناشطون قد حذروا كثيراً في أوقات سابقة، من مدى التأثير السلبي لهذه الحفر وهذه الصناعة على حياة السكان، وذلك بسبب pollution الشديد الناتج عنها، وأكدوا أنّ pollution أحد أسباب الارتفاع الشديد في معدلات الإصابة بالسرطان والتهاب السحايا والسل والشلل الدماغي للأطفال في تلك المناطق.

The trick of the officials that failed..

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It is worth noting that although "Baden André", the deputy governor of the "Koznitsky" region, had previously indicated that black snow in the region could result from coal burning factories, vehicles and other things.However, the officials there tried to make a trick that would hide this catastrophe, by covering the black ice through white in white, but their deception was easily discovered, and caused great dissatisfaction with the residents.This forced the city's ruler to make an official apology for what happened.

Sometimes, all you have to do to die is to think only that you are sick, as scientific journalist David Robson says.It may "develop" such fears or suspicions inadvertently, but it often has severe consequences.

Watch out for those who send fear in soul.We have long realized that a disease is chosen or expected to develop it, it can be the same as you have a real germ..

Just as the spells can harm its victims by the strength of suggestion, if a person is believed to be believed to have a disease often leads to the symptoms of that disease actually appear on him..Only thinking can lead to symptoms such as vomiting, dizziness, headache, and even death.This is called the mental effect of health.

It is now clear how easy these dangerous suspicions are by spreading rumors and gossip, and this has become strong effects.Perhaps this is the reason why some houses have a "curse of illness", and that people who live close to wind turbines, for example, talk about having mysterious attacks from the headquarters, insomnia, vomiting.

If you suffer in the past symptoms of influenza after a vaccination against a disease, or you think that your mobile phone causes you a headache, or you suffer from an allergy that cannot be interpreted towards food you had, then this may also be due to your victim of that harmful psychological effect.

After the Congo independence from France..France sent an ambassador to her in Kinshasa - the capital of the Congo..A year after his appointment and on one of the official holidays, the French ambassador went out for a picn..They thought they gathered to receive it.. لكن الحقيقة أن هذا التجمع كان لقبيلة من آكلي لحوم البشر … !!

So he was arrested.. وتم ذبحه وطبخه ثم تجمع عليه عدد من رجال القبيلة وأكلوه ..!

France strongly protested this horrific event, "eating its ambassador", sent a strongly worded protest and demanded the Congo to compensation estimated at hundreds of millions of the victim's family, so the Congo President met with his government and consulted with them about the state's ability to pay the compensation amount..?

However, the response of the Minister of Finance was: The state treasury does not have this amount

إنتهى الإجتماع ووجهت دولة الكونغو رسالة لفرنسا هذا نصها :

تأسف الحكومة الكونغولية على حادثة أكل سعادة سفيركم ، و لأن دولتنا لا تملك الثروات ، و تعجز عن دفع المبلغ الذي طلبتموه ، فنقترح عليكم أكل سفيرنا لديكم“ .. وتقبلوا منا فائق الإحترام وشكرا .

هل تعلم أن #الاستحمام في أوروبا كان يعد كفراً، والأوروبيون كانوا كريهي الرائحة بشكل لا يطاق من شدة القذارة!

Russia's Caesarean envoy, King of France, Louis XIV, described that his smell is dirtiest than the smell of the wild animal. ".

The Russians themselves described them as the traveler Ahmed bin Fadlan that they are "the dirtiest creation of God, they do not beg from urine or feces"..The Russian Caesar Peter urinated on the wall of the palace in the presence of people.

Queen Isabella, the first to kill Muslims in Andalusia, did not bathe in her life twice, and destroyed the Andalusian baths.

King Philip II, the Spanish prevented shower in his country and his daughter Isabel II, swore not to change her underwear until the completion of the siege of a city, which lasted three years;It died because of this ... this is about the kings, not to mention the public.

These French perfumes that Paris became famous were invented until they were covered on the stinking smell, and because of this filth, diseases were spread in them, the plague came and half of them or a third of each period harvested..Where the largest European cities such as “Paris“ and “London“, for example, had a population of 30 or 40 thousand with the utmost estimates, while the Islamic cities exceeded the barrier of one million.

The Red Indians were putting roses in their noses when they met the European invaders because of their inland's unbearable smell.

يقول المؤرخ الفرنسي دريبار : “نحن الأوروبيون مدينون للعرب (يقصد المسلمين) بالحصول على أسباب الرفاه في حياتنا العامة فالمسلمون علمونا كيف نحافظ على نظافة أجسادنا، إنهم كانوا عكس الأوروبيين الذين لا يغيرون ثيابهم إلا بعد أن تتسخ وتفوح منها روائح كريهة فقد بدأنا نقلدهم في خلع ثيابنا وغسلها، كان المسلمون يلبسون الملابس النظيفة الزاهية حتى أن بعضهم كان يزينها بالأحجار الكريمة كالزمرد والياقوت والمرجان، وعرف عن قرطبة أنها كانت تزخر بحماماتها الثلاثمائة في حين كانت كنائس أوروبا تنظر الى الاستحمام كأداة كفر وخطيئة“.

A report published by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation revealed on its website that the breathing devices sent by Denmark as part of aid to face the Corona virus cannot be used to support the Corona patients in breathing, as they are used only for people who are not damaged in the lungs.

The Danish Ministry of Defense has announced that 15-20 breathing devices have been sent to Italy, where the regions of the Northern Italian in particular suffer from the large number of people with the virus to the extent that the medical teams are very difficult to protect themselves.Denmartic aid has also smelled equipment for a field hospital and a financial gift for the Italian Red Cross of 7.5 million kronor.

In a statement to the site, consultant Arash Afshari from the surgical department of the National Hospital in Copenhagen said that this type of device is used to supply oxygen to a patient who does not suffer from damage to the lungs, and no patient suffers from such damage caused by the Corona virus.This view was also supported by doctors in the intensive care department in the same hospital.

ومن جانبه أعرب السيد يان يورغنسون، المتحدث شؤون الاتحاد الأوروبي في حزب الفينستره هذه الخبر، عن إستغرابه من حدوث هذا الأمر وأضاف:“ مجرد إرسال معدات طبية لا يمكن إستخدامها هو أمر مخجل ولا أستطيع أن أفهمه“.

And Yosnnon indicated that he believed that it was a joke when it was revealed, as his imagination could not consider how it could.

Value for the Danish role

In turn, the actress of the Radical Party, Vester Sofia Carsten, expressed that she hopes that Denmark will provide more assistance to Italy at this critical stage..

As for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it responded to the report by saying that it is in contact with the Italian authorities and that there is a positive dialogue in this regard and that the competent authorities in Italy appreciate the role of Denmark in this crisis.

The head of the regime, "Bashar al -Assad", attended an expanded periodic meeting held by the Ministry of Awqaf in the government of the regime at the Othman Mosque in the city of Damascus, with sheikhs and clerics working within the owners of the Ministry of Awqaf in the Assad government.

وقال رأس النظام في كلمة له خلال الاجتماع، إن “ما يحدد قدرة المجتمعات على مواجهة العواصف الهدامة هي عوامل الاستقرار وتحصينه من الاختراقات الفكرية

وأوضح الطريقة التي يقيس من خلالها تمسك المجتمع بالدين قائلاً: “قياس تمسك المجتمع بالدين يكون من خلال قياس أخلاق المجتمع وسلوك أبنائه“.

As for the mother issues.The intention and the living that the Syrian people suffer from, and the regime's head is seen, as it disappears with the disappearance of the reasons that were the cause of its existence.He gave priority to.Ili ideological and intellectual issues that he described as chronic.

On his point of view in the way in which religion triumphs, he said: “Religion triumphs in application and not adult.ـضب من خلال الوصول الى مقاصد الدين للوصول إلى مجتمع سليم وعندها ينتصر الدين“.

He described the prophets by saying, "The prophets are greater than that.They are greater than to weaken and do not accept that the Messenger is insulting or touching, and the Messenger is a sacred symbol in order to imitate it and not only to love it. “In reference to the cartoon drawings in France.

وتحدث رأس النظام عن الأشياء التي يمكن أن تسبب الألم للنبي “لو عاد الزمن، ما هي الأشياء التي ربما تؤلم النبي؟ هل يؤلمه أكثر كلام بعض السفهاء أم ارتكاب الكبائر؟

وأضاف أن “التصدي يبدأ بمعرفة العدو الحقيقي وأين يتواجد والحقيقة أي عدو لايأتي من الخارج وعبر التاريخ لم يحصل أن عقيدة انهارت بهجوم خارجي بالعكس تماما“.

وحدد رأس النظام المصادر التي يأتي منها الخطر بقوله: “ الخطر يأتي دائما من الداخل ومن أتباع الدين ومن أتباع العقيدة ويبدأ بالتخلف والتطرف والتعصب وعدم قدرة أبنائها على التفكير السليم

He continued, "The most important point is to determine the identity of the real enemy here. The problem lies..It is a trend of modern liberalism, which is different from liberalism, and modern liberalism has begun to develop 5 decades ago.Part and graduate and the basis of its methodology is the marketing of the brotherhood.ـلاقي بشكل كامل وفصل لانسان عن أي قيم أو مبادئ أو عقائد مثل تسويق المثلية الجنسية والمخدرات“.

The head of the system continued his understanding of liberalism, adding: “Modern liberalism separates a person from his humanity, values, and pillars, and then a person leads money and instinct, as he facilitates his leadership in the required direction

And its methodology converts the collective reference into the individual's reference.There is a confusion between modern and secular liberalism, the attack that takes place and the anomalous proposals are modern liberalism, not secular, and we must distinguish between them.“

The head of the system returns to clarify its vision of religion and religion.ـصب ويقول: “التدين هو الذي يواجه التعصب، وهذه النقطة المضيئة في سوريا أن المؤمن الحقيقي هو من واجه التعصب والتطرف“.

ولم ينس رأس النظام اللغة العربية، التي اعتبرها الحامل الفكري والثقافي للمجتمع، قائلاً: “اللغة العربية حامل الفكر والثقافة وعندما تضعف وكلنا نرى ذلك بشكل مخيف، فيجب أن نعرف أن هناك غربة بين الانسان وثقافته ونفس الشيء بالنسبة للقرآن الكريم“.

In his explanation of the concept of religion and the state, the head of the system said, “I was asked how religion can be separated from the state.I said it is possible in one case, when we separate religion from society because the state is rooted where society is rooted

And when society is separated from the roots, the state and our societies are separated.. وجزء من هذا الطرح خبيث من الخارج وجزء عن سذاجة ولابد من محاورتهم والشرح والجواب واضح“.

كما شرح رأس النظام للحضور مفهوم العلمانية فقال: “هناك خلط أن جوهر العلمانية فصل الدين عن الدولة وهذا خاطئ فالعلمانية هي حرية الأديان واحترام الأديان وهذا من صلب ديننا“.

The head of the regime revealed a dangerous topic, according to him, "There is a dangerous topic related to modern lust and affects the crucifixion of society, which is 3 topics: The first questions the Arabism of Syria and the Levant, and the second question the Arabism of the Qur’an, and the third doubts the Arabism of the Messenger. والهدف ضرب العروبة والإسلام“.

In his speech, the regime did not mention the economic, political, social and security problems, which caused the migration of half of the population of Syria, while the remaining part remained my love.C.Jun, or z.The life of the.The forced labor, as well.How much.The one who stipulates the debt.N, regarding Ma'a.You move or z.The significance of the.Dibs, not to mention hundreds of thousands of z.Civilization.